JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

Welcome to JDE Tables

The home of table descriptions for Oracle's Enterprise Resource Planning system, JD Edwards

If there's one thing we thought was missing online - it's reference material for Oracle's superb Enterprise Resource Planning system, JD Edwards - namely table definitions/descriptions! Knowing table structure is critical if you're developing applications or writing reports, and is also useful for general users too in gaining a deeper understanding of the systems they use. In the interests of helping others, we've set about collecting this information and grouping it altogether to provide an easy, simple and free resource to assist you, the community of JD Edwards users, support technicians, consultants and developers, with a better understanding of Oracle's flagship product.

920: Top 5 requests

1F4211SD26819Sales Order Detail FileTransaction Files42: Sales Management
2F0101AB9515Address Book MasterMaster Files01: Address Book
3F4101IM2098Item MasterMaster Files41: Inventory ManagementBusiness Data
4F0911GL14124Account LedgerTransaction Files09: General AccountingBusiness Data
5F4311PD22812Purchase Order Detail FileTransaction Files43: Procurement

910: Top 5 requests

1F0011WIC51F0011W - WF - Batch To DetailFiles09: General Accounting
2F76AUI46WF181CERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76AFiles76: Latin American Localization
3F4211SD26817Sales Order Detail FileTransaction Files42: Sales Management
4F4101IM2098Item MasterMaster Files41: Inventory ManagementBusiness Data
5F0101AB9515Address Book MasterMaster Files01: Address Book

812: Top 5 requests

1F0911GL13425Account LedgerTransaction Files09: General AccountingAS400 Coexistence Tables
2F4311PD21810Purchase Order Detail FileTransaction Files43: ProcurementAS400 Coexistence Tables
3F0101AB9514Address Book MasterMaster Files01: Address BookBusiness Data
4F0006MC1205Business Unit MasterMaster Files00: Foundation EnvironmentAS400 Coexistence Tables
5F0411RP14215Accounts Payable LedgerTransaction Files04: Accounts PayableAS400 Coexistence Tables
JDE Tables.com is mobile/tablet enabled

We have a more mobile/tablet friendly version of this service available too - for those times you're away from your computer. Also, have you tried printing Printer Icon a table/column description page yet? We've styled output specifically for print media - simple, clean, no-ads and in mono.

Finally on Facebook!

We're now on FaceBook. Yes, a bit late on the bandwagon but there none-the-less. Send us your suggestions and comments, praise or criticism - we'd love to hear your views.


Migrating from/to SAP? Why not visit our sister site www.saptables.net for all your table description requirements!