JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

1 column | Print definition?920 | 74UARLTF | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
1F74U0401SPC - Constants - UK - 4317SA74UARLTFAppl Retention Ledger Type - ForeignStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 09 / LT (Ledger Types) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1        AAGeneral Ledger N
2        ACConsolidations Ledger N
3        ADAs If Restatement Ledger N
4        AUGeneral Ledger Units N
5        AXCost Markup/Billing Ledger N
6        AZCash Basis N
7        B1Revised Budget 1 N
8        B2Revised Budget 2 N
9        B3Budget Ledger Amount - 3rd N
10        BABudget Amount N
11        BFBudget Forecast N
12        BUBudget Ledger Units N
13        BXBudget Assumptions - Dollars N
14        BZBudget Assumptions-Statistics N
15        CAForeign Currency N
16        CDForeign Currency-Direct Update N
17        CUForeign Currency - Units N
18        D1Tax Ledger N
19        D2State - 150% Decline Bal N
20        D3Earn. & Profit-MACRS N
21        D4Alter. Minimum-200% N
22        D5MACRS Alternative N
23        D7Revaluation Ledger N
24        E2Committed Out of Scope N
25        E3Proceed in Scope N
26        E4Proceed Out of Scope N
27        E5Anticipated in Scope N
28        E6Anticipated Other Estimate N
29        E7Potential Out of Scope N
30        EUChange Management Units N
31        F%Percent of Job Complete N
32        FAField Progress Amounts N
33        FEField Estimate Ledger N
34        FIFinancial Information N
35        FMStored Materials N
36        FUField Progress Units N
37        GAActual Lease Revenues N
38        GPGAAP Adjustments N
39        GUUnit Square Footage Amounts N
40        H%Percent Complete N
41        HAProjected Final Amount N
42        HUProjected Final Units N
43        IAJob Cost Projection Budget Amt N
44        IUJob Cost Projection Budget Qty N
45        JAJob Cost Budget Amount N
46        JUJob Budgeted Units N
47        KANotice to Proceed - Amounts N
48        KUNotice to Proceed - Units N
49        LARequest Budget Changes Amount N
50        LURequest Budget Changes Units N
51        MAMemo Budget Changes Amount N
52        MUMemo Budget Changes Units N
53        NANotice to Proceed - Amounts N
54        NINet Insider Ledger N
55        NTNotice to Proceed - Units N
56        NUNet Insider Units Ledger N
57        PAPO/Contract Amount N
58        PRMonthly Production N
59        PUPO/Contract Units N
60        RARemaining Unit Rate N
61        ROEncumbrance Rollover N
62        SASpeculative Lease Amounts N
63        TABook To Tax Ledger N
64        TB`754` Basis Adjustments N
65        TFBook To Tax Ledger - As If N
66        TX1099 Adjustment N
67        U1U1 through U9 client reserved N
68        UAUA through UZ client reserved N
69        XAAlternate LedgerUSDN
70        XTTransfer Cost Ledger N
71        YADomestic Origin N
72        ZAForeign OriginUSDN
73        ZUCash Basis Units N