JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

44 columns | Print definition?920 | AST | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F4096Sales Flex Accounting2FAASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
2F40721Preference Values Detail2PVASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
3F40UI74Price Adjustment History Work File18AWASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP42: Sales Management
4F4074Price Adjustment Ledger File12ALASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
5F42565Invoice Print File189IWASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP42X: In-Memory Sales Advisor
6F42X041WOrder Upsell Item Group Opportunities WF2BRASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP45: Advanced Pricing
7F4070Price Adjustment Schedule4SNASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
8F4070PPrice Adjustment Schedule Purge5SNASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
9F4071Price Adjustment Type1ATASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
10F4071PPrice Adjustment Type Purge2ATASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
11F4072Price Adjustment Detail1ADASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
12F4072PPrice Adjustment Detail Purge2ADASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
13F4072WPrice Adjustment Detail Work File1ADASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
14F4073Free Goods Master File1FGASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
15F4073PFree Goods Master File Purge2FGASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
16F4077Rebate Thresholds1RTASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
17F4077PRebate Thresholds Purge2RTASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
18F4078Rebate Transaction Summary6RHASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
19F4079Rebate Transaction Detail6SVASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
20F4510Price Workbench Query Header7PWASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
21F4511WPricing Structure View6APASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
22F45715Adjustment Balances1ABASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
23F4572Live Promotions X-Reference by Cost Type13XRASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
24F4573Free Goods Reference File11RFASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
25F4574Key Reference Table20KRASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
26F4575Ship and Debit History9AHASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
27F4575TMPShip and Debit History - Temp Table9AHASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
28F4576Ship and Debit Claims8ACASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
29F4576TMPShip and Debit Claims- Temp Table8ACASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
30F4576Z1Ship and Debit Claims Unedited Transaction Table21Z1ASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
31F4580Price Matrix Definition2MXASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
32F470473EDI Invoice Detail Charges13S7ASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP70: Multi-National Products
33F702018Taxes by Sales Order Line - COMM - 4219TAASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP74: EMEA Localization
34F7420034Price Adjustment (Print Info) - COMM - 427PIASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP75I: India
35F75I006O2C Tax Set up-IND-001TSASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
36F75I017Sales Order Tag File IND 425SOASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
37F75I309Personal Consumption - CENVAT setoff - IND - 4133CSASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
38F75I324Work File for ARE1 ARE3 IND 425Q3ASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
39F75I354Excise ARE3 Tag file for Form Header IND 425QWASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
40F75I385RG23D Register - Issues - IND - 4221EDASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
41F75I4223Sales Tax Summary/Detail25SDASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
42F75I731Service Tax A/R File - IND - 03B5STASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP76H: Chile
43F76H3B35Price Adjustment (Print Info) - CHI - 03B - 76H7PIASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80
TOP89: Conversion Programs
44F4072TEMPrice Adjustment Detail - Temp for Upgrade1ADASTPrice Adjustment NameStringUDC80

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 40 / TY (Adjustment/Preference Name) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1 . N
2  3480ship and debit
3  ACKNOTFYAcknowledgement Notification2
4  ADDPRICEAdditional Price Search UOM
5  ADJCALLAdjustment for Calls
6  ADJCALL2Adj. Calls - method of pricing
7  ADJCLMAdjustment for Claims
8  ADJCONContract Adjustment
9  ADJSVOBAdjustment Serv. Order Billing
10  ADVLOT1adv lots ship ascending2
11  ASNTRACKASN Tracking Workflow2
12  BITEMBike Item Promotion N
13  BPROMOBike Promotion N
14  BREGIONBike Regional Discounts N
15  BRIXBrix Adjustment
16  BSKTREPCBasket level reprice
17  BVOLBike Volume Discounts N
18  CARRIERCarrier2N
19  CATVOLUMCatalog quantity discount
20  COMISIONAccrue sales commissions
21  COMODITYVariable price table, formula
22  COMPLEXComplex Cat Code Discount N
23  CTNLABELCarton Label2
24  CTRMAXContract Maximum
25  CTRMINContract Minimum
26  CUSFRTCustomer Freight2
27  DEALInventory liquidation
28  DELDATEDelivery Date2
29  DETAILSOrder Detail Defaults2
30  DOCSETDocument Set2
31  EDIASNEDI Advanced Ship Notice2
32  ELECCMRCEDI Transaction Discount
33  ELECTROSport drink markup N
34  ELECTRO1Concentrate markup N
35  ENHBSKTEnhanced Basket N
36  EXTENDExtended Terms2
37  FMALLOCFulfillment Entry2
38  FMEMAILFulfillment Email Notification2
39  FMREQDTRequested Date Priority2
40  FOREDATECreate Schedule Forecast Dates2
41  FREEFRTFree Freight
42  FREEGOODGive away related goods
43  FREIGHTFreight charge by weight
44  GENMTREFGeneric Matching Refernce2
45  GPMGross Profit Margin Target2
46  GPMARGINGross Profit Margin
47  GRADEGrade & Potency2
48  HEADEROrder Header Defaults2
49  HOLIDAYLimited time offer
50  INVCOMITInventory Commitment2
51  LABELLabels2
52  LABELSNLabel Serial Numbers2
53  MATMatrix Adjustment
54  MINMinimum Adjustment
55  MISSCONFInventory Missing Confirmation2
56  MOGMaterial Other than Grapes
57  MOTMode of Transport2
58  MSGNOTFYMessage Notification2
59  MTXGRAPEGrape Matrix
60  MULTUOMMultiple UOMs
61  NEWPRODNew Product Promotion
62  NEXTSTATNext Order Status2
63  NVTOLNet Variance Tolerance2
64  OPTEQUIPOptions and Equipment2
65  ORDERDETItem Clearance N
66  ORDRPRCOrder level reprice
67  PREPDAYSOrder Prep Days2
68  PRINTMSGPrint Messages2
69  PROCADJPay on Proceeds Adjustment
70  PRODUCTProduct line promotion N
71  PROMCODEInventory Promise Code2
72  PROMOItem Promotion
73  PROMOTEOEM promotion
74  PROREBProcurement Rebate
75  REBATERebate
76  REGIONALRegional Competition
77  REGSALESRegional Sales Territory N
78  RELATEUPRelated Items Upselling
79  REPASSERepasse Discount (Brazil)PREPASN
80  RNDSTDPKRound to Standard Pack2
81  ROUNDRounding Rule N
82  ROYALTYAccrue Manuf. License Fee
83  SAD3200Ship and Debit Agreement 3200
84  SAD3201Ship and Debit Agreement 3201
85  SALESCOMSales Commission2
86  SAMPLEADSample Adjustment N
87  SCHFENCreate Schedule Fences2
88  SEASONALShift timing of demand
89  SHIPship and debit
90  SLIDESliding Rate Adjustment
91  SPDATESales Price Based on Date2
92  SPECIALSpecial discount on items N
93  SPOSREBSupplier Proof of Sale Rebate
94  TIERREBTiered Rebate
95  VOLINCVolume Incentive Deal
96  VOLUMEQuantity Discount
97  VOLUPSELVolume Based Upsell
98  WSRCLMWarranty/Supplier Rec. Claim