JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

12 columns | Print definition?910 | R021 | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP09: General Accounting
1F0901Account Master34GMR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
2F740911Work File for G/L Report by Category Code Localization4WAR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
TOP10: Financial Reporting
3F10430Multi-Site Consolidation - Account Structure31CFR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
4F10UI001Account Structure Build Workfile32CFR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
5F10UI003Dynamically Created Accounts30ACR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
TOP55: Reserved for Clients
6F74TL004Trial Balance Temp File4TBR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
7F74TL005Account Table Turkish Localization4ATR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
8F74T550General Ledger Work File - Turkish13DKR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
9F74T550CAccount Table - Turkish Localization4ATR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
TOP74: EMEA Localization
10F74UI91WF - Account Detail - EMEA - 7416ADR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
TOP76C: Colombia
11F76CUI01Account Master - Work File - COL - 76C11GMR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100
12F76CUI03Account Cat. Code - Work File - COL - 76C11GMR021Category Code - G/L 021StringUDC100

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 09 / 21 (Reporting Package) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1          .N
210        Capital
310100     Issued capital
410101     Uncalled capital
511        Share premium account
61110      Cash in BanksN
712        Revaluation surplus
812120     From reval-intangible assets
912121     From reval-tangible assets
1012122     From reval-finanancial assets
1112123     From revaluation of stocks
1212124     Decreases in amts written off
1313        Reserves
1413130     Legal reserves
1513131     Reserves n/a for distribution
16131310    In respect of own shares hld
17131311    Other
1813132     Untaxed reserves
1913133     Reserves avail. for distrib.
2014        Accum profits (or losses (-))
2115        Investment grants
2216        Provisions-liabilities/charges
2316160     Pensions & similar obligation
2416161     Taxation
2516162     Major repairs and maintenance
2616163     Other liabilities & charges
2717        Amounts payable after one year
2817170     Subordinated loans
29171700    Convertible
30171701    Nonconvertible
3117171     Unsubordinated debentures
32171710    Convertible
33171711    Nonconvertible
3417172     Leasing/Other similiar oblig.
3517173     Credit institutions
36171730    Payable accounts
37171731    Promissory notes
38171732    Letters of credit
3917174     Other income
4017175     Trade debts
41171750    Suppliers
42171751    Bills of exchange payable
4317176     Adv. rec`d-contracts in rog.
4417178     Guarantees received in cash
4517179     Other amounts payable
4620        Formation expenses
4720200     Formation & capital increase
4820201     Loan - Issue & Reimb premiums
4920202     Other formation expenses
5020204     Reorganization costs
5121        Intangible assets
5221210     Research and Development
5321211     Concessions/patents/lic/other
5421212     Goodwill
5521213     Advance payments
5622        Land and Buildings
5722220     Land
5822221     Buildings
5922222     Land built upon
6022223     Other rights-immov. property
6123        Plant, Machinery and Equipment
6224        Furniture and vehicles
6325        Fixed assets held under leases
6426        Other tangible fixed assets
6527        Assets under constr/Adv. pymts
6628        Financial Assets
6728280     Invest.-affiliatiated enterpr
68282800    Cost
69282801    Uncalled amounts (-)
70282808    Surpluses recorded
71282809    Amounts written off (-)
7228281     Amts Receiv from affil. enter
73282810    Amts receivable-curr account
74282811    Bills receivable
75282812    Fixed income securities
76282817    Doubtful amounts
77282819    Amounts written off (-)
7828282     Invest-enter. linked by parti
79282820    Cost
80282821    Uncalled amounts (-)
81282828    Surpluses recorded
82282829    Amounts written off (-)
8328283     Amts Receiv-enter linked by p
84282830    Amts receivable-curr account
85282831    Bills receivable
86282832    Fixed income securities
87282837    Doubtful amounts
88282839    Amounts written off (-)
8928284     Other shares
90282840    Cost
91282841    Uncalled amounts (-)
92282848    Surpluses recorded
93282849    Amounts written off (-)
9428285     Other amounts receivable
95282850    Amts receivable-curr account
96282851    Bills receivable
97282852    Fixed income securities
98282857    Doubtful amounts
99282859    Amounts written off (-)
10028288     Cash guarantees
101283000    Accum Depreciation BuildingN
102285000    Accum Depreciation ComputersN
103286000    Accum Depreciation PatentN
10429        Amts receivable after one year
10529290     Trade debtors
106292900    Customers
107292901    Bills receivable
108292906    Advance payments
109292907    Doubtful amounts
110292909    Amounts written off (-)
11129291     Other amounts receivable
112292910    Amounts receiv.-current acct
113292911    Bills receivable
114292917    Doubtful amounts
115292919    Amounts written off (-)
11630        Raw materials
11730300     Cost
11830309     Amounts written off (-)
11931        Consumables
12031310     Cost
12131319     Amounts written off (-)
12232        Work-in-process
12332320     Cost
12432329     Amounts written off (-)
12533        Finished goods
12633330     Cost
12733339     Amounts written off (-)
12834        Goods purchased for resale
12934340     Cost
13034349     Amounts written off (-)
13135        Property acquired/constructed
13235350     Cost
13335359     Amounts written off (-)
13436        Adv payments on stock purchase
13536360     Advance payments
13636369     Amounts written off (-)
13737        Contracts-in-progress
13837370     Cost
13937371     Profit recognized
14037379     Amounts written off (-)
14140        Amts Receivable-Trade debtors
14240400     Customers
14340401     Bills receivable
14440404     Income receivable
14540406     Advance payments
14640407     Doubtful amounts
14740409     Amounts written off (-)
14841        Other amounts receivable
14941410     Called up capital - unpaid
15041411     V.A.T. recoverable
15141412     Taxes/Withholding taxes
152414120    Belgian income taxes
153414125    Other Belgain taxes
154414128    Foreign taxes
15541414     Income receivable
15641416     Sundry amounts
15741417     Doubtful amounts
15841419     Amounts written off (-)
15942        Curr portion of A/P > one year
16043        Financial debts-Credit Instit.
16143430     Fixed term loans
16243431     Promissory notes
16343432     Bank acceptances
16443433     Overdrafts
16543439     Other loans
16644        Trade debts
16744440     Suppliers
16844441     Bills of exchange payable
16944444     Invoices to be received
17045        Taxes/Soc Security/Remuneratio
17145450     Estimated taxes
172454500    Belgian income taxes
173454505    Other Belgain taxes
174454508    Foreign taxes
17545451     V.A.T. payable
17645453     Taxes withheld
17745454     Social security contributions
17845455     Remuneration
17945456     Holiday pay
18045459     Other social obligations
18146        Advances contracts-in-progress
18247        Amts payable-approp of profits
18347470     Dividends/director`s last yr.
18447471     Dividends - current fin year
18547472     Direct. entitlements-curr yr.
18647473     Other alllocations
18748        Other amounts payable
18848480     Debentures & coupons matured
18948488     Guarantees received in cash
19048489     Sundry amounts payable
19149        Deferrals and accruals
19249490     Deferred charges
19349491     Accured income
19449492     Accrued charges
19549493     Deferred income
19649499     Suspense account
19750        Own shares
19951510     Cost
20051511     Uncalled amounts (-)
20151519     Amounts written off (-)
20252        Fixed income securities
2035200      Other SalesN
20452520     Cost
20552529     Amounts written off (-)
20653        Term accounts
20753530     At more than 1 year
20853531     Over 1 month & not > 1 year
20953532     At no more than 1 month
21053539     Amounts written off (-)
21154        Amounts under collection
21255        Credit Institutions
21355550     Current account
21455551     Cheques issued (-)
21555559     Amounts written off (-)
21656        Giro
21756560     Current account
21856561     Cheques issued (-)
21957        Cash
22057570     Cash in hand
22157578     Stamps
22258        Internal transfers
22360        Raw materials/consumables/etc.
224603700    Stock VariationN
225604000    Supplies and ServicesN
22660600     Purchase of raw materials
22760601     Purchase of consumables
22860602     Purchase-services/works/study
22960603     Work sub-contracted
23060604     Purchase of goods for resale
23160605     Purchase-immov property resal
23260608     Discounts/rebates/allow rec
23360609     Increase-decrease in stocks
234606090    Raw materials
235606091    Consumables
236606094    Goods purchased for resale
237606095    Immovable property for resal
23861        Services and other goods
239613000    Rent ExpenseN
240615000    Maintenance and RepairN
241616000    InsuranceN
242618000    Misc. ExpenseN
24362        Remuneration/Soc Sec/Pensions
244622000    Legal, Accounting and OthersN
245623000    AdvertisingN
246623100    Samples and GiftsN
247624000    FreightN
248625000    Travel, Meals and LodgingN
24962620     Remun./Direct social benefits
250626200    Directors
251626201    Executives
252626202    Salaried staff
253626203    Manual workers
254626204    Other personnel
25562621     Employer`s social sec contrib
25662622     Employer`s premiums-insurance
25762623     Other personnel charges
25862624     Retirement/Survivors` pension
259626240    Directors
260626241    Personnel
261627000    Bank ChargesN
26263        Depreciation/Amts written off
263635000    Other TaxesN
26463630     Deprec/Write-offs Fixed Asset
265636300    Deprec-Formation expenses
266636301    Deprec-Intangible fix assets
267636302    Deprec-Tangible fixed assets
268636308    Amts written off-intangibles
269636309    Amts written off-tangible
27063631     Amounts written off stocks
271636310    Increase
272636311    Decrease
27363632     Write-offs contracts-in-progr
274636320    Increase
275636321    Decrease
27663633     Write-offs trade debts < 1 yr
277636330    Increase
278636331    Decrease
27963634     Write-offs trade debts > 1 yr
280636340    Increase
281636341    Decrease
28263635     Provisions-pensions/sim oblig
283636350    Increase
284636351    Utilization and write-back
28563636     Provisions-major repairs/main
286636360    Increase
287636361    Utilization and write-back
28863637     Provisions-other liab/charges
289636370    Increase
290636371    Utilization and write-back
29164        Other operating income
292641000    Wages and SalariesN
293645000    Security ChargesN
29464640     Taxes other than Income taxes
29564641     Losses disposal-tangible asst
29664642     Losses-realiz. of trade debts
29764643     Miscellaneous operating chgs
298649       Operating charges capitalized
29965        Financial charges
30065650     Interest & other debt charges
301656500    Interest, commissions, other
302656501    Amort-discounts/loan issue
303656502    Other debt charges
304656503    Capitalized interest charges
30565651     Write-offs current assets
306656510    Increase
307656511    Decrease (-)
30865652     Losses-Realiz of current asse
30965653     Chgs for discounting A/R
31065654     Realized exchange losses
31165655     Unrealized exchange losses
312658000    Minor Write OffN
31366        Extraordinary charges
314661000    Interest ChargesN
315665000    Discounts GivenN
31666660     Deprec & extraord. write-offs
317666600    Formation expenses
318666601    Intangible fixed assets
319666602    Tangible fixed assets
32066661     Write-offs finan fixed assets
32166662     Provisions for extraord. liab
32266663     Losses disposals-fixed assets
32366664     Other extraordinary charges
32466669     Extraord chgs capit as reorg
32567        Income taxes
32667670     Belgian taxes-curr yr results
327676700    In taxes paid/Witholding due
328676701    Excess of tax payments & wit
329676702    Estimated taxes payable
33067671     Belgian taxes-prior yr result
331676710    Add`l chgs for taxes due/pd
332676711    Add`l chgs-estimated inc tax
333676712    Add`l chgs-inc taxes provide
33467672     Foreign income taxes-curr yr
33567673     Foreign income taxes-prior yr
33668        Transfer to untaxed reserve
337681000    DepreciationN
338681700    Bad DebtN
33969        Appropriation account
34069690     Losses brought forward
34169691     Transfer to the capital and
34269692     Transfers to reserves
343696920    Transfer to legal reserves
344696921    Transfer to other reserves
34569693     Profit to be carried forward
34669694     Dividends
34769695     Directors` entitlements
34869696     Other entitlements
34970        Turnover
35070700     Sales & Services rendered
351707000    SalesN
35270708     Discounts/allowances/rebates
353708000    Other RevenuesN
354709000    Rebates and AllowancesN
35571        Increase-decrease stocks & wip
35671712     Work-in-progress
35771713     Finished goods
35871715     Immovable property constructe
35971717     Contracts in progress
360717170    Contract costs
361717171    Profit recognized
36272        Fixed assets-own construction
36374        Other operating income
36474740     Oper subsidies/compens amount
36574741     Gains on disposals-tangible
36674742     Gains-realization trade debts
36774743     Miscellaneous oper income
36875        Financial Income
36975750     Income-Financial fixed assets
37075751     Income-Current assets
37175752     Gains on realiz of curr asset
37275753     Investment grants
37375754     Realized exchange gains
37475755     Unrealized exhange gains
37575756     Other financial income
376758000    Minor Write Off GainN
37776        Extraordinary Income
37876760     Write-back deprec./write-offs
379767600    Intangible Fixed Assets
380767601    Tangible Fixed Assets
38176761     Write-back amounts writtenoff
38276762     Write-back prov for liab/chgs
38376763     Gains on disposals of assets
38476764     Other extraordinary income
38577        Adjustment of income tax
38677771     Belgian income taxes
387777710    Adj of income taxes due/paid
388777711    Adj of est. income taxes
389777712    Write-back of tax provisions
39077773     Foreign income taxes
39178        Transfer from untaxed reserves
39279        Appropriation account
39379790     Profit brought forward
39479791     Transfers-capital/share accts
39579792     Transfers from reserves
39679793     Loss to be carried forward
39779794     Shareholders` contribution in