JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

1 column | Print definition?920 | SERS | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F80D309Metric Series Cross Ref3MSSERSSeries DescriptionStringUDC40

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 00 / SE (Series Description) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1      AAPAverage PO Amount Y
2      AAPOAgreement Purchase Amount Y
3      ABPOBlanket Purchase Amount Y
4      ACTActual Y
5      ADFDelinquency Fees Y
6      ADSADiscount Taken Y
7      ADSCDiscount Available Y
8      AEXPActual Expense Amount Y
9      AINCActual Income Amount Y
10      AMADAmount Adjusted Y
11      AMDCAmount Scrapped Y
12      AMDJAmount Rejected Y
13      AMDRAmount Returned Y
14      AMDWAmount Reworked Y
15      AMPOManual Priced PO Amount Y
16      AMTAmount Y
17      AMTAActual Amount Y
18      AMTBBudget Amount Y
19      AOPOOpen Purchase Amount Y
20      APAGAP Unposted Amount Y
21      APDIPast Due Invoices Y
22      APRFActual Profit Amount Y
23      ARAPAR Unposted Amount Y
24      ATPOTotal Purchase Amount Y
25      BACKBackorder Count - Total Y
26      BAKBacklog Y
27      BEXPBudget Expense Amount Y
28      BINCBudget Income Amount Y
29      BKAABackorder Amount - Average Y
30      BKATBackorder Amount - Total Y
31      BKCABackorder Count - Average Y
32      BKCTBooked Order Count Y
33      BOOKBook to Ship Days Y
34      BPRFBudget Profit Amount Y
35      CAMTCash Flow Amount Y
36      CASHCash to Cash Days Y
37      CCPICustomer with Past Due Invoice Y
38      CHBAChargeback Amount Y
39      CMPOManual Priced PO Count Y
40      CNTCount Y
41      CPDIPast Due Invoices Y
42      CTPOPO Count Y
43      DAYSDays Y
44      DCTADiscount Not Taken Y
45      DNTDiscount Not Taken Y
46      DPODays Payables Outstanding Y
47      DSIDays Sales in Inventory Y
48      DSODays Sales Outstanding Y
49      EAMEarned Y
50      EARL% Early Y
51      ERLYEarly Y
52      GLP2Profit Margin Percentage Y
53      GLP3Return on Assets Percentage Y
54      GLP4After tax Profit Percentage Y
55      GLP5Return on Net Worth Percentage Y
56      GLR6Current Ratio Y
57      GLR7Quick Acid Test Ratio Y
58      GLR8Times Interest Earned Ratio Y
59      GLR9Debt To Total Assets Ratio Y
60      GLRAFixed Asset Turnover Ratio Y
61      GLRBInventory Turnover Ratio Y
62      GLRCTotal Asset Turnover Ratio Y
63      GOALGoal Y
64      IFCIn-Full Count Y
65      IFPIn-Full Percent Y
66      INAAAverage Invoice Amount Y
67      INAMInvoice Amount Y
68      INCTInvoice Count Y
69      ISCIn-Spec Count Y
70      ISPIn-Spec Percent Y
71      LATLate Y
72      LATE% Late Y
73      LGLower Goal Y
74      MPBMost Profitable Brands Y
75      MPCMost Profitable Customers Y
76      MPPMost Profitable Products Y
77      OIC Open Invoiced Count Y
78      ONTMOn Time Y
79      OT% On Time Y
80      OTCOn-Time Count Y
81      OTPOn-Time Percent Y
82      OVOpen Vouchers Y
83      OVPDOpen Vouchers Past Due Y
84      PAMTPast Due Amount Y
85      PCNTPast Due Count Y
86      PEL% Exceptions - Longer Y
87      PES% Exceptions - Shorter Y
88      PLAPaid Late Amount Y
89      PLANPlanned Y
90      PROJProjected Revenue Y
91      PROTPercentage Receipts On Target Y
92      PVPPrice Variance Percentage Y
93      PYAMPayment Amount Y
94      PYCTPayment Count Y
95      QTYAQuantity Adjusted Y
96      QTYCQuantity Scrapped Y
97      QTYJQuantity Rejected Y
98      QTYRQuantity Returned Y
99      QTYSQuantity Stocked Y
100      QTYWQuantity Reworked Y
101      RCAMReceipt Amount Y
102      RCCTReceipt Count Y
103      REVShipped Order Revenue Y
104      REVARevenue Amount Y
105      ROC Open Invoice Amount Y
106      ROTReceipts On Target Y
107      SAASourcing Award Amount Y
108      SADQSum Of Disposition Quantity Y
109      SECSourcing Event Count Y
110      SHPDOrders Shipped Y
111      TELTotal Exceptions - Longer Y
112      TESTotal Exceptions - Shorter Y
113      TFTotal Failed Y
114      TOTLTotal Y
115      TPVAPrice Variance Amount Y
116      TRTotal Received Y
117      TURNNumber of Turns Y
118      UEAMUnearned Y
119      UGUpper Goal Y
120      VALBooked Order Value Y
121      VARN% Variance Y
122      VARTVariance Lines Count Y
123      VCAMVoucher Amount Y
124      VCCTVoucher Count Y