JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

49 columns | Print definition?910 | DIVJ

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP03: Accounts Receivable
1F0311Accounts Receivable Ledger6RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
2F03B11Customer Ledger7RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
3F03B112Invoice Revisions16RWDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
4F03B112PInvoice Revisions Purge File16RWDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
5F03B11PCustomer Ledger Purge File7RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
6F03B11Z1Batch Invoices25VJDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
7F03B11Z2F03B11 Interoperability Table20SYDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
8F03B21A/R Notification History Detail12ZSDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
9F03B465A/R Netting Workfile13RODIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
10F03B575Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build10RDDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP04: Accounts Payable
11F0411Accounts Payable Ledger10RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
12F0411AWF - As Of Accounts Payable Ledger10RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
13F0411PPurge - Accounts Payable Ledger10RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
14F0411Z1Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload28VLDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
15F0411Z3F0411 Interoperability Table32SZDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
16F04573A/P Payment Processing - Detail19KIDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP15: Property Management
17F151991G/L Transaction A/R Application Work File12NBDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
18F43800Summary Voucher Match20PRDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
19F47041EDI Invoice Header - Inbound26SYDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
20F47057EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound39D3DIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
21F47057WEDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work39D3DIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
22F47191EDI Acknowledgement Header33AHDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP55: Reserved for Clients
23F74Q0175WF dla R74Q01757WFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74: EMEA Localization
24F74412Customer / Supplier Balance Worktable (A/P and A/R)16RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
25F74900Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA13RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
26F74R0018Russian Tax File - 74R12TDDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
27F74RUI41VAT Purchase Book Workfile - RUS - 048W1DIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
28F74U0421Application Approval Invoice Overrides5IODIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75C: China - Reporting System Only
29F75C001Chinese GUI cross reference file22CRDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
30F75C010WAP & AR XML Workfile - China -75C5AADIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75I: India
31F75I701Bill of Entry - Header51QHDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75J: Japan - Reporting System Only
32F750411Withholding Tax Detail - Japan - 0410JXDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76A: Argentina
33F76A0209Header & Footer Invoice/ShipmentNote History WF - ARG - 76A15HFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
34F76A020PHeader/Footer Inv./ShipmentNote History WF Purge - AR - 76A15HFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
35F76A09Invoice Total - ARG - 03B - 76A29TTDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
36F76A09PInvoice Total Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A29TTDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
37F76A21Credit Invoice Header - F76A21 - ARG - 3B - 76A9IHDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
38F76A21PCredit Invoice Header Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A9IHDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
39F76A24Credit Invoice Information - Accounts Payable - ARG - - 76A14IEDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
40F76A8001Generation SICOREs - Last Step -RG 738/99 - ARG - 04 - 76A2V2DIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
41F76A8014CITI Report - ARG - 04 - 76A3CTDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
42F76AUI20Header & Footer Invoice/ShipmentNote Workfile - ARG - - 76A15HFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
43F76AUI44CERG A/P - Worktable - ARG - 04 - 76A4WFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
44F76AUI46CERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A4WFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76B: Brazil - Reporting System Only
45F76B20Account Payable and Receivable Table - IN68 - 03B12PRDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
46F76B8602IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers - 0413PRDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76C: Colombia
47F76C031AA/R Customer ledger As Of - F76C031A - COL - 047RPDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76H: Chile
48F76HUI32Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H12WFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60
49F76HUI33Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H14WFDIVJDate - Invoice - JulianDateGeneric Edit60