JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

84 COLUMNS | 2 INDEXES | Print definition?910 | 75T | F75T401 TABLE

75T: Taiwan
1910F75T401D1842GUI/VAT Declaration Report 401 - 75TBalance Files75: ASEAN Localization
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns. For Create statements, use Allow Null checkboxes and default values inputs to tailor query as required.

SELECT D1CO, D175TDSI, D175TYMD, D1PSQ, D175TVID, D175TYMS, D175TYMT, D175TDBM, D175TMDU, D175TTRM, D175TUIC, D175TGDC, D175TPDC, D175TCVC, D175TRAC, D175TPFC, D175TZDC, D175TTDD, D175T001, D175T002, D175T005, D175T006, D175T009, D175T010, D175T013, D175T014, D175T017, D175T018, D175T021, D175T022, D175T003, D175T007, D175T011, D175T015, D175T019, D175T023, D175T025, D175T027, D175T028, D175T029, D175T030, D175T031, D175T032, D175T033, D175T034, D175T035, D175T036, D175T037, D175T038, D175T039, D175T078, D175T079, D175T080, D175T081, D175T040, D175T041, D175T042, D175T043, D175T044, D175T045, D175T046, D175T047, D175T048, D175T049, D175T067, D175T070, D175T073, D175T074, D175T101, D175T107, D175T108, D175T110, D175T111, D175T112, D175T113, D175T114, D175T115, D175T082, D175TGES, D1USER, D1PID, D1JOBN, D1UPMJ, D1TDAY FROM F75T401

TOP910 | 75T | F75T401 COLUMNS

ColumnFieldDescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimalsSQL Create Statement
1D1COCompanyStringGeneric Edit50 Allow NULL? 
2D175TDSIGUI/VAT Declaration SiteStringUDC (75T DS)50 Allow NULL? 
3D175TYMDYear And Month Of VAT DeclarationNumericGeneric Edit60 Allow NULL? 
4D1PSQPrimary Sequence NumberNumericGeneric Edit62 Allow NULL? 
5D175TVIDPrompt - Whether GUI/VAT Is DeclaredCharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
6D175TYMSBeginning Year / Month Of Sales DocNumericGeneric Edit60 Allow NULL? 
7D175TYMTEnding YM Of Sal./Pur. DocNumericGeneric Edit60 Allow NULL? 
8D175TDBMPrompt - Declaration By Month (Y/N)CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
9D175TMDUApproved Declaration UnitStringUDC (75T DU)20 Allow NULL? 
10D175TTRMTax Refund MethodStringUDC (75T TR)30 Allow NULL? 
11D175TUICCount Of Used GUIsNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
12D175TGDCCount Of GUI Detail ReportsNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
13D175TPDCCount Of Purchase DocumentsNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
14D175TCVCCount Of Customs VAT DocumentsNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
15D175TRACCount Of Returns And AllowancesNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
16D175TPFCCount Of VAT Payment FormNumericGeneric Edit50 Allow NULL? 
17D175TZDCCount Of Zero Tax Rate DocumentsNumericGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
18D175TTDDDate - VAT Declaration DateDateGeneric Edit60
19D175T001Amount - VAT: Field 001NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
20D175T002Amount - VAT: Field 002NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
21D175T005Amount - VAT: Field 005NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
22D175T006Amount - VAT: Field 006NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
23D175T009Amount - VAT: Field 009NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
24D175T010Amount - VAT: Field 010NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
25D175T013Amount - VAT: Field 013NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
26D175T014Amount - VAT: Field 014NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
27D175T017Amount - VAT: Field 017NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
28D175T018Amount - VAT: Field 018NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
29D175T021Amount - VAT: Field 021NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
30D175T022Amount - VAT: Field 022NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
31D175T003Amount - VAT: Field 003NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
32D175T007Amount - VAT: Field 007NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
33D175T011Amount - VAT: Field 011NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
34D175T015Amount - VAT: Field 015NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
35D175T019Amount - VAT: Field 019NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
36D175T023Amount - VAT: Field 023NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
37D175T025Amount - VAT: Field 025NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
38D175T027Amount - VAT: Field 027NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
39D175T028Amount - VAT: Field 028NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
40D175T029Amount - VAT: Field 029NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
41D175T030Amount - VAT: Field 030NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
42D175T031Amount - VAT: Field 031NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
43D175T032Amount - VAT: Field 032NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
44D175T033Amount - VAT: Field 033NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
45D175T034Amount - VAT: Field 034NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
46D175T035Amount - VAT: Field 035NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
47D175T036Amount - VAT: Field 036NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
48D175T037Amount - VAT: Field 037NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
49D175T038Amount - VAT: Field 038NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
50D175T039Amount - VAT: Field 039NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
51D175T078Amount - VAT: Field 078NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
52D175T079Amount - VAT: Field 079NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
53D175T080Amount - VAT: Field 080NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
54D175T081Amount - VAT: Field 081NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
55D175T040Amount - VAT: Field 040NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
56D175T041Amount - VAT: Field 041NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
57D175T042Amount - VAT: Field 042NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
58D175T043Amount - VAT: Field 043NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
59D175T044Amount - VAT: Field 044NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
60D175T045Amount - VAT: Field 045NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
61D175T046Amount - VAT: Field 046NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
62D175T047Amount - VAT: Field 047NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
63D175T048Amount - VAT: Field 048NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
64D175T049Amount - VAT: Field 049NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
65D175T067Amount - VAT: Field 067NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
66D175T070Amount - VAT: Field 070NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
67D175T073Amount - VAT: Field 073NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
68D175T074Amount - VAT: Field 074NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
69D175T101Amount - VAT: Field 101NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
70D175T107Amount - VAT: Field 107NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
71D175T108Amount - VAT: Field 108NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
72D175T110Amount - VAT: Field 110NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
73D175T111Amount - VAT: Field 111NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
74D175T112Amount - VAT: Field 112NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
75D175T113Amount - VAT: Field 113NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
76D175T114Amount - VAT: Field 114NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
77D175T115Amount - VAT: Field 115NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
78D175T082Amount - VAT: Field 082NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
79D175TGESAmount - GUI-Exempt Sales AmtNumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
80D1USERUser IDStringGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
81D1PIDProgram IDStringGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
82D1JOBNWork Station IDStringGeneric Edit100 Allow NULL? 
83D1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
84D1TDAYTime of DayNumericGeneric Edit60 Allow NULL? 

TOP910 | 75T | F75T401 INDEXES

1Idx75T401_1 (Primary/Unique)
275TDSIGUI/VAT Declaration SiteAscending
375TYMDYear And Month Of VAT DeclarationAscending
4PSQPrimary Sequence NumberAscending
275TDSIGUI/VAT Declaration SiteAscending
375TYMDYear And Month Of VAT DeclarationAscending
4PSQPrimary Sequence NumberDescending