JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

157 columns | Print definition?920 | LT | STOCK UDC

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F0025Ledger Type Master File1LHLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
2F0902Account Balances5GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
3F0911Account Ledger22GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
4F03B117Revenue Recognition GL Info34RLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
5F03B119Revenue Recognition GL Info Audit7RNLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP05: Time Accounting and HRM Base
6F069106Union Benefits Master14Y1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP05T: Time Entry
7F063951Payroll Journal (Compressed) File7GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP07: Payroll
8F05290WF - Payroll Journal (Detail)7JRLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP09: General Accounting
9F0902BAccount Balances - 52 Period Accounting5GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
10F0902PPurge - Account Balances5GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
11F0902Z1Account Balances - Batch File5GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
12F0911PPurge - Account Ledger22GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
13F0911RWF - Account Ledger Reconciliation22GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
14F0911R1Account Reconciliations Header - OneWorld ONLY8GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
15F0911Z1Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File39VNLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
16F0911Z4F0911 Interoperability Table44SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
17F0912Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting17RJLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
18F0912AIndex Computation Entry File13RILTLedger TypesStringUDC20
19F09360WOVFS Column List Work Table7CLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
20F09370WOVFS Balance Work Table5BWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
21F097021WAccount Ledger to Account Master Work Table17TALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
22F097031WAccount Balance to Account Master Work Table7ABLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
23F09706WBatch and Company Within Batch Out of Balance Work Table5NBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
24F09UI004Variable Numerator Allocations work file14R#LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
25F09UI007Match Bank Tape to Recon File - ONE WORLD ONLY15GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
26F09UI009Trial Balance Generic Work File - OneWorld ONLY3GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
27F09UI010WorkFile for R0970115WFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
28F09UI013Company by Batch Out of Balance4GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
29F09UI014Annual Close Work Table8GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
30F09UI015Indexed Computations Multi-Tiered Entries22GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
31F09UI016Account Balance Compare Exceptions5GWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
32F09UI123Advanced Variable Numerator Worktable19VWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
33F52G02Burdening Summarized Ledger4BSLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
34F52G11Burdening Detail Ledger6BDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
35F52G11WFTemporary Burdened Detail Ledger Workfile6BWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
36F52G31WFReburdening Transactions Workfile3RBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
37F52G60Burden Rate Calculations Workfile2BWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
38F70UI001Work File for G/L by Cat. Code Localization11WALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
39F740911Work File for G/L Report by Category Code Localization14WALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP10: Financial Reporting
40F1001Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File Header14GPLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
41F1001Z1Unedited MSC Interoperability Header Table24IALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
42F10UI520Cash Flow Statement Worktable5CWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP12: Fixed Assets
43F12003Default Depreciation Constants4FFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
44F1202Asset Account Balances File5FLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
45F1202PAsset Account Balances Purge Table5FLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
46F1208Units of Production Schedule Master File2FPLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
47F12141Disposal Account Rule Table3DTLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
48F12911ERPost G/L to FA Exceptions Work File7GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP13E: Equipment Cost Analysis
49F1383Equipment Analysis Costs9ECLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
50F1385Equipment Analysis Rules3ERLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP15: Real Estate Management
51F15302Ledger Type Groups3LTLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
52F1532BExpense Participation Audit File13NTLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP16: Profit Management (EPS)
53F1602Cost Analyzer Balances5CBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
54F1602Z1External Cost Analyzer Balances - Interoperability Table27CZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
55F1603Cost Analyzer View Structure14CVLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
56F1610Cost Calculation Definitions41CDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
57F1611Cost Calculation Transactions14CTLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
58F1632Driver Balances4CBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
59F1632Z1External Driver Balances-Interoperability Table26CYLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
60F1642Rate Master Header File1RHLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP39: Advanced Stock Valuation
61F3910G/L Adjustment Table12SCLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
62F4011ZBatch Receiver File - Order Details197SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
63F49211Sales Order Detail File - Tag File116UDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
64F49211Z1Sales Order Detail Tag Unedited Transaction File135S1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
65F49219Sales Order Detail - Tag History File93UDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP41: Inventory Management
66F4115Item History6IHLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP42: Sales Management
67F42800GSales Update G Batch Workfile15SGLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
68F470371TTag for F470371- EDI shipping Notice Detail - Outbound36UZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP42B: Sales Order Entry
69F49299S.O. Detail Tag Ledger File116UDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP43: Procurement
70F43080Approvals Fields Constants128PDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
71F4311Purchase Order Detail File124PDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
72F4311ZPurchase Order Generator File128PWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
73F4311Z1Purchase Order Detail Unedited Transaction Table137SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
74F43199P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version124OLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP44H: Homebuilder Management
75F44H590Closing Worksheet Accounting Instructions8CILTLedger TypesStringUDC20
76F44H591Closing Worksheet Entries11CWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
77F44H611Bid Details63BDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
78F44H611WBid Details Work File67BWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
79F44H711Lot Start Workfile74SWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
80F44H711ZHB Lot Start Unedited Transaction File87SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
81F44H71W1Lot Start Generation Workfile74GWLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
82F47012EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound198SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
83F47017EDI Purchase Order Detail - Outbound138SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
84F47022EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound138SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
85F47027EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound198SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
86F47047EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound198SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
87F47072EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Inbound139SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
88F47077EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Outbound139SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
89F47092EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound198SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
90F47097EDI Request for Quote Detail - Outbound138SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
91F47102EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Inbound138SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
92F47107EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound197SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
93F47132EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound199SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
94F47137EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Outbound139SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
95F47142EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound140SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
96F47147EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound200SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
97F47157EDI Shipping Schedule Detail - Outbound147SZLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP48S: Service Billing
98F4812Billing Detail Workfile16WDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
99F4812HBilling Workfile History16WDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
100F4812HSBilling Workfile History Purged Save16WDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
101F48S910Billing Detail Journal Workfile24W2LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
102F48S911Summarized Journal Workfile22W3LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
103F48S912G/L Link5W6LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
104F48S95Billing AAI Information21WVLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
105F48SUI01Billing Detail Print Workfile16WDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP51X: In-Memory Project Management
106F51X0902Ledger Balances Worktable7LBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
107F51X0911Account Ledger Worktable7ALLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
108F51X90Column Definition Table5X1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP70: Multi-National Products
109F700911GL Invoice Number7GALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP74: EMEA Localization
110F749103Section Column Definition - EMEA - 7413CDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
111F749105Cells Definition - EMEA - 7411EDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP74H: Hungary
112F741202Work File Accumulated Asset Movement Dep - HUN - 745WFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP74P: Poland
113F74902TAccount Balance Tag File - COM - 09 - 74P5ATLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
114F74P9100Cash Desk Transaction - POL - 74P9CDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP74R: Russia
115F74R0018Russian Tax File - 74R71TDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
116F74R0100Petty Cash Transactions - RUS - 00 - 74R10PCLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
117F74R9002Correspondence Balance - RUS- 09 - 74R6GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
118F74R9029Open Accounts - RUS - 09 - 74R7OALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
119F74U0412Application Commitment Workfile - UK - 437ACLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
120F74U0414Certificate Commitment Workfile - UK - 437CCLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
121F74U0416Purchase Order Commitment Workfile - UK - 437PCLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP75C: China
122F75C015Cash Flow Data - China22CFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
123F75C202Asset Disposal Amounts - CHINA2DALTLedger TypesStringUDC20
124F75C902Subsidiary Balances File - China4SBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
125F75C911CNAO - E1 Document Number mapping - China5DNLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
126F75C911AAccount Ledger Processing Info- China - 095ALLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
127F75C912Transaction-wise Subsidiary Info - China - 095TSLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
128F75CUI1China Financial Report Work File - 1023CFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
129F75CUI2China Financial Report Staging Work File - 105CFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76A: Argentina
130F76A41CERG G/L - Lot Detail - ARG - 09 - 76A8LDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76B: Brazil
131F76B835FCONT Account Ledger Operation - 76B6AOLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
132F76B902IN86-Work Table for Account Balance - 0915BCLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
133F76B911IN86-Work Table for Journal Entries - 0920BDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
134F76B937SPED Book Ledger Types2LTLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76C: Colombia
135F76C0902Debits and Credits T/B by object account - COL - 76C5GBLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
136F76C575Work File Magnetic Media - COL - 046Q1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
137F76C9415Workfile for Dialy Book - COL - 0912LDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
138F76C9F02DIAN Formats by AccountID - COL - 098DFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
139F76C9F11DIAN Formats File by Account Id - COL - 095DFLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
140F76CT1Tributary Information - COL - 76C6TILTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76H: Chile
141F76H6001Actual Cost Process Header - CHI - 41 - 76H11PHLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
142F76H6002Indirect Costs Selection EPS F1602 - CHI - 41 - 76H8I1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
143F76H6003Indirect Costs Selection EPS F1642 - CHI - 41 - 76H5I2LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
144F76H6005Account ID / Cost Type Relationship - CHI - 41 - 76H1ACLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
145F76H6201Replacement Cost Process Header - CHI - 4110RHLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
146F76H902TAccount Balances Tag File - CHI - 09 - 76H5ATLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76M: Mexico
147F76M990GL VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M6GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP76P: Peru
148F76P502Asset ledger set up - PER - 12 - 76P4ALLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP83: Management Reporting - FASTR
149F83UI001Balance Audit Work File - (Financial Reporting)10R1LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOP89: Conversion Programs
150F0902AAccount Debit Balances5GDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
151F0911TNeeded for upgrade for XE and below5GLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
152F42119BSales Order History File - temporary for upgrade (2)11SDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
153F4211BSales Order Detail File - temporary for upgrade (2)11SDLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
154F43199ATemp F43199 for ERP 9.0 Upgrade124OLLTLedger TypesStringUDC20
TOPH95: Object and Environment Tech
155F8304FASTR - Column Specifications Master File10R4LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
156F8305FASTR - Row Specifications Master File7R5LTLedger TypesStringUDC20
157F8306FASTR - Cell Specifications Master File7R6LTLedger TypesStringUDC20

User Defined Codes are, by design, customisable and thus will differ from system to system depending on the business requirements.

TOPUDC 09 / LT (Ledger Types) stock values

ValueDescriptionSpecial Handling CodeHard Coded
1        AAGeneral Ledger N
2        ACConsolidations Ledger N
3        ADAs If Restatement Ledger N
4        AUGeneral Ledger Units N
5        AXCost Markup/Billing Ledger N
6        AZCash Basis N
7        B1Revised Budget 1 N
8        B2Revised Budget 2 N
9        B3Budget Ledger Amount - 3rd N
10        BABudget Amount N
11        BFBudget Forecast N
12        BUBudget Ledger Units N
13        BXBudget Assumptions - Dollars N
14        BZBudget Assumptions-Statistics N
15        CAForeign Currency N
16        CDForeign Currency-Direct Update N
17        CUForeign Currency - Units N
18        D1Tax Ledger N
19        D2State - 150% Decline Bal N
20        D3Earn. & Profit-MACRS N
21        D4Alter. Minimum-200% N
22        D5MACRS Alternative N
23        D7Revaluation Ledger N
24        E2Committed Out of Scope N
25        E3Proceed in Scope N
26        E4Proceed Out of Scope N
27        E5Anticipated in Scope N
28        E6Anticipated Other Estimate N
29        E7Potential Out of Scope N
30        EUChange Management Units N
31        F%Percent of Job Complete N
32        FAField Progress Amounts N
33        FEField Estimate Ledger N
34        FIFinancial Information N
35        FMStored Materials N
36        FUField Progress Units N
37        GAActual Lease Revenues N
38        GPGAAP Adjustments N
39        GUUnit Square Footage Amounts N
40        H%Percent Complete N
41        HAProjected Final Amount N
42        HUProjected Final Units N
43        IAJob Cost Projection Budget Amt N
44        IUJob Cost Projection Budget Qty N
45        JAJob Cost Budget Amount N
46        JUJob Budgeted Units N
47        KANotice to Proceed - Amounts N
48        KUNotice to Proceed - Units N
49        LARequest Budget Changes Amount N
50        LURequest Budget Changes Units N
51        MAMemo Budget Changes Amount N
52        MUMemo Budget Changes Units N
53        NANotice to Proceed - Amounts N
54        NINet Insider Ledger N
55        NTNotice to Proceed - Units N
56        NUNet Insider Units Ledger N
57        PAPO/Contract Amount N
58        PRMonthly Production N
59        PUPO/Contract Units N
60        RARemaining Unit Rate N
61        ROEncumbrance Rollover N
62        SASpeculative Lease Amounts N
63        TABook To Tax Ledger N
64        TB`754` Basis Adjustments N
65        TFBook To Tax Ledger - As If N
66        TX1099 Adjustment N
67        U1U1 through U9 client reserved N
68        UAUA through UZ client reserved N
69        XAAlternate LedgerUSDN
70        XTTransfer Cost Ledger N
71        YADomestic Origin N
72        ZAForeign OriginUSDN
73        ZUCash Basis Units N