JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

259 columns | Print definition?920 | TXA1

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F0006Business Unit Master47MCTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
2F0006SDate Effective Business Unit Master49MCTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
3F0006Z1Cost Center Unedited Transaction Table60SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
4F0006Z2Business Unit Master Z File60SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
5F0018Taxes16TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
6F00189WF - Tax Reconciliation12TGTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
7F0018RTax Reconciliation Repository17EDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
8F004201Prepayment Transaction Table49PTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
9F0911Account Ledger127GLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
10F4008Tax Areas1TATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
11F40081Alternate Tax Rate/Area Definition6EUTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
12F40082Alternate Tax Area by Country - 002ACTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
13F744008Tax areas - Tag Table EMEA - Spain / Italy1TATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP03: Accounts Receivable
14F03012Customer Master by Line of Business11AITXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
15F03012Z1Customer Master LOB-Batch Table24VOTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
16F0311Accounts Receivable Ledger41RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
17F03B11Customer Ledger43RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
18F03B112Invoice Revisions45RWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
19F03B112PInvoice Revisions Purge File45RWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
20F03B117Revenue Recognition GL Info22RLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
21F03B119Revenue Recognition GL Info Audit10RNTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
22F03B11PCustomer Ledger Purge File43RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
23F03B11Z1Batch Invoices60VJTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
24F03B11Z2F03B11 Interoperability Table56SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
25F03B575Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build52RDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
26F09UI011Receipt Prepost Work File50GLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP04: Accounts Payable
27F0411Accounts Payable Ledger31RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
28F0411AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Ledger31RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
29F0411PPurge - Accounts Payable Ledger31RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
30F0411Z1Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload49VLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
31F0411Z3F0411 Interoperability Table53SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
32F09UI005Tax Offsets User Index55GLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
33F09UI006Tax (F0018) Replica16TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP07: Payroll
34F0716701Employee Assignment T/E Template Information82EATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
35F0716709Employee Assignment T/E Template Info History82EATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP09: General Accounting
36F0901Account Master62GMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
37F0911PPurge - Account Ledger127GLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
38F0911RWF - Account Ledger Reconciliation70GLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
39F0911Z1Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File177VNTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
40F0911Z4F0911 Interoperability Table156SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
41F0917Bank Statement Detail19GDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
42F09617Auto Bank Statement Detail22GMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
43F09628Auto Bank Statement Account Setup7GATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP09E: Expense Reimbursment
44F09E105Tax Mapping5TMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
45F20112Expense Report Detail39EDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP15: Real Estate Management
46F15012Tenant E.P. Class Master51NSTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
47F15012BTenant E.P. Class Master58NSTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
48F15013Sales Overage Master63NOTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
49F15013BSales Overage Master File42NOTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
50F15016Tenant Escalation Master50NUTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
51F15016BTenant Escalation Master53NUTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
52F1502Recurring Billings Master45NFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
53F1502BRecurring Billings Master45NFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
54F1502WBEstimated EP Recurring Billings48N4TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
55F1511Tenant/Lease Billings Detail46NJTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
56F1511BLease Billings Master46NJTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
57F1511HTenant/Lease Billings Detail History46N#TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
58F1511HBLease Billings History46NCTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
59F1525A/R Fee Interest35N0TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
60F1525BFees and Interest32NMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
61F1538WF - Expence Participation Register61NZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
62F1538BEP Billing Register63NZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP17: Customer Service Management
63F1720Contract Header29CHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
64F1721Contract Detail34CDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
65F4801TZ2Warranty Claim/Supplier Recovery processing75WQTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP17C: Call Management
66F1755Case Master207ZATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
67F1760Time Entry86ZBTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
68F4001ZBatch Receiver File - Order Headings59SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
69F4011ZBatch Receiver File - Order Details124SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
70F4012ZWWF - Destination Quantity40SPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
71F40UI00TTax Work File15PNTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
72F4201Z1Sales Order Header Unedited Transaction File48SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
73F4211Z1Sales Order Detail Unedited Transaction File118SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
74F49211Sales Order Detail File - Tag File61UDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
75F49211Z1Sales Order Detail Tag Unedited Transaction File74S1TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
76F49219Sales Order Detail - Tag History File61UDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP42: Sales Management
77F4201Sales Order Header File35SHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
78F42019Sales Order Header History File35SHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
79F4211Sales Order Detail File105SDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
80F42119Sales Order History File105SDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
81F42199S.O. Detail Ledger File105SLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
82F42565Invoice Print File43IWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
83F42800G1Sales Update G Batch Detail Workfile48DGTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
84F42UI01SO Header Cache File (MBF)40ZHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
85F42UI12Sales Order Detail Cache 2 (MBF)35ZDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
86F42UI521Pick Slips Detail File88S9TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
87F470371TTag for F470371- EDI shipping Notice Detail - Outbound81UZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP42B: Sales Order Entry
88F42420Audit Log Transaction84ALTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
89F49299S.O. Detail Tag Ledger File61UDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP43: Procurement
90F4301Purchase Order Header34PHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
91F4301ZPO Header Work File38PATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
92F4301Z1Purchase Order Header Unedited Transaction Table47SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
93F43080Approvals Fields Constants94PDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
94F4311Purchase Order Detail File90PDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
95F4311ZPurchase Order Generator File94PWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
96F4311Z1Purchase Order Detail Unedited Transaction Table103SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
97F43121Purchase Order Receiver File64PRTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
98F43121Z1Receipts Unedited Transaction Table81SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
99F4314ZVoucher Match Selection File164PNTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
100F43199P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version90OLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP44H: Homebuilder Management
101F44H601Bid Header36BHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
102F44H603Material Item Pricing18MPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
103F44H611Bid Details55BDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
104F44H611WBid Details Work File59BWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
105F44H711Lot Start Workfile62SWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
106F44H711PAfter Start Purchasing35TPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
107F44H711ZHB Lot Start Unedited Transaction File75SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
108F44H71W1Lot Start Generation Workfile62GWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
109F44H73W1Lot Start - P.O. / Committment Generation Work File50CGTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP45: Advanced Pricing
110F45520TXPrice List Header Tax Table4PTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
111F4576Z1Ship and Debit Claims Unedited Transaction Table150Z1TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
112F47011EDI Purchase Order Header - Inbound54SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
113F47012EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound125SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
114F47016EDI Purchase Order Header - Outbound49SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
115F47017EDI Purchase Order Detail - Outbound104SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
116F47021EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Inbound49SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
117F47022EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound104SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
118F47026EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Outbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
119F47027EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound125SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
120F47031EDI Shipping Notice Header - Inbound44SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
121F47032EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Inbound75SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
122F47032TEDI Shipping Notice Detail- Inbound Tag27SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
123F47041EDI Invoice Header - Inbound35SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
124F47042EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound82SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
125F47046EDI Invoice Header (Sales) - Outbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
126F47047EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound125SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
127F470473EDI Invoice Detail Charges17S7TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
128F47057EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound77D3TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
129F47057WEDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work77D3TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
130F47071EDI Receiving Advice Header - Inbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
131F47072EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Inbound105SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
132F47076EDI Receiving Advice Header - Outbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
133F47077EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Outbound105SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
134F47091EDI Request for Quote Header - Inbound54SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
135F47092EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound125SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
136F47096EDI Request for Quote Header - Outbound49SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
137F47097EDI Request for Quote Detail - Outbound104SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
138F47101EDI Response to RFQ Header - Inbound49SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
139F47102EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Inbound104SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
140F47106EDI Response to RFQ Header - Outbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
141F47107EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound125SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
142F47131EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Inbound51SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
143F47132EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound126SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
144F47136EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Outbound49SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
145F47137EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Outbound105SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
146F47141EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Inbound50SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
147F47142EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound106SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
148F47146EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Outbound51SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
149F47147EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound127SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
150F47156EDI Shipping Schedule Header - Outbound52SYTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
151F47157EDI Shipping Schedule Detail - Outbound111SZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP48: Work Order Processing
152F4801STPurge - Work Order Master Tag File62WATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
153F4801TWork Order Master Tag File62WATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
154F4817Service Order Extension16SRTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP48S: Service Billing
155F4812Billing Detail Workfile104WDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
156F48127Tax Derivation Information10WOTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
157F4812HBilling Workfile History104WDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
158F4812HSBilling Workfile History Purged Save104WDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
159F4822Invoice Summary Work File49W4TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
160F4823Voucher Summary45W0TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
161F48S910Billing Detail Journal Workfile87W2TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
162F48S911Summarized Journal Workfile49W3TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
163F48SUI01Billing Detail Print Workfile104WDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP49: Transportation Management
164F4950Routing Entries49RTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
165F49501Intermodal Detail Routing Entries31RDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
166F4978Charge Code Definitions3CGTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
167F4981Freight Audit History75FHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP52: Contract Billing
168F5201Contract Master36G4TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
169F5202Contract Billing Line Detail34G6TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP52G: Proj & Gov Contract Accounting
170F4822HInvoice Summary History49IHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
171F52G01MAdvanced Contracts Modifications41CMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
172F52G90Invoice Printing Work Table47WTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP54R: Rental Management
173F54R099Rental Contract Header Ledger58HLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
174F54R10Rental Contract Header56CHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
175F54R11Rental Contract Detail152CDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
176F54R199Rental Contract Detail Ledger148DLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP70: Multi-National Products
177F700103Suspended VAT - Exception Method - COMM - 704EMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
178F704008Localizations Additional Fields Tax Area - 041LATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
179F704100Suspended VAT AP - COMM - 7011VATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74: EMEA Localization
180F740018DData extraction ESL - 7414DETXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
181F740018WData extraction ESL - Workfile - 7414DETXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
182F7400C2Obsolete - R7400C2 Worktable4DPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
183F74091Class/Register Setup - Italy2HATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
184F74093Worktable for Printing IVA Summary - Italy15HCTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
185F7430033A/R Document Line (Print Info) - COMM - 03B7PITXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
186F743035Display Taxes by Legal Document Line - COMM - 03B7DTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
187F74900Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA50RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74B: Begium Localization
188F74B100Monthly VAT Table Belgium Localisations1BTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74H: Hungary
189F74H1004VAT Declaration Detail - HUN -049VDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
190F74H1007Tax Rate Summary Setup - HUN - 001TSTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
191F74H410Foreign Voucher Supplier Amounts - HUN - 74H5SATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
192F74H910JE VAT Differences - HUN - 095VDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74L: Portugal
193F74L3035Tax Details by Legal Document - POR - 74L6TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
194F74L4008Tax Rate/Area Additional Information - Tag File- POR - 74L1TKTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
195F74LUI03Tax Details - Temp Table - 74L2TTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74R: Russia
196F74R0018Russian Tax File - 74R23TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
197F74R0480Pay Item Differences - RUS - 04 - 74R8RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
198F74R311Prepayment Detail Tax File - RUS - 03B30DETXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
199F74R400Account Payable Setup for VAT Release - RUS - 001VRTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
200F74R410Tax on Hold - RUS - 044THTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
201F74R420Tax Releases - RUS - 044TRTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74S: Spain
202F74S408Tax Areas - 340 Model - ESP - 001TATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
203F74U0205Payment Profile - 157P8TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
204F74U0212Accounting Billing Profile - 157P8TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
205F74U0213Weekly Accounting Profile - 158PWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
206F74U0405SPC Certificate Holding Table - UK - 4345CHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
207F74U0420SPC - Application Master - UK - 4333SETXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
208F74U0425SPC - Certificate Master - UK - 4335SFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74Y: Italy
209F740018ATax Rate Area and Transaction Type Mapping1TTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
210F743B14ISuspended IVA Generation - Receipt/Rebate Control-Ita - 03B22TITXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
211F74Y008Intrastat Additional Info for Service Tax Areas - ITA - 001INTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
212F74Y010Black List Setup by Country Tax Area2BLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
213F74Y011Multi Purpose VAT Classification by Tax Area / Item - 74Y1MPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
214F74Y015Yearly List Declaration - WF - IT - 0019YLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP74Z: Czech Republic
215F74ZUI02Czech VAT Report - CZE - 74Z - Work File2CZTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP75J: Japan
216F75J504Setup Rounding Options - 75J - JAP2ROTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP75T: Taiwan
217F75T004GUI/VAT Transaction Header - 75T17THTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
218F75T0049GUI/VAT Transaction Header History - 75T17THTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
219F75T004PGUI/VAT Transaction Header POS - 75T16THTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
220F75T004ZGUI/VAT Transaction Header - Work - 75T15ZHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
221F75T005GUI/VAT Transaction Detail - 75T14TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
222F75T0059GUI/VAT Transaction Detail History - 75T14TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
223F75T005PGUI/VAT Transaction Detail POS - 75T14TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
224F75T005TGUI/VAT Transaction Detail Temp - 75T14TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
225F75T005ZGUI/VAT Transaction Detail - Work - 75T21ZDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
226F75T008GUI/VAT Tax Type Mapping - 75T1TMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
227F75T42WWork file with union of F4211 and F4211930SWTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76A: Argentina
228F764008AAditionals Tax Areas - ARG - 04 - 76A1TQTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
229F76A15Taxes - Effective and Expiration Dates - ARG - 00 - 76A1TETXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
230F76A16Taxes - Tax Groups - ARG - 00 - 76A1TGTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
231F76A17Taxes - Invoice/Shipment Note Letter - ARG - 03B - 76A1TLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
232F76A21Credit Invoice Header - F76A21 - ARG - 3B - 76A18IHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
233F76A21PCredit Invoice Header Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A18IHTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
234F76A25Credit Invoice Tax Area Relationship - ARG - 04 - 76A1IFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
235F76AUI89Work File to Generate ND/NC Gain/Loss - ARG - 03B - 76A22WFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76C: Colombia
236F76C0005Tax Areas Relationship Setup - CO - 76C1TXTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
237F76C031AA/R Customer ledger As Of - F76C031A - COL - 0442RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
238F76C0411A/P Tag File - COL - 76C9RPTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
239F76C4008Additionals Tax Areas - COL - 041TATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
240F76C575Work File Magnetic Media - COL - 0448Q1TXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
241F76CI3Tax Areas Tag File - COL - 76C1TATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
242F76CT2Sales/Use/V.A.T. Tax File - COL - 76C17CTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
243F76CUI02Tax Detail - Work File - COL - 76C9TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
244F76CUI04Tax Detail for Distribution - Work File - COL - 76C10TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76E: Ecuador
245F76E4020Withholding Certificate Information w/ SRI - EC - 045CRTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76H: Chile
246F76H003Tax Area Type - CHI - 00 - 76H1TTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
247F76H004Tax Area Non-Reimbursable - CHI - 00 - 76H1TNTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
248F76H020Tax rate columns reports set up - CHI - 00 - 76H1NOTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
249F76H218Taxes by Sales Order Line - CHI - 42 - 76H8TDTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
250F76HUI32Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H24WFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
251F76HUI33Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H12WFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76P: Peru
252F76P030Taxable non taxable reports set up - PER - 04 - 76P1TSTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
253F76PUI45Workfile VAT Purchasing Ledger - PER - 04 - 76P11WFTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP76V: Venezuela
254F76V306A/R Tax Area / Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 03B1RTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
255F76V406A/P Tax Area / Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 041PTTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
256F76VLC01Purchase Register Temporal - VEN -04 - 76V2LCTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
257F76VLV01Temporal Table for VAT Type - R76VLV01 - VEN -03B - 76V1IMTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
258F76VLV03Temporal Table for VAT Type - R76VLV02 - VEN -03B - 76V1IATXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100
TOP89: Conversion Programs
259F43199ATemp F43199 for ERP 9.0 Upgrade90OLTXA1Tax Rate/AreaStringGeneric Edit100