JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

3596 columns | Print definition?920 | UPMJ

TableTable DescriptionColumn#PrefixAliasColumn DescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimals
TOP00: Foundation Environment
1F0006Business Unit Master115MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2F0006DZ1Business Unit Alternate Description Z file25SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3F0006SDate Effective Business Unit Master120MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
4F0006S1Business Unit Snapshot Header6SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
5F0006Z1Cost Center Unedited Transaction Table128SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
6F0006Z2Business Unit Master Z File128SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
7F0007Workday Calendar40CZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
8F0008Date Fiscal Patterns22CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
9F00085Daylight Savings Rules17DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
10F0008BDate Fiscal Patterns - 52 Period Accounting61CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
11F0009General Constants60GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
12F00091Supplemental Database Data Types31T2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
13F00092Supplemental Data27T3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
14F00093Flash Messages9FMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
15F00094CTI Properties9T1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
16F00095Business Object Reservation5A1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
17F00096Default Media Object Category by Table36M0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
18F0010Company Constants59CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
19F00101Company by Country - 006CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
20F0010TCompany Constants Tag Table10CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
21F0010ZCompany Constants Z File82SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
22F0011Batch Control Records20ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
23F0012Automatic Accounting Instructions Master18KGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
24F0013Currency Codes8CVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
25F0014Payment Terms12PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
26F0018Taxes57TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
27F0018RTax Reconciliation Repository24EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
28F0025Ledger Type Master File25LHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
29F0030Bank Transit Master28AYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
30F0031Bank Transit Master Tag Table3AVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
31F0039Generated Documents Definition24GNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
32F004201Prepayment Transaction Table69PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
33F00421Column Relationships13RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
34F00422Data Relationships14RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
35F00424Relationship Columns7ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
36F0048Code Mappings Master11CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
37F0050Organization Structure Master File9MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
38F0075Credit Card Information10CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
39F0095Integration Timestamp4ITUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
40F00UI391Generated Document Work Table15GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
41F00UI392Text Substitution Work Table14GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
42F00UI393Bookmark Work Table12GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
43F03B470Pay When Paid Group Header6PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
44F0401Z1Supplier Master - Batch Upload92VOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
45F0902Account Balances36GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
46F0911Account Ledger103GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
47F09190Inter/Intra Company Account Relationships9C9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
48F15019Billing Frequency Master27NLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
49F17001Service/Warranty Constants Table - F1700134CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
50F40081Alternate Tax Rate/Area Definition25EUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
51F40082Alternate Tax Area by Country - 006ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
52F4096Sales Flex Accounting20FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
53F4303MLog Models24PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
54F5301Change Request Master Table39DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
55F744008Tax areas - Tag Table EMEA - Spain / Italy7TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP01: Address Book
56F0101Address Book Master74ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
57F0101Z2Address Book - Interoperability106SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
58F0111Address Book - Who's Who28WWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
59F01112Related Person16CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
60F01112Z1Batch - Related Person30PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
61F0111Z1Batch Who's Who Information42BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
62F01138AB Data Permission List Definitions29DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
63F0115Address Book - Phone Numbers10WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
64F01151Electronic Address8EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
65F01151Z1Batch - Electronic Address22EBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
66F0115Z1Phones - Interoperability24PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
67F0116Address by Date17ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
68F01161Alternate Address17WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
69F01161DWCustomer Alternate Address Export20DWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
70F01161Z1Batch - Alternative Address31LBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
71F0117Postal Codes11A8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
72F0118Postal Code Address9A7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
73F011901Contacts Subscriptions Table15CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
74F01311Centralized Calendar Master25CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
75F0150Address Organization Structure Master9MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
76F01501Enhanced Parent Child12PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
77F01505Tier Descriptions9TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
78F0401Supplier Master75A6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP02: Electronic Mail
79F0113Message Log Ledger File16ZZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
80F01132PPAT Message Text File5CYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
81F0126'Flash' Schedule Master File39A#UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP03: Accounts Receivable
82F03012Customer Master by Line of Business190AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
83F03012ADate Effective Category Codes37A2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
84F03012Z1Customer Master LOB-Batch Table206VOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
85F0311Accounts Receivable Ledger129RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP03B: Enhanced Accounts Receivable
86F00171Interoperability-Net Change Table3NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
87F007101Text Processor Header19TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
88F007111Text Processor Detail Table13TBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
89F03B08Credit/Collection Date Pattern11RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
90F03B11Customer Ledger128RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
91F03B112Invoice Revisions60RWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
92F03B112PInvoice Revisions Purge File60RWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
93F03B116Revenue Recognition Invoice19RKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
94F03B117Revenue Recognition GL Info67RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
95F03B118Revenue Recognition Invoice Audit20RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
96F03B119Revenue Recognition GL Info Audit68RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
97F03B11PCustomer Ledger Purge File128RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
98F03B11Z1Batch Invoices139VJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
99F03B11Z2F03B11 Interoperability Table146SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
100F03B13Receipts Header84RYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
101F03B13PReceipts Header Purge File84RYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
102F03B13Z2F03B13 Interoperability Table98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
103F03B14Receipts Detail113RZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
104F03B14PReceipts Detail Purge File113RZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
105F03B14Z2F03B14 Interoperability Table132SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
106F03B15Credit and Cash Management54RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
107F03B16A/R Statistical History56RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
108F03B16SA/R Statistical Summary45RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
109F03B20A/R Notification History59ZRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
110F03B21A/R Notification History Detail58ZSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
111F03B22A/R Fee Journal History28RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
112F03B23A/R Fee Journal History Detail22RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
113F03B25Delinquency Policy9RFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
114F03B26A/R Delinquency Policy Notification20RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
115F03B27A/R Delinquency Policy Detail - Fees24RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
116F03B28Letter Text8RJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
117F03B29Credit Insurance18IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
118F03B30Activity Type Master7ZIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
119F03B31Customer Activity Log13ZGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
120F03B40A/R Deduction Management36RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
121F03B41A/R Deduction Activity22RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
122F03B41Z1Inteoperability - Deductions Management30SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
123F03B42Deductions Activity Master12RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
124F03B424Invoice Trigger Hierarchy8TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
125F03B425InvoiceTrigger Date4TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
126F03B426Invoice Trigger Configuration13TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
127F03B50Receipt Application Algorithm Execution Lists8REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
128F03B571Auto Debit Batch Control33RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
129F03B575Auto Debit Invoice Select and Build137RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
130F03B672Draft Remittance78RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP04: Accounts Payable
131F0401TSupplier Master - Voucher Match Automation File18VTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
132F0401Z1TSupplier Master - Voucher Match Automation Tag File22VTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
133F0411Accounts Payable Ledger98RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
134F0411AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Ledger98RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
135F0411PPurge - Accounts Payable Ledger98RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
136F0411XCM Voucher Cross Reference11CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
137F0411Z1Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload116VLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
138F0411Z1TVoucher Transactions Batch Upload - Voucher Match Automation31VTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
139F0411Z3F0411 Interoperability Table153SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
140F0413Accounts Payable - Matching Document23RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
141F0413AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Payment Register23RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
142F0413PPurge - Accounts Payable Matching Documents23RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
143F0413Z1F0413 Interoperability Table44SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
144F0414Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail33RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
145F0414AWF - 'As Of' Accounts Payable Payment Detail33RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
146F0414PPurge - Accounts Payable Matching Document Detail33RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
147F0414Z1F0414 Interoperability Table53SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
148F0417A/P Payments - Default Print and Update14KBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
149F0450Payee Control14PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
150F0451451099 Securities Identification File10G2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
151F0457A/P Payment Tape6KMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
152F04571A/P Payment Processing - Header29KHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
153F04572A/P Payment Processing - Summary44KKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
154F04573A/P Payment Processing - Detail24KIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
155F04614T5018 Tax File11CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
156F046141T5018 Tax Workfile9CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
157F0490A/P 'As Of' Date Worktable2GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
158F09UI006Tax (F0018) Replica57TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP05: Time Accounting and HRM Base
159F05005Generic UBE File19GFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
160F050116WEmployee Master Integrations Work File22EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
161F050611URL Definitions10URUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
162F050612Media Object URL Intersection8URUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
163F05100Resource Competency10CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
164F05100Z1Resource Competencies Unedited Transactions File17CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
165F05101Course Master12CYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
166F05102Goal Master18SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
167F05103Scale Master8AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
168F05104Competency Master9CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
169F05105Goal Suggestions5GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
170F05106Competency Update Events8CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
171F05107Competency Update Approval Routing8CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
172F05107ACompetency Update Approval Routing Tag File9CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
173F05108Unconfirmed Training Additional14UTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
174F05111Training/Development17CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
175F05112Skills/Resources12STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
176F051124Director Text Setup File8Y4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
177F05113Accomplishments12ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
178F05114Certifications18CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
179F05115Education13ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
180F05116Languages10LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
181F05117Goal Action Plan3GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
182F051171Goal Actions16GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
183F05118Aggregate Competencies8ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
184F05119Competency Levels8CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
185F05120Competency History12MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
186F05121Competency/Course8CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
187F05122Action Plan9APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
188F051400Searchable Competency Fields8SFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
189F051402Search Constants7SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
190F051413Competency Search Importance6SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
191F051421Word Index7WIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
192F051422Competency Words8CWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
193F051423Level Words9LWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
194F051424Competency Detail UDC Words9CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
195F051425Competency Detail Words9CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
196F051427Ignore Words5IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
197F051428Related Words6RWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
198F051429Acronym8ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
199F05152WFResults Work File7WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
200F05153WFResults Work File Competency Detail8WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
201F05154WFResults Work File Competency Words Detail9WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
202F05400Self-Service Process Flow Settings26PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
203F054101Employee Personal Profile Information History Table27EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
204F054101WEmployee Personal Profile Information Work Table45EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
205F054111Employee Emergency Contact History Table20CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
206F054111WEmployee Emergency Contact Work Table21ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
207F05420Workflow Approval Table9WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
208F05430ESS User Defined Text9UTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
209F06106Employee Pay Instructions101YMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
210F06145Calendar Month DBA Summary History File53YHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
211F0625Change Code History File18JBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
212F0627Workers Compensation Summary History87JHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
213F069016Payroll Tax Area Profile11YPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
214F069016TPayroll Tax Area Profile - Tag File7YPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
215F069036Payroll Transaction Cross Reference6YXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
216F069086Payroll Corporate Tax Identification7YIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
217F069106Union Benefits Master51Y1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
218F069116Payroll Transaction Constants113YCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
219F069116TPayroll Transaction Constants - Tag File45YCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
220F069126Union Rates File21YLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
221F0691261Additional Union Rates24YLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
222F069130Group Limits15YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
223F069140Employee DBA Group Limit Overrides16YMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
224F069150DBA Group Plan Group Limit Overrides19Y1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
225F069160Employee DBA Override Instructions Group Limits17Y9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
226F069216Workers Compensation Insurance Rates15YBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
227F069226Unemployment Insurance Rates9YHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
228F06933Step Progression Parameters20J@UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
229F06936Retro Pay Types Rate19JAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
230F06972Retro Pay Type Table6YRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
231F0709Deduction/Benefit/Accrual Ledger File52Y$UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
232F07300Employee Lockout Code File7YBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
233F073111Pay Type to Activity Type Association5AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
234F07315Employee Group Schedules Director8GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
235F085590Disability and Veteran Status History Table19DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
236F085590WDisability Status Work Table14DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
237F085605WVeteran Status Work Table16VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
238F086011Establishment Information7COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP05A: PeopleSoft HR & PR Foundation
239F05002Pay Type by Category7EVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
240F05003Verification of Employment Data57EVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
241F05004Common Settings for HR Employee Self Service Programs7SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
242F05840Employee/Supervisor Relationship Level7SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
243F05842Employee/Supervisor Approval History7ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
244F05844Approval Hierarchy Table9AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
245F060116Employee Master Information190YAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
246F0601161Point-In-Time Employee Master192PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
247F0601162Point-In-Time Employee Master Header5PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
248F060116WEE Master Request File190YAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
249F060116ZUnedited Quick Hire Transaction File99SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
250F060117AEmployee Master - International Data Tag6YAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
251F060119Employee Jobs History File59YEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
252F060120Employee Master Additional Information File9YAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
253F06045Employee Master - Mass Changes9BBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
254F069056Establishment Constant File20YOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
255F08040HR History Constants16JTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
256F08042HR History7JWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
257F08043HR Additional Constants9ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
258F08393Pay Type Tables6BNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
259F083931DBA Pay Type Tables6BNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
260F980014DMail Merge Runtime Web Data3MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP05T: Time Entry
261F051123Self Service Time Entry Layout Setup File182Y3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
262F051126Managers Delegates Setup File9Y6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
263F05210Advanced Labor Management Tasks8AWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
264F05211Advanced Labor Management Workbench Options11AOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
265F05212Advanced Labor Management Workbench Task Versions6AVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
266F05601Component Pay Instructions15CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
267F059022Pay Calculation Table15PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
268F059062Labor Distribution Periods9LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
269F059063Employee Labor Distribution Period Overrides10EOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
270F06116Employee Transaction Detail File96YTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
271F06116Z1Employee Transactions - Batch File110VLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
272F06116Z2ESS Timecard History110VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
273F0623Piecework History File56JLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
274F06278Retro Timecard Detail File96YTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
275F063951Payroll Journal (Compressed) File33GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
276F069136Tip Disbursement27JEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
277F069306Union Local Cross Reference7Y@UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP05U: E1 HR & PR Foundation US
278F053030IRS Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate16EWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
279F053031Tables for IRS Form W-4, EE Withhld Allowance - 2007 on10EWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
280F053032Tables for IRS Form W-4, EE Withhld Allowance - Pre 200711EWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
281F05850EEO-1 Annual Data24EOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP06: Payroll (old) - Obsolete-do not reuse
282F060118Employee Jobs58YEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
283F06042Future Data EE Master Revisions10JOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
284F06146Employee Transaction History Summary56YNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
285F069096Payroll General Constants18YKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
286F0690961Payroll Additional Constants20YKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP07: Payroll
287F05290WF - Payroll Journal (Detail)33JRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
288F055011WAuto Deposit Instructions Work File20ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
289F06053Interim Check Parameters File32YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
290F06136Tax History62YZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
291F06136ATax Summary (Additional)64YZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
292F06136BTax Summary (PA ACT 32)71YZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
293F06147Fiscal and Anniversary Year History16YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
294F06148Tax Area Transaction History12Y@UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
295F06156Pay Check History Summary40YUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
296F06166ATax Ledger (Additional)23YVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
297F06166BTax Ledger (PA ACT 32)29YVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
298F065016Automatic Bank Deposit Master27YGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
299F065016TAutomatic Bank Deposit Master (Additional)20YGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
300F06720W-2/1099 Processing Control220JEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
301F069026Payroll Generic Tables10Y2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
302F0690361Employee Rollover Table Overrides7ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
303F069066Pay Cycle Constant21JDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
304F069076Insured Pay Code7YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
305F0701730Populate Vertex Filing Status5VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
306F0701731Compensation Overrides11YCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
307F0701732Additional Tax Overrides25AOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
308F0701733Additional Calc Methods25YCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
309F0701734Prior Head Tax from a Previous Employer17Y3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
310F0701735Pretax Deduction Overrides16YCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
311F0701740Quantum Control Tax12YQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
312F0701741Canadian Deduction12YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
313F0705DBA Period Control File14J@UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
314F07107Employee Wage Attachment Rules59JWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
315F071072Employee Level Multi Child Support Overrides7JXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
316F071073Employee Level Multi Wage Attachment Rules10J3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
317F071074Wage Attachment Exemption Rules10WEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
318F071075Wage Attachment Child Support EFT Detail22JWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
319F07149Accrual Fiscal/Anniversary History Work File17Y8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
320F0716701Employee Assignment T/E Template Information96EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
321F0716702Employee Assignment Rates20EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
322F0716703Employee Assignment Job Description13EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
323F0716704Employee Assignment Default Pay Type6EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
324F0716709Employee Assignment T/E Template Info History96EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
325F0717ROE Summary History52JFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
326F07186Stub Information History Table18Y8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
327F071861Stub Detail Piece Rate History File16Y8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
328F0719DBA Transaction Detail History52Y$UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
329F07210Pay Cycle Parameters File95YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
330F07212Paystub Retro Pay State Setup4Y2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
331F07236TAuto Deposit Tape File Setup (Additional)19Y6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
332F0724Burden Distribution File20YSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
333F07241Burden Distribution File20YSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
334F0728Employee Paid Workers Compensation Transactions11YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
335F0729Employee DBA Override Instructions88Y9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
336F07350Payment File47Y0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
337F07351Payment Distribution File23Y1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
338F07351TPayment Distribution File (Additional)20Y1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
339F07352Stub Information File18Y2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
340F073521Stub Detail Piece Rate File16Y2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
341F07353Tax Detail File28Y3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
342F07354Report Setup File6Y4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
343F07355Pre-Payroll Error File33Y5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
344F07390Year-End Rollover Workfile14ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
345F07400New Hire Detail File - Common Format4NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
346F074001New Hire Reporting Workfile - OneWorld Only111NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
347F074001RNew Hire Report Setup - OneWorld Only11NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
348F074001WSUI/New Hire Client loader for F074001R11NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
349F07415New Hire Detail File - Indiana4NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
350F07436New Hire Detail File - Ohio4NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
351F07439New Hire Detail File - Pennsylvania4NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
352F07440New Hire Detail File - Rhode Island4NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
353F07500Geocoder Report Setup5GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
354F07600Leave Administration Control18LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
355F07601Leave Type Setup13LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
356F07603FMLA Leave Substitution Rules27FVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
357F07620Leave Transactions20LVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
358F07621Employee Medical Leave Information24L1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
359F07622Employee Leave - Medical Opinions14L2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
360F07623Employee FMLA Request Header20L3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
361F07624Employee Medical Leave Change Information24L4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
362F07630Leave Messaging and Audit8LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
363F07727Canadian Pension Information27J7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
364F07800Year-End Employee Table5JEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
365F07810Year-End Control Table48JEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
366F07815Special Handling Codes Setup5YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
367F07821Company Form Count Table12JGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
368F07822Company Federal Control Table47JIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
369F07823Year-End Report Table10YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
370F07824Company State/Local Control Table20JDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
371F07825Company Special Handling Control Table45JAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
372F07826Additional Parameters5JBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
373F07830Employee Federal Control Table86Y0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
374F078303Arizona SUI magnetic media table (03)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
375F078305California SUI Magnetic Media Table (05)4YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
376F078306Colorado SUI magnetic media table (06)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
377F07831Employee State/Local Control Table47YBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
378F078310Florida SUI magnetic media table (10)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
379F078311Georgia SUI magnetic media table (11)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
380F078312Hawaii SUI magnetic media table (12)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
381F07832Employee Special Handling Control Table62YHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
382F078329Nevada SUI Magnetic Media Table (29)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
383F078344Texas SUI Magnetic Media Table(44)4YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
384F078345Utah SUI magnetic media table (45)4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
385F078348Washington SUI Magnetic Media Table (48)4YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
386F07845Fund Master14FZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
387F07850Group Fund Setup15FGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
388F078504Vertex Geo Code to ADP Code23VAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
389F078510ADP Quarterly Integrity Report131VRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
390F07855Employee Fund Allocation12AFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
391F07860Superannuation Date Tracking6STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
392F07880SUI Magnetic Media Workfile87YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
393F07881SUI Magnetic Media Flat File - Generic4YFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
394F07885SUI Payments for Quarterly Reporting26YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
395F07900Non Calendar Tax Fiscal Date Patterns16NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
396F079320Wage Attachment Exemptions by Pay Frequency31WXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
397F07940Set Vertex Tax Table9YYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
398F079420Prevailing Wage DBAs21PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
399F079425Prevailing Wage DBA Range23PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
400F079430Prevailing Wage Transaction Detail39PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
401F079435Prevailing Wage Fringe Detail27PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
402F079440Prevailing Wage Transaction History38PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
403F079445Prevailing Wage Fringe History26PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
404F07991Deduction, Benefit, Accrual History Conversion Data7YXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
405F07992Payroll Tax History Conversion Data8YQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08: Human Resources
406F05401Self-Service Process Flow Director Text9DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
407F05402Self-Service Step/ApplicationCross-Reference8SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
408F05403Self-Service Script Position Rules9PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
409F05410Employee E-Signature12ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
410F054115Employee Phone Number History Table10HPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
411F054115WEmployee Phone Number Work Table11PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
412F0800601Organizational Business Unit/Job Cross-Reference10JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
413F0800602Job Competency Master17JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
414F0800603Job Group Competencies11JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
415F0800604Organizational Business Unit Competencies11JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
416F0800605Job Type/Step Competencies12JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
417F0800606Competency Options - Overrides18JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
418F0800607Organizational Competencies10JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
419F0800608Date Effective Organizational Structure8JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
420F0800609Gap Analysis Snapshot37YIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
421F0800610Competencies in Structure and Job14JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
422F0800611Job Competency Default - Overrides10JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
423F0800612User Defined Job Competency Description Reference16JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
424F080700Fusion XREF Table8XRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
425F080701Fusion Lookup Map15LUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
426F080702Fusion Entity Map22EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
427F080703Fusion Lookup Table7LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
428F080704Fusion Business Objects Extracted Table7FEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
429F080705HR2HR Transaction Details6FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
430F080706Fusion Configuration Details10FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
431F08090HRM Supplemental Data Types31JXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
432F08092Human Resources General Description-User Def Codes16JZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
433F08093Human Resources General Description - Narration11JYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
434F08116ACA Applicable Large Employer7ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
435F081161ACA Employee Eligibility57ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
436F0811619ACA Employee Eligibility Archive57ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
437F081162ACA Parameters26APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
438F0811629ACA Parameters History29APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
439F081163ACA Home Company Summary17ASUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
440F0811639ACA Home Company Summary Archive17ASUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
441F082002Grade/Step Progression Header File16YVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
442F082003Grade/Step Progression Detail File25YWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
443F08320CPlan Master Tag File10PXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
444F083301Benefit Statement6BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
445F083302Benefit Statement Heading Codes Type6HTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
446F083303Benefit Statement Cross Reference Detail9CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
447F083304Associate Benefit Statement Heading7AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
448F083305Mail Merge Header/Detail35MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
449F08336BDep/Ben X-Reference Tag Table11E2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
450F08338Primary Care Physician Table15E7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
451F08338BPrimary Care Physician Tag Table10PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
452F08350CCategories by Benefit Group Tag File10BXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
453F085500Allowed Dependent Relations Per Plan7ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
454F085510Benefit Categories by Enrollment Events6ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
455F085515Workflow Process File6WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
456F085520Available Plans and Plan Options by Employee History Table22PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
457F085520WAvailable Plans and Plan Options by Employee Work Table33APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
458F085528ESS History Table Cross Reference8ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
459F085530WEmployee Current/Pending Elections Work Table21CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
460F085536Dependent/Beneficiary X-Reference History Table23DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
461F085536WDependent/Beneficiary X-Reference Work Table23DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
462F085537WCurrent Dep/Ben X-Reference Work Table19XBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
463F085540Benefits Enrollment Plan/Option URL Address13PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
464F085550Employee Self-Service Personal Information Options12IOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
465F08710Employee Setup Master18ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
466F087102Setup Task List7TLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
467F087103Setup Task Details22TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
468F08711Employee Setup Tasks14ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
469F08713POrganization Chart Public Information Flags3PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
470F08720Employee Status Change9SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
471F08721Employee Status Change Details5SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
472F08730Employee Status Change Setup3SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
473F08731Employee Status Change Setup Detail4SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
474F08740Manager's Self Service Reports9MRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
475F08750Managers Delegates5MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
476F08771CBPA System Company Constants12XGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
477F087711CBPA Appraisal Header48XJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
478F087711ACBPA Appraisal Header Tag Table10XJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
479F087711BPerformance Appraisal Header Template Keys14XKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
480F087715CBPA Diary Table17XMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
481F08771ACBPA System Company Constants Tag Table6XGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
482F08772CBPA System Business Unit Overrides12XHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
483F08772ACBPA System Business Unit Overrides Tag Table6XHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
484F08773CBPA System Appraisal Type Overrides14XLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
485F08773ACBPA System Appraisal Type Overrides Tag Table8XLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
486F08776CBPA Appraisal Templates10XOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
487F089921Rules Detail10DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
488F08JDWF1Job Description Changes Integration Work File17JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
489F08JDWF2Job Description History Integration Work File23JHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08A: eRecruit
490F08403Extended Applicant Information9EIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08AD: ADP Integration
491F05137ADP Employee Master Information71ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
492F051371ADP Employee DBA Instructions106ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
493F051375ADP Payroll DBA Transaction Constants115ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
494F05138ADP - Pay Cycle Review Control14PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08B: Benefits Administration
495F08320Benefits Plan Master41BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
496F083202BPlan Additional Option Tag Table6MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
497F083203Plan Master Rates11BGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
498F08320BPlan/Plan Option Tag Table8PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
499F08320DPlan Master Tag Table11PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
500F08320WFAvailable Plans and Plan Options by Employee Work Table27BVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
501F08330Employee Enrollment18BGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
502F08330BEmployee Enrollment Tag File12BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
503F08330CEmployee Enrollment Tag Table C7PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
504F08330WFEmployee Current/Pending Elections Work Table16BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
505F08336Dep/Ben to Employee Plan X-Reference13BJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
506F08336WFDependent/Beneficiary X-Ref Work Table22BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
507F0833WFBenefit Statement Work file153WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
508F08350BBenefit Categories by Benefit Group Tag Table5I8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
509F08370Reimbursement Spending Acct - Balance File20B7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
510F08371Reimbursement Spending Account Claims File36B6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
511F08372FSA - Pay Instruction File18BMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
512F08500Enrollment Event Setup9ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
513F08501Employee Pension Activity Master28HHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
514F08502Pension Plan Activity Balance27HIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
515F08505Benefit Self Service Constant8BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
516F08510Benefit Categories by Enrollment Events5BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
517F08515Plan DBA/Enrollment DBA Cross Reference6QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
518F085201Pension Plan Calculation Rules21HKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
519F085303WIRS W-4 Form Work File19W4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
520F085518Benefit Confirmation Statement Options24SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
521F085573WEntered Benefit Amount/Rate Edits10MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
522F085574Maximum Insurance Coverage Increase Amounts10MIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
523F08901Participant file24HUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08H: Health and Safety
524F08601Injury/Illness Case Master47HLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
525F08601BInjury/Illness Case Master Tag Table6ITUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
526F08601CAdditional Health and Safety Information8PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
527F086400Injury/Illness Establishment Detail Information4ORUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
528F086401Injury/Illness Report Header Information13RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08LM: HCM Learning Management Integr
529F0805External System Roles7ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08P: Position Control
530F08001Job information73JMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
531F08101Position Master24HPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
532F08101PPurge - Position Master24HPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
533F08111Position Budget Detail17HQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
534F08111PPurge - Position Budget Detail17HQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08R: Recruitment Management - (Appl. Track. & Req.)
535F06012Personnel Resume28YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
536F06013Personnel Resume Text8YEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
537F08045Employee Turnover Analysis9HTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
538F08102Requisition Information35HNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
539F08105Requisition Activity8HMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
540F08401Applicant Master41HAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
541F08401WFApplicant Work File42XNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
542F08402Applicant Master - Append Table6HAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08U: PeopleSoft HR US
543F08361Plan Control Group - NDT5NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
544F08362NDT - Tests Associated with Plan9NBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
545F083675NDT - Prior Year Testing Method Selection Criteria20PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
546F08369Plan Control Group Test History8NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
547F08910COBRA Qualified Beneficiary File45J1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
548F089101COBRA Subsequent Qualified Event Info.26J2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
549F08920COBRA Coverage39JSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
550F08990COBRA General Constants42HWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
551F089901COBRA General Constants Additional Information25CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
552F089902COBRA General Constants - COBRA Notices Information12J2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
553F08991COBRA Qualifying Event Constant32HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
554F08992Qualifying Event Rules Header12QEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
555F08994COBRA Payment History18H1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
556F08995COBRA Notification History13H2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
557F08996COBRA Notice History14J3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP08W: Wage and Salary
558F082001Pay Grade/Salary Range Table13HSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
559F08201Salary Review Workfile54HRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
560F08818Increase Type Rules15YMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
561F08820Increase Guideline Master Table22YTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
562F08821Increase Guideline Range Table20YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
563F08830WFCompensation Root Work Table90YNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
564F08831WFCompensation Detail Work Table26YSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
565F08832WFCompensation Model Work Table6MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP09: General Accounting
566F0050AStructure Definition File47MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
567F0901Account Master49GMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
568F0902BAccount Balances - 52 Period Accounting76GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
569F0902PPurge - Account Balances36GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
570F0902Z1Account Balances - Batch File39GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
571F0911PPurge - Account Ledger103GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
572F0911RWF - Account Ledger Reconciliation88GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
573F0911Z1Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File120VNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
574F0911Z4F0911 Interoperability Table134SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
575F0912Cost Allocations/Flex Budgeting51RJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
576F09123Advanced Variable Numerator64VNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
577F09123AAdvanced Variable Numerator Busines Unit Override9BOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
578F0912AIndex Computation Entry File60RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
579F0912BVariable Allocation File57R#UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
580F0916Bank Statement Header19GHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
581F0917Bank Statement Detail54GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
582F09300OVFS Report Table107FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
583F09301Submitted One View Financial Statements Table31FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
584F09302OVFS Constants21OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
585F09305OVFS Row Definition Grouping Elements Table6GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
586F09310OVFS Row Definition Setup Table62RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
587F09320OVFS Column Definition Setup Table33CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
588F09330OVFS Statement Definition Setup Table55RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
589F09340OVFS Statement Version Setup Table41VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
590F09350WOVFS Row Definition Work Table28RWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
591F09521Cash Type Rules52FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
592F09522Cash Forecast Data36FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
593F09523Cash Forecast Reporting Structures16FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
594F09610Electronic Bank Statement Staging Header38SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
595F09611Electronic Bank Statement Staging Detail25BGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
596F09616Auto Bank Statement Header26GNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
597F09617Auto Bank Statement Detail52GMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
598F09621Bank Account Cross Reference9GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
599F09622Transaction Type Cross Reference11TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
600F09626Auto Reconciliation Rules Setup29GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
601F09627Auto Reconciliation Group Setup8GGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
602F09628Auto Bank Statement Account Setup12GAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
603F09UI010WorkFile for R0970112WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
604F09UI015Indexed Computations Multi-Tiered Entries102GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
605F09UI016Account Balance Compare Exceptions2GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
606F09UI017Cash Forecast Detail2FWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
607F09UI123Advanced Variable Numerator Worktable31VWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
608F09UI124Advanced Variable Numerator Pool Grouping Worktable8PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
609F09UI618Auto Bank Statement Process Work Table44NBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
610F11151Currency Cross Rates Calculation Master13CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
611F48S80Segment Definition11SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
612F48S81Burden Computation Method10CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
613F48S82Burden Base Rules18BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
614F48S83Pool Definition10PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
615F48S84Pool Grouping Codes9PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
616F48S85Burden Rates12RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
617F52G02Burdening Summarized Ledger50BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
618F52G11Burdening Detail Ledger49BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
619F52G11WFTemporary Burdened Detail Ledger Workfile49BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
620F52G60Burden Rate Calculations Workfile36BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP09E: Expense Reimbursment
621F09E105Tax Mapping10TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
622F09E108Policy Edit Rules24PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
623F09E109Expense Category Setup11PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
624F09E110Audit Selection Rules11ASUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
625F09E114Exchange Rate Identifiers9ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
626F09E118Expense Category / Report Type to Pay Type Mapping9PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
627F09E119Expense Reimbursement Routing Rules17EXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
628F09E120Expense Report Routing History Log8EXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
629F09E150Credit Card Transaction Interface Table95CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
630F20103Employee Profile Definition22EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
631F20104Expense Report Group Profiles16GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
632F20107Business Purpose History5BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
633F20111Expense Report Header39EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
634F20112Expense Report Detail81EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP10: Financial Reporting
635F0050BBusiness Unit Structure Build File47MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
636F10005User Defined Code Control File8GOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
637F1001Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File Header36GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
638F1001Z1Unedited MSC Interoperability Header Table50IAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
639F1002Multi-Site Consolidation Transfer File43GQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
640F1002Z1Unedited MSC Interoperability Table56SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
641F100901Level of Detail31FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
642F10430Multi-Site Consolidation - Account Structure37CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
643F10430AAccount Structure Definition26CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
644F10470Consolidation Specifications (OW)22CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
645F10471Elimination Rules (OW)25ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
646F10520Statement of Cash Flow Rules13CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
647F10909Object/Subsidiary Control Table7G1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
648F10UI001Account Structure Build Workfile40CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
649F10UI005Organization Structure Report Work Table30SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
650F10UI006MSC - F1002 Elimination Work File35GEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
651F10UI007Business Unit Structure Search Form Work Table5MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP11: Multi Currency
652F0015Currency Exchange Rates15CXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
653F0015Z1External Currency Exchange Rates36ZEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
654F1114Company Conversions Parameter File35C2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP12: Fixed Assets
655F12002Default Accounting Constants18FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
656F12003Default Depreciation Constants14FFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
657F1201Asset Master File87FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
658F1201PAsset Master Purge Table87FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
659F1201Z1Unedited Asset Master Transactions125FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
660F1202Asset Account Balances File47FLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
661F1202PAsset Account Balances Purge Table47FLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
662F1210Location History Text5FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
663F1210WWF - Location History - Log Detail5FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
664F1212Parent History5FYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
665F1212PParent History Purge Table5FYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
666F1217Equipment Master Extension51WRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
667F1217PEquipment Master Extension Purge Table51WRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
668F1217Z1Unedited Equipment Tag Transactions71WRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
669F1217Z2Unedited Equipment Tag Transactions84WRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
670F12851Depreciation Rules24LUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
671F12851DDemo Depreciation Rules24LUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
672F12852Annual Depreciation Rules21LVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
673F12852DDemo Annual Depreciation Rules21LVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
674F12853Depreciation Formulas15LWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
675F12853DDemo Depreciation Formulas15LWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP13: Plant/Equipment Management
676F1207Maintenance Schedule File22FWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
677F12071Equipment PM Schedule (Model)3FZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
678F1207PMaintenance Schedule Purge Table22FWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
679F12120Z1Unedited Meter Reading Transactions33SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
680F12121Equipment Templates14ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
681F12122Equipment Template Listing8ELUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
682F13017Equipment Parts List45PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
683F1306Meter Reading Estimates9F5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
684F1306PMeter Reading Estimates Purge Table9F5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
685F1307Status History File18F1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
686F1307PStatus History Purge Table18F1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
687F13411PM Projections42RXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
688F1393Maintenance Rules17GOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
689F4829Work Order Delivery Information17DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP13C: Condition-Base Maintenance
690F1310Condition-Based Alerts82CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
691F1310Z1Unedited Condition-Based Alerts96CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
692F1316Condition-Based Maintenance Message Rules18CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
693F1318Condition-Based Maintenance Alert Action Rules19ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP13E: Equipment Cost Analysis
694F1380Equipment Analysis Groups13EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
695F1381Equipment Analysis Filters52EFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
696F1382Equipment Analysis Listing17ELUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
697F1383Equipment Analysis Costs36ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
698F1385Equipment Analysis Rules13ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP13R: Resource Assignments
699F48301Resource Assignments Constants23RXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
700F48302Maintenance Schedule Periods14WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
701F48307Resource Working Hours21RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
702F48310Resource Master49RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
703F48311Resource Assignments60RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
704F48311SPurge - Resource Assignments60RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
705F48315Maintenance Schedule Metrics22WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
706F48316Maintenance Rescheduling Metrics22RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP14: Modeling - Planning & Budgeting
707F1403Forecast Basis30BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
708F1404Forecast Results - Header57BYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
709F14041Forecast Results - Detail30BZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
710F1405Business Unit Growth Patterns17BBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
711F1406Forecast Growth Patterns22FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP15: Real Estate Management
712F1501Tenant/Lease Master60NEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
713F15011Billings Generation Control Master20NKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
714F15011BBIllings Generation Control69NKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
715F15012Tenant E.P. Class Master59NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
716F150120Tenant Exclusion Header8NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
717F150120DTenant Exclusion - Alternate Description6NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
718F150121Tenant Exclusion Detail8NXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
719F150122Share Factor Denominator Header10NYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
720F150122AShare Factor Denominator Audit20SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
721F150122DShare Factor Denominator - Alternate Description6NYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
722F150123Share Factor Denominator Detail8NZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
723F15012BTenant E.P. Class Master81NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
724F15013Sales Overage Master45NOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
725F15013BSales Overage Master File82NOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
726F15014Product Scales Master16NPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
727F15014BProduct Scales Master46NPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
728F15015Minimum rent/recoveries Master14NQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
729F15015BMin/Max Rents And Recoveries Master47NQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
730F15016Tenant Escalation Master56NUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
731F15016BTenant Escalation Master77NUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
732F15017Lease Master Detail50NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
733F15019DBilling Frequency - Alternate Description6NLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
734F1501BLease Master Header53NEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
735F1501BDLease Master Header - Alternate Description7NEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
736F1502Recurring Billings Master51NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
737F15020Extended Billings Master58NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
738F1502BRecurring Billings Master77NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
739F1502BDRecurring Billings Master - Alternate Description7NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
740F1502WABRent Increase Amounts18NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
741F1502WBEstimated EP Recurring Billings82N4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
742F1503Log Standards Master25NBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
743F1504Log Standards Text Master9NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
744F1505Management Fee Master46NDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
745F1505BManagement Fee Master56NDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
746F1505HRevenue Fee Generation History8OKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
747F1505HBRevenue Fee Generation History16OKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
748F1506Floor Master12OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
749F1506DFloor Master - Alternate Description9OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
750F1507Unit Master23NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
751F1507DUnit Master - Alternate Description11NHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
752F1510Property Management Constants34OEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
753F1510BReal Estate Management Constants39OEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
754F1511Tenant/Lease Billings Detail52NJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
755F15110BExpense Participation Class Account11OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
756F1511BLease Billings Master93NJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
757F1511B1Billing Batches Summary13NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
758F1511HTenant/Lease Billings Detail History52N#UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
759F1511HBLease Billings History91NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
760F1512Billing Code Extension26NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
761F1512DBilling Code Extension - Alternate Description7NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
762F1513FASB 13 Lease Control File55O3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
763F1513BFASB 13 Lease Control62O3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
764F1514Area Master21NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
765F15141Gross Lease Occupied Areas25NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
766F15142Area Definitions22NVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
767F1514DArea Master - Alternate Description12NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
768F1515E.P. Cap Rules20CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
769F15151Building E.P. Caps22CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
770F15152Lease E.P. Caps35LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
771F151521Lease E.P. Accounts Not Subject to Cap21LOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
772F15153Lease Cap History40LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
773F1516Extended Invoice Text5NXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
774F1521Log Detail Master36NBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
775F15211Real Estate Attributes147ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
776F1521DLog Detail Master - Alternate Description7NBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
777F1522Unit Attribute Template Name10UTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
778F15221Unit Attribute Template Fields8UFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
779F1523Log Standard Master24OGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
780F1523DLog Standards Master - Alternate Description7OGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
781F1525A/R Fee Interest32N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
782F1525BFees and Interest41NMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
783F1530Expense Participation Class Master13NGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
784F15301E.P. Class Account Overrides33AOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
785F15302Ledger Type Groups13LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
786F15303E.P. Class Expenses History22CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
787F1530HExpense Participation Class Master Header17NGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
788F1530HDE.P. Class Master Alternate Description7HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
789F1531Expense Participation Class Adjustment9OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
790F1531DExpense Participation Class Adj. - Alternate Description7OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
791F1532BExpense Participation Audit File25NTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
792F1533Tenant Class Account Exclusions9NMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
793F1533BTenant Account Exclusions22NMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
794F1538WF - Expence Participation Register66NZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
795F1538BEP Billing Register106NZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
796F1538B1Occupancy Gross Up Audit33GUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
797F1538B2Exclusion/Redistribution20RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
798F1539AEP Billing Account Adjustments Audit32AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
799F1539CEP Billing Class Adjustments Audit File27AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
800F1539EEP Billing Account Exclusions Audit33AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
801F1539FCEP Billing Adj Factor EP Class Audit26AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
802F1539FLEP Billing Adj Factor Lease Audit32AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
803F1540Sales Report Control File24NRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
804F1540BSales Report Control63NRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
805F1541Tenant Sales History31N8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
806F15410Tenant Weekly Sales32N9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
807F1541BTenant Sales History42N8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
808F1541BWSales History Work File54OWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
809F1542Projected Sales48OJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
810F1543BTenant Sales Analysis Reporting File73OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
811F1544Sales Analysis Control File32OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
812F1544BSales Analysis Control44OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
813F1544BDSales Analysis Control - Alternate Description8OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
814F1547Sales Seasonality25OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
815F1548Escalation Billing Register51N1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
816F1548BEscalation Billing Register67N1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
817F1549Seasonality Models11OLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
818F1550Escalation Index Master18NVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
819F15525WPM Statements Credit/Cash Build Workfile56RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
820F1565Security Deposit Master38JFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
821F1570Legal Clauses21NDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
822F15701Legal Clause Options Audit20NKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
823F157011Lease Option Type Header10NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
824F157011DLease Option Type Header - Alternate Description6NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
825F157012Lease Option Type Detail16NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
826F157012DLease Option Type Detail - Alternate Description7NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
827F15702Legal Clause Space Detail20NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
828F157021Legal Clause Space Detail Audit18NGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
829F15702DLegal Clause Space Detail - Alternate Description9NFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
830F15703Legal Clause Amounts18NIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
831F159071Market/Potential/Renewal Rent Master18NYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
832F159071DMarket/Potential/Renewal Rent Master - Alternate Description9NYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
833F8915CV1Property Management Table Conversion Master Audit11N7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
834F8915CV2Property Management Table Conversion Detail Audit6N9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP15L: Adv Real Estate Forecasting
835F15L001WWork File for R15L00118Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
836F15L100AREF Building Constants40BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
837F15L1001AREF Building Constants Models40BMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
838F15L101AREF Unit Master86UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
839F15L102AREF Unit Assumptions Master Header32AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
840F15L103AREF Sales Overage Rule Header23SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
841F15L104AREF E.P. Rules Header22EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
842F15L105AREF Growth Pattern File34GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
843F15L106AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules Header20RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
844F15L107AREF Recycle Assumption Rules19EFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
845F15L108AREF Base Account Definition36ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
846F15L109AREF Budget Results37BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
847F15L109WAREF Grown Amounts Work File23GAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
848F15L110AREF Account Status50ASUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
849F15L111AREF Account Status Detail32ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
850F15L112AREF Unit Assumptions Master Detail25ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
851F15L113AREF Sales Overage Detail15SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
852F15L114AREF E.P. Rules Detail25EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
853F15L116AREF Recurring Bill Code Rules Detail22RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
854F15L118AREF Base Account Definition Detail30DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
855F15L120AREF Account Association15AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
856F15L141AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area26GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
857F15L200AREF Permission Lists6PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
858F15L201AREF Permission List Details7PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
859F15L202AREF Security9ASUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
860F15L301AREF Projected Sales56PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
861F15L302AREF Prior Gross Billings22PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
862F15L38AREF EP Billing Register101NZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
863F15L401AREF Share Factor Denominator Audit39SFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
864F15L402AREF Tenant Exclusion Rule Audit21SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
865F15L403AREF Gross Up Processing Audit32SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP16: Profit Management (EPS)
866F1602Cost Analyzer Balances59CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
867F1602Z1External Cost Analyzer Balances - Interoperability Table91CZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
868F1603Cost Analyzer View Structure23CVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
869F1609Cost Management Constants14CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
870F1610Cost Calculation Definitions67CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
871F1611Cost Calculation Transactions46CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
872F1620Cost Object Types12CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
873F1630Driver Definitions43CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
874F1632Driver Balances36CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
875F1632Z1External Driver Balances-Interoperability Table58CYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
876F1640Activity Master File19AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
877F1642Rate Master Header File14RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
878F16421Rate Master Detail File16RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
879F1690Enables Tables by Application12CKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP17: Customer Service Management
880F17113Assessor Defaults11ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
881F1720Contract Header72CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
882F1721Contract Detail126CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
883F1724Service Contract Coverage30CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
884F1725Service Contract Services18STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
885F1726Contract Duration Ranges8DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
886F1729Service Contract Service Package11SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
887F1732Registration Activity Rules20RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
888F1771Standard Repair Time10RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
889F1791Entitlement Dates12EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
890F1792Cost Code Percentages8CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
891F1793S/WM Line Type Constants12LFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
892F1794Billing/Amort Control Master41NKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
893F3111Z2Warranty Claim/Supplier Recovery processing88WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
894F3112Z2Warranty Claim/Supplier Recovery processing90WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
895F31171Parts List - Extension28WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
896F31171SPurge Parts List - Extension28WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
897F31172Routing Instructions - Extension31WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
898F31172SPurge Routing Instructions - Extension31WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
899F4117Item Master - Service/Warranty Extension14PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
900F41171Item Branch Master - Service/Warranty Extension15PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
901F4801Z2Warranty Claim/Supplier Recovery processing147WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
902F48161Failure Analysis Codes22KCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
903F48162Failure Analysis Tree Names28KNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
904F48163Failure Analysis Tree Definition10KTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
905F48164Failure Analysis Detail22KBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
906F48165Maintenance Request/Work Order Failure Analysis9KXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
907F48166Failure Analysis Pareto Table11KPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP17C: Call Management
908F17111Base Warranty Defaults24BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
909F1713ECOs Applied to Equipment21EEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
910F1731Equipment Master Location History25LQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
911F17311Equipment Master Location Details25LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
912F1750S/WM Sequences12CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
913F1751Case Status RulesTable17GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
914F1752Case Types7CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
915F1753Case Priority10GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
916F1754Case Provider Group Routing Rules13ZBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
917F1755Case Master3ZAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
918F1757Task Master29ZAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
919F1758Time Zones10ZBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
920F1759Case Required Fields11CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
921F1760Time Entry43ZBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
922F1790Product Family/Model Master8PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
923F1797S/WM Address Book Information47CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP18: Timecard Automation
924F186101Field and Function Definitions13FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
925F186201Employee Groups9EGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
926F186202Employee List Group Members8LGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
927F186203Employee Select Group Lines10SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
928F186204Employee Combo Group Members6CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
929F186301Timecard Templates30TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
930F186401Overtime Rule Sets10OSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
931F186402Overtime Rules9ORUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
932F186403Overtime Accumulator Rules13OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
933F186405Overtime Change Rule Lines12OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
934F186406Overtime Call Rule Set Rules6OLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
935F186407Overtime Call BSFN Rules6OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
936F186408Overtime Rule Pay Type Inclusions6PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
937F186409Overtime Rule Pay Type Category Inclusions6CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
938F186410Overtime Time Card Select Lines10OTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
939F186411Overtime Pay Type Exclusion Lists19OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
940F186601Labor Rules Master Transaction File8MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
941F186602Labor Rules Tag File15TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
942F186701Retropay Rules20RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
943F186702Retropay Rules Paytype Inclusions6PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
944F186703Retropay Rule Pay Type Category Inclusions6CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
945F186704Retropay Time Card Select Lines10RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP30: Product Data Management
946F0007Z1Work Day Calendar Transaction File54SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
947F30006Work Center Master File37IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
948F30006Z1Work Center Transaction File61SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
949F30008Work Center Rates File22IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
950F3002Z1Bill of Material Transaction File83SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
951F3003Z1Routing Transactions File68SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
952F3007Work Center Resource Units44WUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
953F3016Kanban Master33KMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
954F30161Kanban Card Detail13KDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
955F3017Kanban Size Calculation Definition23KSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
956F3018Kanban Size Calculation Parameters29KPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
957F3019Kanban Replenishment Capacity9KRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
958F30UI014BOM Header Work File for BI19BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
959F30UI015BOM Item Fact Work File for BI41BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP30A: Product Costing
960F300261Item Cost Component Detail25IEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP31: Shop Floor Control
961F30161Z1Inbound Kanban Card Detail31SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
962F3102Production Cost28IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
963F3102SPurge - Production Cost28IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
964F3102TWork Order Variance Tag - Needed for upgrade12IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
965F3102WFProduction Cost Work File28IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
966F3105Work Order LSN12ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
967F3105SPurge Work Order LSN12ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
968F3106W.O. Cross Reference File11SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
969F3108Summarized WO Cross-Reference9SJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
970F3109Line/Item Relationship Master24IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
971F31091Schedule Quantity Detail24IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
972F31091SSchedule Quantity Detail Purge24IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
973F3111Work Order Parts List68WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
974F3111SPurge - Shop Floor Parts List68WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
975F3111Z1Outbound Work Order Parts List88SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
976F3112Work Order Routing77WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
977F31122Work Order Time Transactions33WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
978F31122SPurge Work Order Time Transactions33WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
979F31122Z1Work Order Time Transactions Unedited Transaction Table59SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
980F3112SPurge Shop Floor Control Routing Instructions77WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
981F3112Z1Outbound Work Order Routings90SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
982F3114Rate Schedule Transaction File18IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
983F3115Net Change Transaction table14NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP31B: Blend Management
984F31B01Winery Master38WIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
985F31B02Staff Master26STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
986F31B03Barrel Master Table93BMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
987F31B031Barrel Profile Table45BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
988F31B032Barrel Types and Capacities11BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
989F31B033Current Barrel Segment Master17BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
990F31B04Material Type Master12MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
991F31B042Material Type Combination10MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
992F31B05Equipment Master31EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
993F31B051Equipment Consumables14ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
994F31B052Equipment Assignments12EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
995F31B053Consumable Assignments17CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
996F31B06Weight/Volume Conversions10WVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
997F31B07EUR Master File30EUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
998F31B0700Specification Master12SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
999F31B0701Specification Detail18SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1000F31B0702EUR Specifications11ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1001F31B0703Specification Wine Statuses13WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1002F31B0704Specification Version Detail19VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1003F31B0705Blend Named Calculation Version35BNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1004F31B0710Harvest Assumptions21HAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1005F31B0720Protocol Master22PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1006F31B0721EUR Protocols24EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1007F31B0730EUR Loss Assumptions14LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1008F31B0731EUR Wine Status Loss Assumptions14WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1009F31B0740Planning Assumptions45PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1010F31B0741EUR Cull and Cascade21CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1011F31B0750EUR Operation List Flag12OFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1012F31B0751Operation List13OLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1013F31B0760EUR Conversion Assumptions15CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1014F31B0770Brand Master23BMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1015F31B0790Specification Validation32SVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1016F31B07AGEUR Accounting Groups6AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1017F31B08Tank Master99TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1018F31B0800F31B0800 Recalculation Error Handling15REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1019F31B10VBT Header12VBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1020F31B100Bill Of Lading Composition Details18BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1021F31B101VBT Detail14VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1022F31B103Unknown Vessel Master14UVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1023F31B104Named Calculation User Default Paths17DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1024F31B105Named Calculation Path Header19PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1025F31B106Named Calculation Path Detail15PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1026F31B107Named Calculation Format Header19FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1027F31B108Named Calculation Format Detail16FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1028F31B109Blend Named Calculation37NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1029F31B11Work Group Master11WGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1030F31B110Mass Barrel Update110MBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1031F31B111Work Group Staff Allocation13GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1032F31B112Work Group Work Area Assignment10AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1033F31B114Trial Blend Header33TBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1034F31B115Trial Blend Lot Details29BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1035F31B115WTrial Blend Input Lot Workfile78LWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1036F31B116Temperature Conversion Chart Header18CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1037F31B117Temperature Conversion Chart Detail17CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1038F31B12Work Area Master23PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1039F31B13Winery Constants17WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1040F31B130Container Master Table25CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1041F31B14WIM Constants17MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1042F31B15Setup Tank Dip Chart20TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1043F31B17Z1Operation EUR Transaction File30SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1044F31B18Z1VBT Barrel Transaction File31SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1045F31B19Z1Instructed Attributes Transaction File38SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1046F31B20Cost Components6CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1047F31B21Cost Groups Header7CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1048F31B211Cost Groups Detail11CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1049F31B23GL Category Cost Group Cross Reference6CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1050F31B31Blend Lot Master87WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1051F31B311Lot Composition18LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1052F31B314Lot Style10LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1053F31B315Lot Owners10LOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1054F31B316Lot EUR10LEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1055F31B317Lot Comments11LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1056F31B318Lot Accumulated Additives9ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1057F31B31CBlend Lot Costs12BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1058F31B31Z1Operations Composition Transaction File33SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1059F31B32Wine Status17WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1060F31B33Operation Dependency13ODUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1061F31B33DCDependency Chain Cache Structure14DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1062F31B33WRelated TB Report Workfile7RWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1063F31B34Style Definition24STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1064F31B341Style Invisible By Winery13SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1065F31B342Style Assigment9SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1066F31B343Barrel Style Definition24BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1067F31B34Z1Operations Style Transaction File30SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1068F31B35Owner Master9OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1069F31B37Geographic Area Master18GAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1070F31B371Geographic Area Relationship14GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1071F31B38Variety Master15VRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1072F31B3CZ1Operations Cost Transaction File30SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1073F31B40Summary Attributes Definition File16SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1074F31B40WSummary Attributes Query Work File10QWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1075F31B42Instructed Attributes Definition10INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1076F31B45Additive Templates31ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1077F31B46Consumable Templates29CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1078F31B50Blend ID Definition17BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1079F31B5100Wine Premises Report Attribute Table9ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1080F31B5101Wine Premises Report Line Definition8WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1081F31B5102Wine Premises Report Configuration13WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1082F31B5103Wine Premises Report Operation Detail14ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1083F31B5120Wine Premises Report Preview25WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1084F31B52Z1Operations Equipment Transaction File28SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1085F31B53Z1Operations Consumables Transaction File31SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1086F31B60Operation Trace Track Workfile99OTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1087F31B61End Wine Lots Workfile20ELUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1088F31B65Operation Header56OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1089F31B65Z1Operations Transaction File94SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1090F31B66Blend Transactions26BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1091F31B66BBlend As Of Balance17AOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1092F31B67Quality Assignments15QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1093F31B68Reversed Operations9ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1094F31B70Operation Vessel Assignments39VAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1095F31B71Operation - Vessel to Vessel Detail23VVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1096F31B72Operation Vessel Dips17VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1097F31B73Base Operation Configuration.43BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1098F31B74Operation Workflow Status Mapping8WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1099F31B75Operation Configuration95OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1100F31B751Operation Configuration for Vessel Attributes71OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1101F31B75CConfigured Op Cost Groups by Winery12CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1102F31B76Wineries for Configured Operation13VWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1103F31B77Material Types for Configured Operation13VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1104F31B78Wine Statuses for Configured Operation14WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1105F31B79Default Styles for Operation Configuration16DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1106F31B80Default Lot Comments for Configured Operation17LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1107F31B81Vessel Types for Configured Operation14VTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1108F31B82Equipment Types for Configured Operation12VEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1109F31B84Operation Additives21OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1110F31B85Weigh Tag Master26WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1111F31B90QA for Operation Configuration11QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1112F31B91Bill Of Lading Master45BLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1113F31B922Permission List Definition11PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1114F31B93Work Order Header33WHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1115F31B93Z1WIM Work Order Transaction File37SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1116F31B95QA Test Result Blend Override for Operation Configuration12OVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1117F31B96Bill Of Lading Details20BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1118F31B97Human Resource Assignments18HRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1119F31B97Z1Operations Resource Transaction File28SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1120F31B98Bottling Master30BMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1121F31B99Decant Detail17DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1122F31BAAIBlend Automatic Accounting Instructions14BLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1123F31BQAZ1Operations Quality Test Transaction File33SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1124F31BSPZ1Sample Transactions39STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP31P: Engineer To Order
1125F31P01Project Attributes23PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1126F31P10Project Quote Header35PQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1127F31P11Project Quote Detail44QPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1128F31P12Task Dependencies17TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1129F31P21Cost Classification Table9CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP32: Configuration Management
1130F3201Configurator Master Table24CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1131F32019Configurator Master History Table24CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1132F3209Configurator Constants18CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1133F3211Configurator Segment Detail17KZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1134F32119Configurator Segment Detail History17KSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1135F3212Configurator Routings File23RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1136F3215Configurator Component Table41CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1137F32159Configurator Component History Table40CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1138F3216Configurator Price/Cost Table27PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1139F32169Configurator Price/Cost History27KBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1140F3281Rules Table Definition17RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1141F3282Configured Item/Rules Table Cross Reference75RKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1142F32821Rules Table Value Definition17RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1143F3283Rules Table Detail41RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1144F3290Configured Item Information17C3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1145F3291Configured Item Segments37KWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1146F3292Cross Segment Editing Rules29KUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1147F32921Cross Segment Editing Rules - Values17KXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1148F32922Cross Segment Editing Rules - Range18KVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1149F3293Assembly Inclusions Rules53KYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1150F32GOPConfigurator GOP33GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP33: Capacity Planning
1151F3311Capacity Message File12CNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP34: Requirements Planning
1152F3403Branch Relationships Master File19MPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1153F3404Co-Products Planning/Costing Table11PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1154F3406Customer Address Relationship9CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1155F3411MPS/MRP/DRP Message File20MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1156F3435Vendor Schedule Commitment File26MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1157F3440Vendor Schedule History File25MHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1158F34401Production Number Master File39PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1159F34401TProduction Number Master Tag File10PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1160F34402Production Number Structure File19PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1161F3450Adhoc Vendor Schedule File27MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1162F3460Forecast File15MFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1163F34UI003MPS Time Series User Index62M8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1164F4321Supplier Schedule Master File43PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1165F43211Supplier Schedule Master File12SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1166F43213SRS Ship Dates25VPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP34A: Advanced Planning & Scheduling
1167F34A10APS Integration Constants27N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1168F34A11Numetrix Integration File Definition14N1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1169F34A110Work Center Resource Table13N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1170F34A120Routing Master Resource Table18N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1171F34A150Work Order Routing Resource Table18RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1172F34A210ATP Rules41N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1173F34A32Star Item8GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1174F34A40APS Integration Group Setup Table61N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1175F34A80Resource Master Table11N0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP34X: In-Memory Planning Advisor
1176F34X001Planning Advisor Message Type Configuration16MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1177F34X010Planning Advisor Critical Component Items Table8CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1178F34X100WMessage Summary Work Table8MSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1179F34X101WItem Summary Work Table40ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1180F34X110WItem List Work Table32ILUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1181F34X200WPlanning Details Supply/Demand Work Table95SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1182F34X310WPlanning Advisor BOM Component Detail Table44PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP36: Forecasting
1183F3400Forecast Summary File25SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1184F34007Forecast Prices8FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1185F3460Z1Forecast Unedited Transactions37FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1186F3470Demand Spreading Template27DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP37: Quality Management
1187F3701Test Definitions Master File60QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1188F37011Test Equipment10TEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1189F37012Test Consumables13TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1190F37013Test Result Name19TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1191F37014Test Result Conversions19RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1192F37015Test Result Conversion Tables17CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1193F3702Specifications Definitions Master File24QSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1194F37021Specifications Detail File19QDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1195F3703Non-Conforming Material28QEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1196F3705Sample Container20SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1197F3711Test Results92TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1198F3711Z1Test Results Unedited Transaction Table106SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1199F3712Sample Detail36SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1200F37900Certificate of Analysis (COA) Extract97TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1201F40318Preference Profile - Quality Management66QCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP38: Agreement Management
1202F38010Agreement Master55DNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1203F38011Agreement Quantities34DFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1204F38012Product Source/Destination Master33DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1205F38013Agreement Quantities Schedule21DQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1206F38014Agreement Formulas and Factors20DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1207F38111Agreements Transaction Ledger84DZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1208F38112Agreements Committed Quantities27DXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP39: Advanced Stock Valuation
1209F3904Item Pool Valuation Master17PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1210F39041Valuation Category Master15VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1211F39042Company G/L Update Method Master14SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1212F3905Valuation Method Master23SVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1213F39061Valuation Period Table41SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1214F390619Historical Valuation Period Detail Table37SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1215F39062Valuation Layers Table34STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1216F39063Period Additional Quantity Table32SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1217F390639Historical Additional Quantity Table32SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1218F39064Valuation Document Summary Table25DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1219F390649Historical Valuation Document Summary Table25DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1220F3908Item Pool Valuation Cost Master14CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1221F3910G/L Adjustment Table26SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40: Inventory/OP Base
1222F3002Bill of Material Master File71IXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1223F30026Item Cost Component Add-Ons26IEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1224F3003Routing Master File51IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1225F3009Job Shop Manufacturing Constants28IAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1226F3011Bill of Materials Change File71IZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1227F3013ECO Parts List Detail29CYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1228F3015Component Locator File10CQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1229F3405Forecast Consumption Periods3MUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1230F3462Forecast Shipment Summary8MBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1231F4001ZBatch Receiver File - Order Headings110SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1232F4001ZTXRecurring Order Header Tax Table8RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1233F40039Document Type Master51DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1234F40051Return Material Authorization56RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1235F40052Return Material Authorization Defaults27RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1236F4006Order Address Information19OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1237F4006ZBatch Order Receiver - Order Address Information19OYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1238F40070Preference Master File14PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1239F40071Customer Preference Groups12CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1240F40072Item Preference Groups12GIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1241F40073Preference Hierarchy File32HYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1242F4011ZBatch Receiver File - Order Details223SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1243F4011ZTXRecurring Order Detail Tax Table19ZTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1244F4013Order Processing Cross Reference File9SXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1245F4016Print Messages10TUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1246F4017Print Message Report Defaults9TVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1247F40205TLine Type Control Constants Tag File18OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1248F40241DUNSPSC Code Alternate Description8CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1249F40300RPreference Resolution History - Master27PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1250F40301Preference Profile - Payment Terms23PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1251F40301RPreference Resolution Ledger - Payment Terms25PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1252F40302Preference Profile - Unit of Measure21PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1253F40302RPreference Resolution Ledger - Pricing Unit Of Measure23PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1254F40303Preference Profile - Revenue Cost Center21RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1255F40303RPreference Resolution Ledger - Revenue Business Unit23RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1256F40304Preference Profile - End Use22PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1257F40304RPreference Resolution Ledger - End Use24PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1258F40305Preference Profile - Print Messages23RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1259F40305RPreference Resolution Ledger - Print Messages25RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1260F40306Preference Profile - Inventory Sourcing26SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1261F40307Preference Profile - Product Allocations26LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1262F40308Preference Profile - Grade and Potency25GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1263F40308RPreference Resolution Ledger - Grade and Potency27GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1264F40309Preference Profile - Delivery Date27DYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1265F40309RPreference Resolution Ledger - Delivery Date29DYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1266F40310Preference Profile - Line of Business21LBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1267F40310RPreference Resolution Ledger - Line Of Business23LBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1268F40311Preference Profile - Price Code 121P1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1269F40311RPreference Resolution Ledger - User Defined Price Code #123P1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1270F40312Preference Profile - Price Code 221P2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1271F40312RPreference Resolution Ledger - User Defined Price Code #223P2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1272F40313Preference Profile - Price Code 321P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1273F40313RPreference Resolution Ledger - User Defined Price Code #323P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1274F40314Preference Profile - Price Adjustment Schedule23PJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1275F40314RPreference Resolution Ledger - Price Adjustment Schedule25PJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1276F40315Preference Profile - Invoice Cycling23PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1277F40315RPreference Resolution Ledger - Invoice Cycle25PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1278F40316Preference Profile - Order Preparation24OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1279F40316RPreference Resolution Ledger - Order Preparation Days26OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1280F40318RPreference Resolution Ledger - Quality Management68QCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1281F40320Preference Profile - Multi Shipping/Receiving Locations40LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1282F40320RPreference Resolution Ledger - Multi ShiP/Rec Locations41LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1283F40329Preference Profile - Document Distribution27DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1284F40330Preference Profile - Document Set30DGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1285F40331Preference Profile - Options and Equipment24OEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1286F40332Preference Profile - Customer Freight31CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1287F40333Preference Profile - Carrier35CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1288F40334Preference Profile - Mode of Transport31MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1289F40338Preference Profile - Payment Terms (Branch)24PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1290F40338RPreference Resolution Ledger - Payment Terms (Branch)26PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1291F40339Preference Profile - Product Allocations (Branch)28LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1292F40341Preference Profile - Next Order Status26NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1293F40341RPreference Resolution Ledger - Next Order Status28NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1294F40344Preference Profile - Sales Commission25SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1295F40344RPreference Resolution Ledger - Sales Commission27SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1296F40345Preference Profile - Customer Currency23CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1297F40345RPreference Resolution Ledger - Customer Currency25CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1298F40347Preference Profile - Pricing UOM (Branch)25RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1299F40347RPreference Resolution Ledger - Pricing UOM (Branch)27RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1300F40349Preference Profile - Revenue Business Unit (Branch)25RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1301F40349RPreference Resolution Ledger - Revenue Bus Unit (Branch)27RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1302F40350Preference Profiles - Conatiner Deposit/Rental27OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1303F40500Commodity Structure Definitions25CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1304F40510UNSPSC and Commodity Structure Relationship9UCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1305F40520Supplier and Commodity Structure Relationship9SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1306F40530Supplier Commodity Structure Cross Reference10SXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1307F40540Item and Commodity Structure Relationship8ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1308F40551G/L Account and Commodity Structure Relationship8GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1309F40711Preference Values Definition12PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1310F40721Preference Values Detail14PVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1311F40741Preference Adjustment History17PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1312F4080Related Order Cross Reference Table42ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1313F4091Category Code Key Position File46KFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1314F40P01Promotion Header File25PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1315F40P011Promotion Deal Detail File45PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1316F40UI00TTax Work File26PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1317F4100Location Master58LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1318F41001Inventory Constants95CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1319F41002Item Units of Measure Conversion Factors11UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1320F41003Unit of Measure standard conversion7UCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1321F41011Bulk Item Master35PKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1322F41015Item Duplication Work File8BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1323F41022Bulk Depot/Product Information22PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1324F4104Item Cross Reference File21IVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1325F4106Item Base Price File31BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1326F4106NCBase Price Extraction31SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1327F4108Lot Master31IOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1328F41112Item ASOF File48INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1329F41500Tank Master File59PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1330F41508Default Tank Information18PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1331F4170Lot Status Activity Rules5I0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1332F4171Critical Hold Management13I1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1333F4201Z1Sales Order Header Unedited Transaction File99SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1334F4207Price by Item32PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1335F4208Price by Customer8PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1336F4211AUSales Order Detail Audit File57AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1337F4211DTSales Order Detail Date Tracking File57DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1338F4211Z1Sales Order Detail Unedited Transaction File202SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1339F4215Shipment Header58XHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1340F4217Shipment Reference Numbers12XIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1341F4231RT Event Filter Details8EFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1342F43800Summary Voucher Match26PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1343F46010Item Profile26IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1344F49190Document Definition File (Conversion from World File)12DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1345F49211Sales Order Detail File - Tag File98UDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1346F49211Z1Sales Order Detail Tag Unedited Transaction File117S1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1347F49219Sales Order Detail - Tag History File75UDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40G: Grower Management
1348F40G25QA Operation History Workfile18WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40P: Promotions Management
1349F40P02Promotion Status12PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40R: Demand Scheduling
1350F40R10Demand Header41DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1351F40R11Demand Detail87DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1352F40R12Cumulative Quantities65CQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1353F40R121CUM Required Quantities Detail Table15CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1354F40R12WFCUM Rollback Workfile68CQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1355F40R13Demand Packaging18DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1356F40R14Demand Addresses24DAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1357F40R141Demand Contact Names14DNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1358F40R142Demand Contact Phone15DCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1359F40R143Demand Address History23DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1360F40R20Demand Rules28DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1361F40R21Demand Processing Cross Reference15XCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1362F40R22Demand Workflow13DWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1363F40R23Product CUM Model18PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1364F40R24Carton CUM Model14CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1365F40R31Additional Demand Label Data16ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1366F40R41Demand History93DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1367F40R42Cumulative Quantity History62CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1368F47171EDI Demand Header38EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1369F47172EDI Demand Detail96EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1370F471721EDI Demand Supplemental Data35EUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1371F471722EDI Demand Addresses36EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1372F471723EDI Demand Contact Names26ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1373F471724EDI Demand Contact Numbers27ENUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1374F47173EDI Demand Scheduling Detail39ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1375F471731EDI Demand Packaging30EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1376F4720EDI Time Zone7TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1377F47800EDI Transmission Values22FFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP40S: Supply Chain Self Service
1378F4947SWSelf-Service Shipment Tracking Work File35SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP41: Inventory Management
1379F400391Document Type Exclusion Rules5DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1380F410014Template Master58T7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1381F410014DTemplate Master - Alternative Description18T8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1382F41001T1Inventory Constants Tag File7CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1383F41008Matrix Detail23S0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1384F41008DMatrix Detail Alternate Language19S0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1385F41009Child Item Combination Table23T9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1386F4101Item Master129IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1387F41013Unique Product Number11UNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1388F4101AItem File96IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1389F4101BItem Master Bulk Data54IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1390F4101CItem Category Codes38IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1391F4101DItem Master - Alternative Description12IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1392F4101FItem Customer Service Data25IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1393F4101GItem Branch Quantities19IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1394F4101MItem Manufacturing Data55IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1395F4101PItem Master Packaging25IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1396F4101SItem Master Shipping Data30IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1397F4101WItem Profile Data34IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1398F4101Z1F4101 Item Master Unedited Transaction Table199SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1399F4101Z1AF4101 Detail Item Master Unedited Transaction119SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1400F4102Item Branch File128IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1401F41021Item Location File35LIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1402F41021TItem Location Tag File13LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1403F41021WFF41021 Transaction Workfile43LWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1404F41021Z1Item Location Unedited Transaction File57SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1405F4105Item Cost File20COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1406F4105Z1Unedited Transaction Table - Item Cost34SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1407F41090Item Supplemental Data Types20T1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1408F41092Item Supplemental Data Base User Defined Codes15T2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1409F41113Lot Ledger26I8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1410F41131Stranded Hard Commitments Table26IUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1411F4118Container Deposit File43CNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1412F41181Container Transaction File50CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1413F41185Container Reconciliation File8CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1414F4140Cycle Count Header File10PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1415F4141Cycle Count Transaction File27PJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1416F4141TCycle Count Transaction Tag File29PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1417F4141Z1F4141 Cycle Count Unedited Transaction Table43SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1418F4160Tag Inventory File22ITUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1419F41UI003ABC Analysis Detail - Work File2AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP41B: Bulk Stock Management
1420F41012Conversion Table Interface File27VAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1421F41500TTank Master Additional Information Tag File10PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1422F41501Blend Category File7PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1423F41503Tank Strapping Table Maintenance17PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1424F41505Allowed Products Matrix File13POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1425F41506Meter Master26PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1426F41509Four-Point Analysis Maintenance File47PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1427F415091Four-Point Temperature Maintenance13PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1428F41511Bulk Product Transaction File94PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1429F41512Gain/Loss Transactions File25PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1430F41512TGainLoss Transactions Additional Information Tag File6PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1431F41514Operational Reconciliations History19RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1432F41514TOperational Reconciliations History Tag File10RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1433F41515Multi-Meter Readings23PQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1434F415311D4311 Asphalt Table8T3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP41F: Apparel Management
1435F41F02WFStyle End Item Workfile22S1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1436F41F2019Sales Order Header Style Items Tag History File31APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1437F41F201TSales Order Header Style Items Tag File31APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1438F41F301TPurchase Order Header Style Items Tag File32APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1439FCW02Item Structure Definition29ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1440FCW11Item Base Price File Work File26WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1441FCW20Matrix Work File120WXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1442FCW22Lot Master Work File31WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1443FCW32Item Shipping Information (F4908) Work File24WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1444FCW33Price List Header32PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1445FCW34Price List Detail29PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1446FCW41Commitment Rules25CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1447FCW43Proposal Processing Details15MOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1448FCW44Proposal Order Details16FPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1449FCW48Bill of Material Association Header9BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1450FCW52Style Routing Master File9RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1451FCW55Collection Templates Header6CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1452FCW56Collection Templates Detail15MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1453FCW61Additional Style Item Information29SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1454FCW65Work Order Header for Style Items104OFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1455FCW67Style Work Order Parts List75WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1456FCW68Style Work Order Routings81WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1457FCW69Work Order Parts List Issues11WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1458FCW70Supplier Price/Catalog File - Header11CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1459FCW71Supplier Price/Catalog File - Detail34CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1460FCW85Item Cost Component Add Ons Work File27IEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1461FCW89Work Order Inventory Issues for Style Items15WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1462FCW96Material Analysis39WOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1463FCW961Simulation Detailed Parts List20DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1464FCW962Simulation Consolidated Parts List19CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1465FCW963Adjustment Calculation13ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1466FCW97Grouping Messages38GMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP42: Sales Management
1467F03B421Sales Order Trigger Hierarchy18THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1468F03B422Sales Oder Trigger Date4TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1469F03B423Sales Order Trigger Configuration23TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1470F4074Price Adjustment Ledger File62ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1471F42004Commission Constants File16CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1472F42005Sales Commission File45SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1473F4201Sales Order Header File86SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1474F42019Sales Order Header History File86SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1475F4201Z1TSales Order Header Unedited Tax Transaction File9HYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1476F4211Sales Order Detail File189SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1477F42119Sales Order History File189SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1478F4211Z1TSales Order Detail Unedited Tax Transaction File20DZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1479F4216SO Pack Confirm Detail18XDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1480F42199S.O. Detail Ledger File189SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1481F4239Last Customer Shipment14LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1482F42565Invoice Print File70IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1483F42800GSales Update G Batch Workfile43SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1484F42800G1Sales Update G Batch Detail Workfile121DGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1485F42A011Campaigns42CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1486F42A012Opportunity42OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1487F42UI005Sales Commission File45SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1488F42UI01SO Header Cache File (MBF)91ZHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1489F42UI11SO Detail Cache File (MBF)119ZDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1490F42UI520Pick Slips Header File50S8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1491F42UI521Pick Slips Detail File133S9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1492F42UI800Sales Detail Work File - Sales Update85SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1493F47027TTag for F47027 - EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound49UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1494F470371TTag for F470371- EDI shipping Notice Detail - Outbound104UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1495F47047TTag for F47047- EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound49UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1496F47107TTag for F47107- EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound49UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1497F47147TTag F47147 - EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail-Outbound49UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP42B: Sales Order Entry
1498F4011ZTBatch Receiver File - Order Details Tag58UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1499F42019TXSales Order Header History Tax Table8STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1500F4201TXSales Order Header Tax Table8STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1501F42119TXSales Order Detail History Tax Table21DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1502F4211TXSales Order Detail Tax Table21DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1503F42199TXSO Detail Ledger Tax Table21DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1504F42216WFPending Blanket Release Work File - F42216WF12PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1505F42420Audit Log Transaction6ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1506F42420TXTax Audit Log Transaction6TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1507F47012TEDI Purchase Order Detail Tag - Inbound58UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1508F47092TEDI Request for Quote Detail Tag - Inbound58UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1509F47132TEDI Purchase Order Change Detail Tag - Inbound58UZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1510F49299S.O. Detail Tag Ledger File98UDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP42I: Outbound Inventory Management
1511F42I010Outbound Inventory Agreement Master16OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1512F42I011Outbound Inventory Agreement Details43OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1513F42I015Outbound Inventory Agreement Transaction File50OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1514F42I02Outbound Inventory Agreement Acknowledge66OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1515F42I021Outbound Inventory Item Balance41OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1516F42I03Outbound Order Consumption Report File64OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1517F42I05Outbound Inventory Staging Locations11OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1518F42I06Outbound Inventory Agreement Master Change History78OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1519F42I07Outbound Inventory Agreement Details Change History68OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1520F42I08Replenishment Quantity and Price Override Table31PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1521F42I09Outbound Hold and Return Transactions35OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP42W: Fulfilment Management
1522F4277701Service Level Rule Header38RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1523F4277709Service Level Rule Header History38HHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1524F4277710Fulfillment Plan ID8FPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1525F4277711Service Level Rule Detail46RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1526F4277719Service Level Rule Detail History46HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1527F4277720Fulfillment Rules Header10AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1528F4277730Fulfillment Rules Detail14ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1529F4277750Basic Fulfillment Scoring Setup15BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1530F4277760Service Level Rule Setup41SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1531F427UI01Release Fulfillment Work File31RFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1532F427UI02Load Balance Auto Fulfillment Work File19ZXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1533F427UI03Released Shipments Workfile21RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP42X: In-Memory Sales Advisor
1534F42X000Sales Advisor Constants17PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1535F42X001Sales Advisor Included Document Types6XAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1536F42X010Buying Frequency by Customer10FOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1537F42X010WLine Advisor Work File26USUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1538F42X020WOrder Advisor Work File18XCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1539F42X040WOrder Upsell Item Group Totals Work File22GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1540F42X041WOrder Upsell Item Group Opportunities WF21BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1541F42X050WOrder Level Upsell Candidate Items32CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1542F42X060WSupply Monitor Chart Work File24DCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1543F42X201Profitability Simulator Saved Scenarios19PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43: Procurement
1544F41061Supplier Price/Catalog File22CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1545F41291Item Cost Components27IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1546F4301Purchase Order Header82PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1547F4301ZPO Header Work File86PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1548F4301Z1Purchase Order Header Unedited Transaction Table96SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1549F4303Log Master26PKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1550F4304Log Hierarchy Constants6PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1551F4305Log Master33PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1552F43080Approvals Fields Constants184PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1553F43092ZReceipt Routing Work File46PVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1554F43092Z1Receipt Routing Unedited Transaction Table74SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1555F43099Receipt Routing Ledger File20POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1556F43100Supplier and Branch Plant Relationship7IXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1557F4310XCM Purchase Order Cross Reference10CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1558F4311Purchase Order Detail File184PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1559F4311ZPurchase Order Generator File188PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1560F4311Z1Purchase Order Detail Unedited Transaction Table197SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1561F43121Purchase Order Receiver File104PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1562F43121Z1Receipts Unedited Transaction Table167SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1563F4314ZVoucher Match Selection File207PNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1564F4316Purchase Order Multiple Account File54P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1565F43199P.O. Detail Ledger File - Flexible Version184OLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1566F4333WFPurchase Order Dispatch Work File9POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1567F4340Purchase Rebate Master File27RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1568F4343Purchase Rebate History28RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1569F4355Subcontractor Threshold6PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1570F4371Suggested Reorder Stock Items32PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1571F43UI50DPO Print Detail Work File66PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1572F43UI50HPO Print Header Work File61PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1573F74U0140ACM - Application Certificate Constants20ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1574F74U0141ACM - Application / Certificate Master43ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1575F74U0142ACM - Application / Certificate Status History24DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43A: Purchase Order Receipt/Routing
1576F43126Purchase Order Receiver Multiple Account55P4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43B: Voucher Match and Landed Cost
1577F43221Rounding Rules8RZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43E: Requisition Self Service
1578F43E01Requisition Order Header18RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1579F43E09F43E09 - Approvals Activity Table43AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1580F43E091Approval Authority (Employee)10AEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1581F43E092Approval Authority (Employee Group/BU)11AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1582F43E093Approval Authority (Business Unit)10AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1583F43E094Approval Authority Constants6ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1584F43E095Approval Authority (Commodity/BU)11ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1585F43E11Requisition Detail63RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1586F43E121eRequisition Receiver file13ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1587F43E16Requisition Multiple Account File43P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1588F43E20Shopping Cart Detail38SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1589F43E20WFeReq - Shopping Cart Work File35SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1590F43E22Direct Connect Setup33PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1591F43E25Direct Connect Supplier Extrinsic Information10EIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1592F43E280Delegation Master12DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43Q: Strategic Sourcing
1593F43Q10Event Header57EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1594F43Q11Event Detail50EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1595F43Q15Event Currencies16ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1596F43Q20Event Header Bid Questions36EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1597F43Q201Event Header Bid Question List17EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1598F43Q21Event Detail Bid Questions34EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1599F43Q211Event Detail Bid Question List18EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1600F43Q212Event Detail Bid Question Price Component17PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1601F43Q213Event Detail Price Break17PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1602F43Q30Event Invited Bidders22EVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1603F43Q35Event Bidder Password Temp Table13PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1604F43Q40Response Header28RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1605F43Q401Response Header Question34RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1606F43Q402Response Header Question List21RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1607F43Q403Bidder Response Decline18RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1608F43Q404Response Disallow18RJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1609F43Q405Response Disallow Line19RKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1610F43Q41Response Line30RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1611F43Q411Response Detail Question38REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1612F43Q412Response Detail Question Price Break21RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1613F43Q413Response Detail Question Price Components21RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1614F43Q414Response Detail Question List22RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1615F43Q50Analyze Event Header35AVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1616F43Q51Analyze Event Detail41EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1617F43Q60Bid Questions33BQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1618F43Q61Bid Question List Values16BVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1619F43Q62Bid Question Price Component17BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1620F43Q90Sourcing Constants66SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1621F43Q91Bidder Registration32BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1622F43Q911F43Q911 - Bidder Country VAT13BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1623F43Q92Adhoc Item Definition20AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP43S: JSSS/Supplier Self Service
1624F43001Procurement Self-Service Transaction Log29SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1625F4313POFLIP34PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1626F4323PO FLIP Header14PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1627F43S001Alerts Master4AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1628F43S002Alerts Configuration19ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP44H: Homebuilder Management
1629F4450Lot Proceed Header (World)29JDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1630F4455Vendor Assignment (Takeoffs) (World)10JHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1631F4456Lot Proceed Entry (World)29JIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1632F4457Takeoff File (World)21JJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1633F4458Takeoff (World)21JKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1634F4459Material Item Pricing (World)32JLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1635F4461Option Master (World)30JNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1636F44H001HomeBuilder Constants26HCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1637F44H0011HomeBuilder Constants Lot Start Documents14LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1638F44H002HomeBuilder Activity Rules22ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1639F44H0920Extended Homebuilder Data Template16STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1640F44H0921Extended Homebuilder Data Headings15EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1641F44H0929Extended Homebuilder Data40EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1642F44H092HExtended Homebuilder Data Headings14EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1643F44H092TExtended Homebuilder Data Template13STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1644F44H101Community Phase Master99CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1645F44H101ZHB Community Master Unedited Transaction File112SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1646F44H201Lot Master122LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1647F44H201HLot Master History123LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1648F44H201ZHB Lot Master Unedited Transaction File135SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1649F44H301Plan Master74PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1650F44H401Option Master80OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1651F44H4011Option by Community75OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1652F44H401WOption Master Work File86OWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1653F44H402Option Relationships34PKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1654F44H403Option Preferences18OPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1655F44H4031Option Preferences - Valid Values19OVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1656F44H4101Item Master HomeBuilder Extension19HIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1657F44H501Sales Master Table171SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1658F44H501HLot Sales History181LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1659F44H501SSales Statistics History100SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1660F44H501WSales Statistics Work Table80SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1661F44H501ZHB Sales Master Unedited Transaction File184SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1662F44H511Option Selections38OSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1663F44H511HOption Selection History40OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1664F44H512Option Preference Selections16PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1665F44H590Closing Worksheet Accounting Instructions23CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1666F44H591Closing Worksheet Entries26CWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1667F44H592Closing Worksheet Extended Data Mapping15EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1668F44H599Closing Worksheet Data Mapping12CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1669F44H601Bid Header55BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1670F44H602Takeoff Master File28TOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1671F44H602HTakeoff History File29THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1672F44H602WTake Off Summary Workfile19TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1673F44H603Material Item Pricing49MPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1674F44H604Vendor Assignment26VAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1675F44H604WVendor Assignment Workfile28VWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1676F44H604ZHB Vendor Assignment Unedited Transaction File39SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1677F44H611Bid Details86BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1678F44H611WBid Details Work File90BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1679F44H711Lot Start Workfile102SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1680F44H711PAfter Start Purchasing56TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1681F44H711ZHB Lot Start Unedited Transaction File114SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1682F44H712Lot Start Workfile Takeoff Detail21STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1683F44H71W1Lot Start Generation Workfile101GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1684F44H790Construction Milestones43HMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP45: Advanced Pricing
1685F4070Price Adjustment Schedule17SNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1686F4070PPrice Adjustment Schedule Purge18SNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1687F4071Price Adjustment Type43ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1688F4071PPrice Adjustment Type Purge44ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1689F4072Price Adjustment Detail33ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1690F4072PPrice Adjustment Detail Purge34ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1691F4072WPrice Adjustment Detail Work File33ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1692F4073Free Goods Master File22FGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1693F4073PFree Goods Master File Purge23FGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1694F4075Price Variable Table11VBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1695F4076Price Formula Master7FMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1696F4077Rebate Thresholds30RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1697F4077PRebate Thresholds Purge31RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1698F4078Rebate Transaction Summary32RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1699F4079Rebate Transaction Detail35SVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1700F4501Master Schedule Adjustment13MSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1701F4502Free Goods Catalog8FGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1702F4510Price Workbench Query Header11PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1703F4550Basket Master Header12BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1704F4551Basket Master Detail17BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1705F45510Search Agent Directives Header11SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1706F45511Search Agent Directives Detail11SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1707F45520Price List Header28PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1708F45520TXPrice List Header Tax Table10PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1709F45521Price List Detail28PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1710F45521TXPrice List Detail Tax Table9LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1711F45522Price List Level-Break Pattern9PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1712F45523Price List Columns Group Pattern8PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1713F45524Price List Item Selection9PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1714F45715Adjustment Balances43ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1715F4572Live Promotions X-Reference by Cost Type30XRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1716F4572Z1Live Promotions Interface - Inbound / Outbound50LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1717F4572ZPPurge Live Promotions Interface50PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1718F4574Key Reference Table97KRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1719F4575Ship and Debit History82AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1720F4575TMPShip and Debit History - Temp Table83AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1721F4576Ship and Debit Claims69ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1722F4576TMPShip and Debit Claims- Temp Table69ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1723F4576Z1Ship and Debit Claims Unedited Transaction Table100Z1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1724F4580Price Matrix Definition10MXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP46: Warehouse Management
1725F4142Warehouse Count Transactions35CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1726F4600Warehouse Requests86R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1727F4600PUWarehouse Requests - Purged83R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1728F4600T1Warehouse Request Tag table22R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1729F4600TP1Warehouse Request Tag File - Purged22R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1730F4601Warehouse Task Header16THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1731F46011Item Unit Of Measure Definition33IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1732F46012Fixed Locations12ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1733F46013Carton Recommendation Rules9EQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1734F460131Standard Pack Recommendation Rules24SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1735F46014Replenishment Groups12RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1736F46015Replenishment Information by Random Rule21RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1737F4601PUWarehouse Task Header - Purged16THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1738F4602Location Detail Information87IFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1739F46021Location Characteristics6LQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1740F46022Location Dimensions18LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1741F46024Location Capacity9LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1742F46025Maximum Putaway Quantity by Zone7MQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1743F46026Allowed Containers by Location5ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1744F46027Available Space Tiebreaker16AVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1745F46029Proximity Tiebreaker15LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1746F46051Fixed Replenisment Zones7LYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1747F46091Container and Carton Codes18IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1748F46092Order Groups5OZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1749F46093Process Selection Rules16EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1750F46093TProcess Group Tag Table16JCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1751F46095Movement Instructions31ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1752F46095TMovement Instructions Tag Table16TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1753F46096Unit Of Measure Groups5OUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1754F46098Container Bill of Material18CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1755F4611Warehouse Suggestions146R2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1756F4611PUWarehouse Suggestions - Purged145R2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1757F4611T1Warehouse Suggestions Tag File24R2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1758F4611TP1Warehouse Suggestions Tag File - Purged24R2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1759F4611Z1Unedited Suggestion Table158SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1760F46130Putaway Reservations86R3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1761F46130PUPutaway Reservations - Purged86R3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1762F4615Carton Recommendations36CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1763F4620Carton Detail Information51CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1764F46200Bulk Pick Requests33BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1765F46200PUBulk Pick Requests - Purged33BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1766F46201Carton Charge Reference Setup11CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1767F4622Unusable Label Numbers17ULUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1768F4625Label Next Numbers14LNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1769F46821Random Locations6LXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1770F46822Random Tables10RQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1771F46UI15Carton Recommendations - Work File36RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1772F4942Z1Work File for F494251SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP46L: License Plating
1773F46L001License Plate Numbering Constants15CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1774F46L010License Plate Segments21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1775F46L011License Plate Next Numbers17LNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1776F46L060LPN Supplier Inbound ASN Levels17SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1777F46L070LPN Supplier Cross Reference16SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1778F46L11License Plate Item Detail24IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1779F46L12License Plate Commitment28LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1780F46L20LP Cross-Reference8LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1781F46L42License Plate Cycle and Tag Count25CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1782F46L99License Plate History54LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP46R: RFID Outbound
1783F46R010EPC Segment Definition13SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1784F46R020EPC Manager Master12EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1785F46R030EPC Serial Number11ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1786F46R050EPC Header13EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP47: Electronic Commerce
1787F0101GGlobal location number for address book13GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1788F47006EDI Order Header - Outbound Tax Table24STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1789F47007EDI Order Detail - Outbound Tax Table32DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1790F47011EDI Purchase Order Header - Inbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1791F47011TXEDI Purchase Order Header Tax - Inbound23STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1792F47012EDI Purchase Order Detail - Inbound224SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1793F47012TXEDI Purchase Order Detail Tax - Inbound29DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1794F47013EDI Purchase Order Detail (SDQ) - Inbound44SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1795F47016EDI Purchase Order Header - Outbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1796F470161EDI Purchase Order Additional Header - Outbound64S3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1797F47017EDI Purchase Order Detail - Outbound187SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1798F470171EDI Purchase Order Additional Detail - Outbound45S4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1799F47021EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Inbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1800F47022EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound187SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1801F47026EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Header - Outbound94SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1802F47027EDI P.O. Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound224SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1803F47031EDI Shipping Notice Header - Inbound93SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1804F47032EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Inbound125SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1805F47036EDI Shipping Notice Header - Outbound27SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1806F47036XEDI Shipping Notice Header Tax - Outbound19STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1807F47037EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Outbound173SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1808F470371EDI Shipping Notice Detail - Outbound222SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1809F470371XEDI Shipping Notice Detail Tax - Outbound33DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1810F470372EDI ASN Demand Scheduling Detail61AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1811F470374EDI ASN Demand Addresses38AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1812F470375EDI ASN Packaging Detail46AKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1813F47041EDI Invoice Header - Inbound64SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1814F47042EDI Invoice Detail - Inbound102SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1815F47044EDI Invoice Summary - Inbound54SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1816F47046EDI Invoice Header (Sales) - Outbound94SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1817F470461EDI Invoice Additional Header - Outbound65S3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1818F470462EDI Invoice Expanded Header (Sales)53S5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1819F47047EDI Invoice Detail (Sales) - Outbound224SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1820F470471EDI Invoice Additional Detail - Outbound48S4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1821F470472EDI Invoice Expanded Detail (Sales)78S6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1822F470473EDI Invoice Detail Charges50S7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1823F47056EDI Payment Order Header - Outbound69D1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1824F470561EDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Outbound43D2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1825F470561WEDI Payment Order Bank N & A - Work43D2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1826F470562EDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Outbound43D4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1827F470562WEDI Payment Order Vendor N & A - Work43D4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1828F470563EDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Outbound43D5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1829F470563WEDI Payment Order Payee N & A - Work43D5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1830F47056WEDI Payment Order Header - Work69D1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1831F47057EDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Outbound120D3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1832F47057WEDI Payment Order Remittance Advice - Work120D3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1833F4706EDI Order Address Information31ZAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1834F47061EDI Planning Schedule Header - Inbound40MJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1835F47062EDI Planning Schedule Detail - Inbound37MYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1836F47066EDI Planning Schedule Header - Outbound40MJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1837F47067EDI Planning Schedule Detail - Outbound37MYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1838F47071EDI Receiving Advice Header - Inbound99SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1839F47072EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Inbound199SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1840F47076EDI Receiving Advice Header - Outbound99SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1841F47077EDI Receiving Advice Detail - Outbound199SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1842F47081EDI Price Sales Catalog Header - Inbound41FVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1843F47091EDI Request for Quote Header - Inbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1844F47091TXEDI Request for Quote Header Tax - Inbound23STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1845F47092EDI Request for Quote Detail - Inbound224SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1846F47093EDI Request for Quote Detail (SDQ) - Inbound44SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1847F47096EDI Request for Quote Header - Outbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1848F47097EDI Request for Quote Detail - Outbound187SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1849F47098EDI RFQ Detail Quantity - Outbound21SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1850F47101EDI Response to RFQ Header - Inbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1851F47102EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Inbound187SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1852F47103EDI Response to RFQ Detail Quantity - Inbound21SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1853F47106EDI Response to RFQ Header - Outbound94SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1854F471061EDI Response to RFQ Additional Header - Outbound65S3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1855F47107EDI Response to RFQ Detail - Outbound223SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1856F471071EDI Response to RFQ Additional Detail - Outbound48S4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1857F47111EDI Lockbox/Payment Header - Transaction25Z1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1858F47112EDI Lockbox Header - Transaction36Z2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1859F47113EDI Lockbox/Payment Detail - Batch39Z3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1860F47114EDI Lockbox/Payment Detail - Payment42Z4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1861F47121EDI Product Activity Data Header - Inbound29M1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1862F47122EDI Product Activity Data Detail - Inbound82MJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1863F47123EDI Product Activity Data (SDQ) - Inbound56MKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1864F47126EDI Product Activity Data Header - Outbound29M1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1865F47127EDI Product Activity Data Detail - Outbound82MJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1866F47128EDI Product Activity Data (SDQ) - Outbound56MKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1867F47131EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Inbound95SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1868F47131TXEDI Purchase Order Change Header Tax - Inbound23STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1869F47132EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Inbound225SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1870F47132TXEDI Purchase Order Change Detail Tax - Inbound29DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1871F47136EDI Purchase Order Change Header - Outbound98SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1872F47137EDI Purchase Order Change Detail - Outbound188SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1873F4714EDI Order Text Lines - Header21ZTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1874F47141EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Inbound99SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1875F471411Purchase Order Edit Object Log Table14SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1876F47142EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Inbound189SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1877F47146EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Header - Outbound95SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1878F47147EDI P.O. Change Acknowledgment Detail - Outbound226SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1879F4715EDI Order Text Lines - Detail21ZDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1880F47156EDI Shipping Schedule Header - Outbound103SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1881F47157EDI Shipping Schedule Detail - Outbound217SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1882F4716EDI Item Text - Inbound/Outbound29SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1883F47181EDI Consumption Header (FUTURE)27EHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1884F47182EDI Consumption Detail (FUTURE)36EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1885F47191EDI Acknowledgement Header55AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1886F47192EDI Acknowledgement Error Detail26AEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1887F47194EDI Acknowledgement References19ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1888F47196EDI Acknowledgement Name And Address21AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1889F47198EDI Acknowledgement Notes19ANUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1890F4780Address Cross-Reference22AXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1891F47CTLEDI Lockbox/Payment Work File27Z5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1892F47HLHierarchical Configuration16HLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP48: Work Order Processing
1893F4801Work Order Master File114WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1894F4801SPurge - Work Order Master file114WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1895F4801Z1Outbound Work Order Header147SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1896F4802HWork Order Instructions File Header8WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1897F4808Order Routing Approval Master8CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1898F48090WO Supplemental Data Types17W7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1899F48092WO Supplemental DB User Defined14W8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1900F4817Service Order Extension32SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1901F4818Order Approval Audit10CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1902F4826W.O. Status Action Table21GEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1903F4827Work Order Approval Routing11W5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1904F48710Work Order Mass Update Template Table119WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1905F48714WWork Order Mass Update Workfile8MUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1906F48UI001X4801 Master Business Function Workfile117WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP48S: Service Billing
1907F48011Service Billing Batch Control28WGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1908F4805Invoice Sequence/Summarization Table Header6WKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1909F48051Invoice Sequence/Summarization Table Detail9WKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1910F48091Billing System Constants34WZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1911F48091CIndependent Revenue/Invoice Company Exception5CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1912F48096Billing Rate / Mark up Table36WQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1913F4812Billing Detail Workfile188WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1914F48121Generation Control File - Service Billing12WYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1915F48127Tax Derivation Information14WOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1916F48128G/L Offset and Retainage Information9WIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1917F4812HBilling Workfile History188WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1918F4812HSBilling Workfile History Purged Save188WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1919F48229Delete Invoices Audit Table15W8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1920F48423Service Billing Trigger Date4SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1921F48424Service Billing Trigger Hierarchy11STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1922F48426Service Billing Trigger Configuration19STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1923F4858Layout Cross Reference Table8F7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1924F4860Component Table Master9AFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1925F4861Component Table Detail9AFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1926F48S001Draft and Final Invoice Document6WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1927F48S411CSB Pay When Paid Table21BZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1928F48S58Invoice Print Version Cross Reference Table14F7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1929F48S910Billing Detail Journal Workfile85W2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1930F48S911Summarized Journal Workfile47W3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1931F48S912G/L Link28W6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1932F48S95Billing AAI Information33WVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1933F48SUI01Billing Detail Print Workfile188WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP49: Transportation Management
1934F47092TXEDI Request for Quote Detail Tax - Inbound29DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1935F47500WFInbound Transaction Processor Workfile8SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1936F49002Transportation Constants29TXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1937F49003Load Type Constants27LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1938F49004Mode of Transport Constants21CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1939F49005Generate Tracking Number14TGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1940F490051Generate Tracking Number Segment22XGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1941F490052Generate Tracking Segment Next Number17YGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1942F490053Generate Tracking Number Separator15ZGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1943F49010Vehicle Master (Conversion from World File)44VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1944F49012Vehicle Compartments (Conversion from World File)12VOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1945F49015Vehicle Status8STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1946F4902Vehicle Current Load16TVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1947F49020Vehicle/Staff License Information20VLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1948F49025Connected Vehicles (Conversion from World File)17CVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1949F49030Vehicle Equipment (Conversion from World File)9VEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1950F49040Vehicle Staff (Conversion from World File)11VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1951F49041Depot/Vehicle Staff11VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1952F4906Carrier Master16CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1953F49075Product Mix7PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1954F4908Item Shipping Information23IIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1955F49160Document Next Number15NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1956F4918Load Tender History17LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1957F49191Document Definition23DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1958F49195Document Set, Keys Doc Code, Doc Set (Conversion from World)6DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1959F49196Document Set6DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1960F49197Depot Document Print Set Up (Conversion from World File)17OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1961F49198Depot Document Print Setup24OQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1962F4930Vehicle Master32VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1963F49301Vehicle Compartments16VOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1964F49302Vehicle Equipment15VEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1965F4931Vehicle Type44VGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1966F4935Connected Vehicle Header21VHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1967F4936Connected Vehicle Detail16CWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1968F49380Seal Numbers17SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1969F4941Shipment Routing Steps90RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1970F4942Shipment Detail32ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1971F4943Shipment Pieces27SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1972F4944Shipment/Load Options and Equipment20OEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1973F4945Shipment Charges40SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1974F4947Shipment Status Codes19STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1975F49490Document Selection26TQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1976F4950Routing Entries44RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1977F49501Intermodal Detail Routing Entries28RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1978F4951Carrier Zone Definitions17ZNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1979F4952Routing Restrictions28REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1980F4953Routing Hierarchy6RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1981F4956Option and Equipment Inclusions/Exclusions17IXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1982F4957Transportation Confirmed Batch Shipment24BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1983F49590Document Print Batch Header14DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1984F49591Document Print - Batch Selection24DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1985F49592Document Print Batch Document Header36DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1986F49594Document Print - Document Detail39DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1987F49595Document Print - Document Summary34DKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1988F4960Load Header78TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1989F4961Load Legs32LLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1990F49611Load Stop Sequence21LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1991F49612Load Vehicles17TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1992F49614Load Staff13TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1993F4962Load Compartments30TEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1994F49621Load Compartment Detail45TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1995F4963Load In-transit35TIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1996F49631Load In-transit Ledger85TOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1997F49632Load In-transit Left on Board39LBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1998F49633Load In-Transit Confirmed Quantities37IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
1999F49634Load In-Transit Confirmed Quantities Detail28QDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2000F49695Document Register34DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2001F49696Document Register Detail26DJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2002F49697Document Register Summary23DNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2003F4970Freight Rate Schedule9FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2004F4971Freight Rate Definition39RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2005F4972Rate Detail28RXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2006F49721Spot Quote Detail17QSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2007F4973Rate Structure Definition13TLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2008F4977Rate Parameters29MRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2009F4978Charge Code Definitions13CGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2010F4981Freight Audit History71FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2011F49T01Cross Reference12CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2012F49T60Voucher Cross Reference17IVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP51: Job Costing
2013F51006MCM Currency Code Mapping7VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2014F51006XCM Project Cross Reference8CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2015F5101Forecast Version Information File13FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2016F51010CM Integration Status11CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2017F51011CM Automated Transfer Setup10CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2018F51092Multiple Cost Code Setup10MCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2019F5111Forecast Detail121FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2020F5144Profit Recognition37G7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2021F51901Cost Code Schedule26GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2022F51911Draw Reporting Master19GKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP51F: Advanced Job Forecasting
2023F51F100Job Forecast Header13QFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2024F51F110Job Forecast Details33QGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2025F51F115Remaining Work Detail14QJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2026F51F120Job Forecast Header History14QKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2027F51F125Job Forecast Detail History34QIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2028F51F90Formula Definition78QNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2029F51F94User Defined MOC Definition7QUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2030F51F95User Defined MOC Rules12QTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP51X: In-Memory Project Management
2031F51X100Project Advisor Account RangeTable12ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2032F51X30Project Advisor Results Header3PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2033F51X90Column Definition Table49X1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2034F51X91Column Layout Table86X2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP52: Contract Billing
2035F5204Retainage Rules Information9GXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2036F5212T and M, Unit Price and Lumpsum Cross Reference Accounts28G5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2037F5213Fee Billing Line Cross Reference Details13G3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2038F52131Rate Code Definition Information10GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2039F5214Component Code/Burden Cross Reference Table13A4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2040F5215Component/Burden Billing Line Cross Reference Details15A5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2041F5216Milestone/Progress Billing Information31A6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2042F52161Mileston/Progress Billing Line Cross Reference Details16A7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2043F5217Revenue Billing Line Cross Reference13A7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2044F52423Contract Billing Trigger Date4TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2045F52424Contract Billing Trigger Hierarchy16TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2046F52425Contract Billing Trigger Configuration23TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2047F5280Contract Revenue Summary23GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2048F5280WContract Revenue Summary Work File47GYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP52G: Proj & Gov Contract Accounting
2049F48091BBilling Constants Business Unit Type5BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2050F52G01MAdvanced Contracts Modifications182CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2051F52G05ACRN Detail Table42ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2052F52G05HACRN History Table44AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2053F52G20Contract Specific Labor Categories16LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2054F52G21Contract Specific Labor Category Cross Reference20LRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2055F52G80Invoice Printing Account Range Groups9AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2056F52G81Invoice Printing Style Header21SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2057F52G82Invoice Printing Style Detail28SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2058F52G84Invoice Level Styles7CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2059F52G86Invoice Printing Burden/Component Rule Table10BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2060F52G88Invoice Printing Text Line Codes6TLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2061F52G90Invoice Printing Work Table53WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP53: Change Management
2062F53001World F53001 Specs10DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2063F53005Job Specific UDC's Master Table12D1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2064F5301BChange Request Master Table47DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2065F5301BZ1Change Request Master Table Workfile51DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2066F5302F5302 World Specs49DKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2067F53101Change Request Detail Status Update Table10DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2068F5311Change Request Details Table154DKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2069F5311CMCM Change Request Status Default7CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2070F5311XCM Change Order Cross Reference12CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2071F5311Z1Change Request Details Table Workfile159DKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2072F5314Planned Change Order Master Table47D2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2073F5315Change Order Master Table46D3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP54HS: Health & Safety Incident Mgt
2074F54HS01Incident Master84S1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2075F54HS01MIncident Master Change History87I1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2076F54HS02Incident People109S2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2077F54HS021Incident Injury / Illness26S3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2078F54HS02MIncident People Change History112I2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2079F54HS02NIncident Injury / Illness Change History29I3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2080F54HS03Incident Equipment40S4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2081F54HS03MIncident Equipment Change History43I4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2082F54HS04Incident Agencies17S5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2083F54HS04MIncident Agencies Change History20I5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2084F54HS05Incident Notification Members12S6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2085F54HS05HIncident Notifications Sent9I6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2086F54HS06Incident Tasks25S7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2087F54HS06MIncident Tasks Change History28I7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2088F54HS07Incident Costs20S8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2089F54HS07MIncident Costs Change History23I8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2090F54HS08Incident Environmental Impact31S9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2091F54HS08MIncident Environmental Impact Change History34I9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2092F54HS20Safety Hours29SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP54R: Rental Management
2093F54R01Rental Constants23RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2094F54R02Action Definition7ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2095F54R021Action Details7AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2096F54R03Line Type and Action Association Header8LHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2097F54R031Line Type and Action Association Detail8LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2098F54R099Rental Contract Header Ledger81HLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2099F54R10Rental Contract Header79CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2100F54R11Rental Contract Detail140CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2101F54R12Purchase Order Receiver Rentals File33RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2102F54R199Rental Contract Detail Ledger136DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2103F54R20Rental Contract Related Orders16ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2104F54R41TRental Item Details Table38RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP70: Multi-National Products
2105F700000Functionalities By Country - COMM - 704FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2106F7000100Header Localization Additional Data9AFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2107F7000110Detail Localization Additional Data16DAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2108F7000120Base Object / Tag Table Definition5ODUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2109F700018Generic VAT - Informed Taxes by Report - COMM - 7011TEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2110F700030International Bank Account Number - COMM - 708IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2111F700050Bank Connection for Legal Documents - COMM - 009BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2112F700100Suspended VAT Setup by Country - COMM - 706SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2113F700101Suspended VAT - GLOffset - COMM - 706GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2114F700102Suspended VAT - Tax Explanation Code - COMM - 704TEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2115F700103Suspended VAT - Exception Method - COMM - 707EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2116F7001100Localizations Additional Fields AB - 0158LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2117F7003B11Localizations Additional Fields Customer Ledger - 0161LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2118F700411Localizations Additional Fields Accounts Payable Ledger - 0464LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2119F7009001Chart of Accounts by Level21CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2120F700911GL Invoice Number16GAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2121F702018Taxes by Sales Order Line - COMM - 4223TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2122F703B11AR Invoice Number10ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2123F703B1Z1Sales EDI Invoice Number10AZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2124F704001Payment WH Info TEMP - COMM - 0465PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2125F704002Payment WH Info - COMM - 0463PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2126F704002PPayment WH Info Purge - COMM - 0463PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2127F704003Payment Done - Accum - COMM - 0422PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2128F704008Localizations Additional Fields Tax Area - 0457LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2129F704100Suspended VAT AP - COMM - 7033VAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2130F704101Generic Item Master Add Info - 7022IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2131F704101ALocalizations Additional Fields Item Master - 0158LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2132F704102Generic Item Branch Add Info - 7023IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2133F704200Final VAT AP - COMM - 7029FVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2134F704201Localizations Additional Fields Sales Order - 0160LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2135F704220AP Invoice Number10APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2136F707111Text Processor Detail Table - 7013TBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2137F70XMLZ1XML Transaction Interfase49SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP73: M & D complementary products
2138F7307Quantum Non-Stock Product Categories8VXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2139F7308TQuantum Database Connection Tag File6PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74: EMEA Localization
2140F0091A/B Vendor Information for Year-end IVA tape - Italy19IFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2141F7400001Legal Document Next Numbers - COMM - 009NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2142F7400002Legal Document Types - COMM - 0011LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2143F7400003Legal Document Types / Document Types Relationship - COMM-008RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2144F7400004Legal Document Issue Places - COMM - 006IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2145F7400006Processed Documents in Legal Applications - COMM - 0015PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2146F7400007Business Unit / Doc Type Next Number - COMM - 009BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2147F740001SEPA Account Setup - COMM - 746SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2148F7400010Company Aditional Information - COMM - 006LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2149F740018Intrastat Revision Additional - CZE - 7413AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2150F740018DData extraction ESL - 7459DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2151F740018OOriginal Transaction Detail for Data Extraction18OTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2152F740018TTag File F0018 - EMEA - 7414TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2153F740018WData extraction ESL - Workfile - 7459DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2154F74030HDutch-Payments Bank Information33NLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2155F74093Worktable for Printing IVA Summary - Italy56HCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2156F740931IVA Summary Report Header - Worktable- Italy7HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2157F741001TAddress Book Tag File - COMM - 016ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2158F74101Additional Address Book & Vat Id Info via VIES - EU - 0119VVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2159F74101WAdditional Address Book & Vat Id Info Work File - EU - 0122VWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2160F7420018Taxes by Sales Order Line - COMM - 4214STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2161F7430010Legal Document Header - COMM - 03B22LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2162F7430018Taxes by A/R Invoice Line - COMM - 03B14TIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2163F7430021Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents - COMM - 03B13DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2164F7430022Print Line Type Definition for Legal Documents - COMM - 03B8DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2165F7430023Legal Documents Types / Print Template Relationship-COMM-03B8LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2166F7430024Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions - COMM -03B11DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2167F7430030Legal Document Header (Print Info) - COMM - 03B33PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2168F7430050Print Batch Header - COMM - 03B10BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2169F743011Signed Invoices - COMM - 7412PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2170F743011ZSigned Batch Invoice - Tag Table -7413TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2171F743012Unsigned Invoices - COMM - 7410PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2172F743013Signed Invoices - COMM - 7412PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2173F743013ZSigned Batch Invoice - Tag Table -7413TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2174F744101Intrastat Supplier/Item Cross Reference Table8INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2175F744102Intrastat Commodity Code Additional Information15IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2176F744102TCommodity Code Additional Inf Tag File - CZE - 7410CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2177F74413VAT Ceiling Limit-Italy23VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2178F7464108Lot Additional Information - COMM - 4110LOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2179F74900Foreign Receivables and Payables - EMEA72RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2180F749101Report Definition - EMEA - 748RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2181F749102Section Definition - EMEA - 7415SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2182F749103Section Column Definition - EMEA - 7421CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2183F749104Rows Definition - EMEA - 7432RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2184F749105Cells Definition - EMEA - 7416EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2185F749110Account Group Definition - EMEA - 7411AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2186F749111Account Group Detail- EMEA - 7410AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2187F74UI95WF - Report History - EMEA - 747RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2188F74XMLZ1XML Transaction Interface49SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2189F74XMLZ2XML Transaction Interface iSeries - COMM9SYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74B: Begium Localization
2190F74B010Company Additional Info - Belgium - 74B9CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2191F74B100Monthly VAT Table Belgium Localisations10BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2192F74B250History VAT Listing - BEL - 0022CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74F: France
2193F74F200FEC - Sequence Type by CO - Fiscal Year - FR7CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2194F74F210FEC - Last Sequence Number by CO-Fiscal Period - FR12FPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74H: Hungary
2195F741201Accumulated Depreciation Asset Column Setup - HUN - 748CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2196F741202Work File Accumulated Asset Movement Dep - HUN - 7418WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2197F74H1002VAT Table Build Header - HUN - 047VBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2198F74H1003VAT Final Declaration Header - HUN - 047VBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2199F74H1004VAT Declaration Detail - HUN -0418VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2200F74H1007Tax Rate Summary Setup - HUN - 0011TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2201F74H1010Effective EU Tax Identifiers - HUN - 007AEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2202F74H309Gains & Losses Unrealized Account ing - HUN - 03B24GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2203F74H409A/P Gains & Losses Unrealized Accounting - HUN - 0424GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2204F74H410Foreign Voucher Supplier Amounts - HUN - 74H26SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2205F74H910JE VAT Differences - HUN - 0921VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74L: Portugal
2206F74L002Unused Legal Numbers - POR - 74L13UUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2207F74L101Address Book Additional Information - Tag File - POR - 74L6TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2208F74L3011Manual Invoice Details - Tag Table - 74L7MIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2209F74L3035Tax Details by Legal Document - POR - 74L20TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2210F74L4008Tax Rate/Area Additional Information - Tag File- POR - 74L13TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2211F74L920Referential Chart of Account - POR - 74L10TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2212F74L921Ref Accounts by Accounts - POR - 74L9RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74P: Poland
2213F74902TAccount Balance Tag File - COM - 09 - 74P45ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2214F74P0001Exchange Table Number - POL - 115ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2215F74P03BWA/R Trial Balance - POL - 03B - 74P27P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2216F74P04WA/P Trial Balance Work Table - POL - 04 - 74P27P2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2217F74P3B23A/R Fee Journal History Detail for Poland - POL - 03B15HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2218F74P3B24Processed Documents in Finance Charge Processing - POL - 03B10PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2219F74P4010Poland AP Document Types - POL -04 - 74P9DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2220F74P411HF0411 Header File - POL - 04 - 74P17P4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2221F74P412HF0411 Tag File Header-POL- 048THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2222F74P9100Cash Desk Transaction - POL - 74P26CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74R: Russia
2223F74R0005User Defined Codes - RUS - 00 - 74R9DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2224F74R0007Legal Document Footer Signature Setup - RUS - 00 - 74R15FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2225F74R0011Batch Tag File - RUS - 09 - 74R7ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2226F74R0018Russian Tax File - 74R79TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2227F74R010Constant for VAT - RUS - 007GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2228F74R0100Petty Cash Transactions - RUS - 00 - 74R41PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2229F74R012Cash Documents Next Number Setup - RUS - 0011CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2230F74R013Cash Account Setup - RUS - 005CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2231F74R01TPetty Cash Transactions Tag File - RUS - 008PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2232F74R020PettyCash Constants - RUS - 005GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2233F74R0401Adjustment to Voucher - RUS - 04 - 74R14ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2234F74R0402Correction to Voucher - RUS - 04 - 74R15COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2235F74R101TAddress Book Tag File - RUS - 01 - 74R14ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2236F74R201VAT Accrual on Sales Method Setup - RUS - 427VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2237F74R202Transit VAT Account Setup - RUS - 426TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2238F74R3032Currency Code (Print Info) - RUS - 03B11HFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2239F74R3033Line additional info (Print Info) - RUS - 03B15DFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2240F74R3034Unit of Measure Relationship - RUS - 74R12UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2241F74R3035Currency Code Relationship - RUS - 74R9CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2242F74R3036Country of Origin Relationship - RUS - 74R8COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2243F74R3037Adjustment Invoice Relationship in AR/SOP - RUS - 74R10ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2244F74R3038Adjustment Invoice Header Info AR/SOP - RUS - 74R45AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2245F74R310Prepayment Header Tax File - RUS - 03B20HEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2246F74R311Prepayment Detail Tax File - RUS - 03B50DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2247F74R3B14F03B14 Tag File - RUS - 03B - 74R17TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2248F74R400Account Payable Setup for VAT Release - RUS - 006VRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2249F74R4014F0414 Tag File - RUS - 04 - 74R17TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2250F74R410Tax on Hold - RUS - 0422THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2251F74R420Tax Releases - RUS - 0425TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2252F74R4500Paymet Order Supplemental Data - RU - 04 - 74R28POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2253F74R5010Revaluation Code By Class - RUS - 12 - 74R8RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2254F74R5110F1201 Tag File - RUS - 12 - 74R31TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2255F74R9001Correspondence Account Setup - RUS -09 - 74R14CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2256F74R9002Correspondence Balance - RUS- 09 - 74R40GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2257F74R9003Correspondence Method - RUS -09 - 74R14CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2258F74R9004Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R20CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2259F74R9010Profit & Loss - RUS - 09 - 74R18PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2260F74R9011Correspondence Rules - RUS -09 - 74R36CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2261F74R9020Setup G/L Reports - RUS - 09 - 74R12SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2262F74R9021Report Detail Row Definition - RUS - 09 - 74R18DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2263F74R9022Accounts Group Definition - RUS - 09 - 74R24AGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2264F74R9023Report Column Description - RUS - 09 - 74R14COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2265F74R9029Open Accounts - RUS - 09 - 74R27OAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2266F74R9030Balance Sheet - RUS - 09 - 74R16BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2267F74R9040Changes in Equity - RUS - 09 - 74R19CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2268F74R9050Cash Flow - RUS - 09 - 74R16CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2269F74RUI31VAT Sales Book Workfile - RUS - 03B38W1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2270F74RUI41VAT Purchase Book Workfile - RUS - 0439W1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2271F74RUI42VAT Purchase Book Workfile II - RUS - 0413W2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74S: Spain
2272F74S0010Company Tag File - Spain - 096CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2273F74S101Address Book - Additional Information - ESP - 018AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2274F74S340V.A.T. Declaration Mark File - ESP - 005MFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2275F74S341V.A.T. Declaration Status - ESP - 007VFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2276F74S342Suspended VAT Declaration Mark File - ESP - 0013SVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2277F74S408Tax Areas - 340 Model - ESP - 0010TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2278F74S79Model 347 - Record Type 2 - Spain Tag File22TQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74U: United Kingdom Localizations
2279F74U006TBusiness Unit Tag - 1519PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2280F74U0100CIS System Constants - 0426CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2281F74U0101CIS Company Constants - 0410SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2282F74U0102Tax Payment Voucher Constants - 0410VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2283F74U0105CIS Document Information - 0419DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2284F74U0110CIS Subcontractor Documents - 0418SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2285F74U0111CIS Company Constants 2007 Update - UK - 047CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2286F74U0112CIS System Constants 2007 Update - UK - 046SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2287F74U0116F0411 CIS Tag Table - 0430TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2288F74U0118Payment Voucher Status History - 0423VHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2289F74U012TTenant EP Class Tag - 1513PJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2290F74U01BTLease Master Tag File - 1527P3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2291F74U0201Property Company Constants - 1540P1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2292F74U0202Bank Base Rates (EPM) - 1517P2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2293F74U0205Payment Profile - 1541P8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2294F74U0208Bill Pattern Mapping - 1512PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2295F74U0209EPM - Status Code Table - 1510PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2296F74U0212Accounting Billing Profile - 1530P8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2297F74U0213Weekly Accounting Profile - 1531PWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2298F74U02BTRecurring Billing Tag - 1527P6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2299F74U03BTLease Master Alternative UOM Tag File - 1521PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2300F74U0401SPC - Constants - UK - 4347SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2301F74U0402CIS - Supp Constants - UK - 0414SBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2302F74U0405SPC Certificate Holding Table - UK - 4351CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2303F74U0408SPC Lower Level Retention - UK - 4324LRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2304F74U0409SPC Lower Level MCD - UK - 4324LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2305F74U0412Application Commitment Workfile - UK - 4329ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2306F74U0414Certificate Commitment Workfile - UK - 4329CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2307F74U0416Purchase Order Commitment Workfile - UK - 4329PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2308F74U0420SPC - Application Master - UK - 4390SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2309F74U0421Application Approval Invoice Overrides11IOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2310F74U0422SPC Application/Certificate Cross Reference File - UK - 4318ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2311F74U0425SPC - Certificate Master - UK - 4393SFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2312F74U0429SPL Cross Reference Table - UK - 4313CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2313F74U0430Authenticated Receipts Letter Text - UK - 4314SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2314F74U0431SPC ATR Late Letter Generation - UK - 4315LLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2315F74U0445SPC Accounts Payable Match Doc Detail Tag File - UK - 4320RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2316F74U0450CIS Special Payee Rules - UK - 0425SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2317F74U0451Sub-contractor/Special Payee Cross Reference - UK - 0415SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2318F74U0452Special Payee Definitions - UK - 0415SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2319F74U071TProperty Unit Tag - 1519PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2320F74U203ABilling Pattern - Periodic - 1527P4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2321F74U203BBilling Pattern - Weekly - 1514P5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2322F74U207APayment Profile Status History - 1520P9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2323F74U207BPeriodic Accounting Profile Status History - 1522PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2324F74U207CWeekly Accounting Profile Status History - 1523PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2325F74U210WGlobal Generation Currency Work Table - 153PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2326F74U25BTInterest Tag Table - 1519PKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2327F74U4010HMRC Subontractor Information - UK - 049SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2328F74U4015AB - HMRC Information Relation - UK - 046IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2329F74U4020Subcontrator Verification Status - UK -048VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2330F74U4030CIS Withholding Verification Detail - UK - 0413VDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2331F74U4051Header - CIS Monthly Return - UK - 0422HMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2332F74U4052Subcontractor Detail - CIS Monthly Return - UK - 0422SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2333F74U4053Subcontractor Documents Detail - CIS Monthly Return - UK- 0417DMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2334F74U420ASPC Application Amount Drill Down - UK - 4321PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2335F74U421ASPC Application Approval History - UK - 439AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2336F74U421BApplication Approval Delegates - UK - 438ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2337F74U424ASPC Subcontractor Accrual Data - UK - 4329PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2338F74U424WSPC Subcontractor Accrual Workfile - UK - 4328WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2339F74U4311EPM - Purchase Order Tag File - 74U10PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2340F74U4312SPC - Purchase Order Additional Information - UK - 4324SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2341F74U4314SPC - Purchase Order Retention - UK - 4316SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2342F74U4316SPC - Purchase Order Line Additional Information - UK - 4334SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2343F74U4318SPC - Purchase Order Line Retention - UK - 4317SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2344F74U4319SPC Cumulative Labour Material Split - UK - 4317CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2345F74U4320Requisition Template Qestions - UK - 439TVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2346F74U4321Requisition Template Answers - UK - 4315RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2347F74UCW03CIS Voucher Match Workfile - UK - 0415VMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2348F74UUI51Header - XML Work File CIS Monthly Return - UK - 0422HMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2349F74UUI52Subcontractor Detail - XML WF CIS Monthly Return - UK - 0422SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74W: Sweden
2350F74W201Debit Advice Header - 74W8K1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2351F74W202Debit Advice Payment File - 74W9K2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2352F74W210A/P Automatic Payments Spot Rate - 74W9K5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74Y: Italy
2353F740018ATax Rate Area and Transaction Type Mapping11TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2354F74Y0003Legal Doc Type for Electronic Invoice7ITUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2355F74Y001Company Additional Information13CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2356F74Y0030Bank Transit Number Tag File - ITA - 04 - 74Y6BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2357F74Y008Intrastat Additional Info for Service Tax Areas - ITA - 008INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2358F74Y010Black List Setup by Country Tax Area6BLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2359F74Y0101Address Book Italian Tag File - ITA - 0115RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2360F74Y011Multi Purpose VAT Classification by Tax Area / Item - 74Y8MPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2361F74Y015Yearly List Declaration - WF - IT - 0036YLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2362F74Y018Intrastat Additional Info for Services - ITA - 0020IAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2363F74Y020Italy Intrastat Declarations - Header - ITA - 0014IHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2364F74Y021Italy Intrastat Declarations - Detail Sections - ITA - 0024IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2365F74Y022Italy Intrastat Decl - Adjustment Section - ITA - 0017IAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2366F74Y023Italy Intrastat Decl - Modifications - ITA - 0015IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2367F74Y050Third party Black List Amounts - IT - 0032THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2368F74Y060Yearly List Summarized Workfile -ITA - 74Y33YSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2369F74Y061Yearly List Detailed Workfile -ITA - 74Y25YDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2370F74Y101Address Book Tag File Intrastat - ITA - 017INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2371F74Y170Contracts - IT - 0017CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2372F74Y171Contract Relations - IT - 0021CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2373F74Y3016Additional Information Yearly list12RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2374F74YUI01Italy Legal Company WF - ITA - 74Y30LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2375F74YUI10Italy Customer Detail WF - ITA - 74Y26CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2376F74YUI11Italy SupplierDetail WF - ITA - 74Y28SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP74Z: Czech Republic
2377F74Z0010Cash Desk Document Printed - CZE - 74Z17ZOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2378F74ZUI02Czech VAT Report - CZE - 74Z - Work File18CZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75A: Australia
2379F75A0001Australia/New Zealand tax Parameters29ZAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2380F75A0002Australia/New Zealand tax Options28ZOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2381F75A0003Australia/New Zealand tax calculation rules32ZRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2382F75A0004Coinage Allocation Parameters12A4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2383F75A0005Coinage Details Work File12A5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2384F75A0006Australian Employee Tax Overrides23ZEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2385F75A0009Employee DBA Instructions8A9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2386F75A0010Australian Employee Termination Details78A0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2387F75A010TAustralian Employee Termination Details - Tag File28A0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2388F75A011TAustralian Employee Termination Details Secondary Tag Table32BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2389F75A0140Australian Payment Summary14ZGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2390F75A0150Foreign Employment Dates7ZDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2391F75A0201Recipient Created Tax Invoice Tag File17TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2392F75A0202GST - RCTI Adjustment Print Control Table16RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2393F75A0220Payment Summary Workfile29PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2394F75A0301Superannuation Payment12SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2395F75A0401Australia State Payroll Tax Thresholds and Rates11ZTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2396F75A0402Australia State Payroll Tax Threshold Proration Formulas5ZFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2397F75A0403Australia State Payroll Tax Company Groups6ZGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2398F75A0404Australia State Payroll Tax Company Group Members7ZMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2399F75A0405Australia State Payroll Tax Eligible PDBs5ZPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2400F75A0406Australia State Payroll Taxable Wages History27ZHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2401F75A0407Australia State Payroll Tax Liability History14TLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2402F75A0500AU Bonus and Back Pay Tax Workfile28BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2403F75A0501AU Bonus and Back Pay Tax History28THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2404F75A200GST - Tax Invoice / Adjustment Note Tag file11TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2405F75A671Long Service Leave Audit11LAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2406F75A9096Australian/New Zealand company constants9ZCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75C: China
2407F0018CNChina - Transmitted vouchers to JinSui - 0414CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2408F75C001Chinese GUI cross reference file18CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2409F75C002Electronic Accounting Book15EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2410F75C003Report Format Definition11RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2411F75C003TReport Format Definition Tag file - China11RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2412F75C004Report Item - Natural Account Mapping9RNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2413F75C005Report Item - Formula Mapping8RFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2414F75C006Natural Account Structure Set Up7NAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2415F75C007China - Chart of Accounts Set Up12CAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2416F75C008Employee Record Information - China23EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2417F75C009GL Basic Information - China16BIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2418F75C010Subsidiary Info Setup - China15URUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2419F75C010WAP & AR XML Workfile - China -75C39AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2420F75C011Account - Subsidiary Cross Reference - China - 75C34UVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2421F75C012Address Book Additional Information - China13ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2422F75C013Dynamic XML Element Name - CHINA - 0016DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2423F75C014AP/AR Balances - China20BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2424F75C015Cash Flow Data - China35CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2425F75C030Additional Bank Information - CHINA - 75C11ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2426F75C091Account master - Tag file - China Localization3CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2427F75C201Modification Methods Information - CHINA17MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2428F75C202Asset Disposal Amounts - CHINA19DAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2429F75C203Fixed Assets Card Usage Information - CHINA14FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2430F75C204Asset Master History File - CHINA20AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2431F75C4106Chinese Free Goods VAT base price - F75C4106 - 4114IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2432F75C4203Chinese VAT on Free Goods Cross Reference - China - 4214FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2433F75C501Payroll Category and Payroll Elements - CHINA11CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2434F75C502Payroll Periods - CHINA15PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2435F75C503Employee Payroll - CHINA16EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2436F75C504Payroll Category - CHINA12PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2437F75C505Payroll Elements - CHINA11PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2438F75C902Subsidiary Balances File - China77SBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2439F75C910China Reports Balance -CNAO V216CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2440F75C911CNAO - E1 Document Number mapping - China11DNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2441F75C911AAccount Ledger Processing Info- China - 0917ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2442F75C912Transaction-wise Subsidiary Info - China - 0942TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2443F75CDXMDynamic XML Output Generator11DXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2444F75CUI04China CNAO V2 Fixed Asset XML Work File - CHINA7WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2445F75CUI05AP & AR Multiple Period XML Workfile - China -75C47MPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2446F75CUI3Financial Reporting Work FIle3CWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75I: India
2447F75I0002Additional Information Master for SO11Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2448F75I001Legal Document Next Numbers - IND - 0011NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2449F75I005Tax Groups-IND-006TGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2450F75I006O2C Tax Set up-IND-005TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2451F75I007Tax Setup P2P - IND - 439LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2452F75I008Purchase Order Receiver Tag File - IND - 4337POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2453F75I009Item Attributes/Category Codes Mapping - IND - 416ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2454F75I010A/B Additional Tax Information - IN - 049ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2455F75I011Percentage-Credit Distribution10PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2456F75I013Credit Distribution13PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2457F75I016Chapter Number Set Up - IND - 418CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2458F75I017Sales Order Tag File IND 4234SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2459F75I022F0411 Tag File Header - IND - 0412THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2460F75I051POT Setup - IND - 75I6INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2461F75I052Services Category Additional information - IND - 75I15INUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2462F75I053Vouchers Generated for Reverse Charge AR IND - 75I14RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2463F75I055Vouchers Generated for Reverse Charge AP - IND - 0421RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2464F75I072Tax Rules Setup - IND - 4520TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2465F75I100TDS Ceritificate Master Maintenance47QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2466F75I100QTDS Form 26Q - WorkFile (Quarterly)53EFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2467F75I100WTDS Form 26 - WorkFile43EFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2468F75I101TDS Certificate Work Maintenance38QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2469F75I102TDS Certificate Master Maintenance -Tag File10QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2470F75I103TDS / TCS Acknowledgement Number9TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2471F75I104TDS Certificate Master Maintenance Tag File15TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2472F75I10ATDS Rate Maintenance File20QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2473F75I15ATDS Document Company Maintenance File18QCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2474F75I20ATDS Document Company30QDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2475F75I210Tax Registration Details - IND - 0032CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2476F75I211Tax Registration Details Tag File-IND-009TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2477F75I213Tax Registration Details-Service Tax Tag File-IND-0013TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2478F75I215Tax Reg. Detail - PAN Ref Tag File - IND -006PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2479F75I220State Level Constants5SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2480F75I2241WorkFile for VAT/CST Receivables28VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2481F75I2242VAT- Deferred Amounts for the Purchase cycle15DAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2482F75I301Excise - Setup Master19Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2483F75I302Excise - Period Master34QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2484F75I303Excise - ARE1 Bond Master-IND-75I18Q2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2485F75I304Excise - Cross Reference File7Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2486F75I305Excise - General Surety Bond17Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2487F75I3051Excise Fiscal Years9FYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2488F75I306Excise Account Master -IND-007EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2489F75I3061Excise Account Master - Credit Redistribution -IND6ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2490F75I309Personal Consumption - CENVAT setoff - IND - 4142CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2491F75I310WVoucher Entry Record10REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2492F75I310YExcise - MODVAT / PLA Summary File108Q2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2493F75I311F75I310Y - Tag File13EBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2494F75I312Excise - Consignment/ Adjustment Detail File - ItemWise44Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2495F75I312YExcise-Consignment/Adjustment Detail -Item wise51Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2496F75I313YExcise - RG23A - II ChapterWise Transaction File37Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2497F75I314YExcise - RG23A - II Item Wise Transaction File43Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2498F75I315YExcise - PLA Chapter Wise Transaction File for Yarn Industry39Q2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2499F75I316YExcise - PLA Item Wise Transaction File42Q2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2500F75I317YExcise - RG23C - II Chapter Wise Transaction File30Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2501F75I318YExcise - RG23C - II Item Wise Transaction File34Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2502F75I319BExcise Amount - Transfer Detail File34R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2503F75I319YExcise - Consolidated Excise Duty Payment38Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2504F75I320YExcise - Payment Details52QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2505F75I322Excise - Work File for F04211 & F410130Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2506F75I322EExcise - Work File for F04211 & F4101(Based on F75I322)34Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2507F75I323Purchase Order Receiver AR3 Information - IND - 4317RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2508F75I324Work File for ARE1 ARE3 IND 4230Q3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2509F75I331Customer Master Tagfile - IND - 03B36AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2510F75I343Excise - Daywise Closing Balance13QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2511F75I344Excise - ARE1 Bond Register27QBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2512F75I344CARE-1 Bond Register for Cancelled Receipts-IND-0010CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2513F75I344YPrint ARE-1Bond Register-IND-0040CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2514F75I345Excise - ARE3 Form Header Details-IND-0035QRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2515F75I3451Excise - ARE3 Form Detail-IND-0023QDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2516F75I345XExcise - ARE-3 Form Header for Yarn45QRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2517F75I346Excise - D3-Form Table46Q9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2518F75I348CT2/CT3 Annexure Certificate Master-IND-0013CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2519F75I354Excise ARE3 Tag file for Form Header IND 4234QWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2520F75I357Consignment Header45CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2521F75I3571Consignment - Work Orders46CWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2522F75I3572Consignment - Stock Transfers49CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2523F75I3573Consignment - Order Items51COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2524F75I3574Consignment - Issues/Receipts Transactions60CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2525F75I3575Consignment - Work Order Part List Items - Balances43CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2526F75I3576Stock Transfer - Work Orders48SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2527F75I380Excise - RG-1 - Transaction File - IND75RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2528F75I382Amount of Interest Paid per month - IND - 0018IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2529F75I385RG23D Register - Issues - IND - 4238EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2530F75I390Work With Excise Reports10ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2531F75I3901Work With Consignment - IND -4364COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2532F75I395AER - 5 (1)34ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2533F75I395BER - 5 (2)52ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2534F75I395TER - 5 (temp)53ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2535F75I396AER-6 - List of Finished goods manufactured27ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2536F75I396BER-658SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2537F75I396CTable for Opening Balance Quantity5OBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2538F75I396TER-6 Temp55SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2539F75I397ER-6 Scrap15SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2540F75I397BER-6 Scrap28ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2541F75I401Sales Form Information-IND-4223QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2542F75I401CSales Form Information- Secondary14QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2543F75I402Purchase Tax Form Details57PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2544F75I402TPurchase Tax Form Details -Secondary57PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2545F75I403Stock Transfer Details16ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2546F75I403TTemp Data for F75i40316ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2547F75I404Consolidated tax payment21CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2548F75I405Deferred Input Tax Credit21DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2549F75I406State / Branch Plant Cross Reference29SBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2550F75I407Item Category Relationship30ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2551F75I4074Price Adj Ledger Tag File - 03B18ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2552F75I408VAT/CST Account Master26VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2553F75I409Personal Consumption - VAT setoff - IND - 4127VSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2554F75I411F0411 Tag File - IN - 0417TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2555F75I421Assign Price / Cost Elements10MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2556F75I4210Sales Form Tracking - Secondary15FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2557F75I4213Setoff Report Data -IND -0030SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2558F75I4216Set Off Amount -IND4ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2559F75I4223Sales Tax Summary/Detail55SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2560F75I4231Purchase Tax Summary / Details5PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2561F75I601TCS Register Details-IND-4222TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2562F75I602Item Branch Tagfile - IND - 4129IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2563F75I603TCS Prepayment Master File - IND-03B12TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2564F75I604TCS Payment Details18TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2565F75I605TCS Tax Amount10TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2566F75I611TCS Prepayment Transaction File - IND-03B37TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2567F75I612TCS Prepayment To Tax Authority20TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2568F75I701Bill of Entry - Header105QHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2569F75I704Service Tax Cross Reference File - IND6CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2570F75I731Service Tax A/R File - IND - 03B22STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2571F75I732Service Tax A/R File Additional Info - IND - 03B17STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2572F75I734Service Tax Received File - IND - 03B7PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2573F75I735Order Detail by Service Category Code - IND - 75I35STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2574F75I741Service Tax A/P File - IND - 0425STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2575F75I742Service Tax A/P File Additional Info - IND - 0418STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2576F75I744Service Tax Payment File - IND - 047PFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2577F75I750Service Tax Cenvat File -09 - IND21CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2578F75I754Advance Service Tax Payment File - IND -049APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2579F75I760Advance Service Tax Balance File - IND22ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2580F75I791Item/Supplier Cost Components - IND - 43B28ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2581F75IEXCExcise Balance File lock6QZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2582F75IUI01eTCS Anuual Return - Work File17TWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75J: Japan
2583F75013Stamp Tax - Japan - 046J3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2584F75014Withholding - Japan - 048JPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2585F750401Japanese A/B Tag Table - 046J4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2586F750411Withholding Tax Detail - Japan - 0420JXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2587F75C0401China Supplier Master Additional Information - 046CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2588F75J3001Tag file for Densai User Number4ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2589F75J503Setup for Life Month - 75J - JAP8LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2590F75J504Setup Rounding Options - 75J - JAP7ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75T: Taiwan
2591F75T001GUI/VAT Declaration Site - 75T46DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2592F75T001PGUI/VAT Declaration Period - 75T18DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2593F75T002GUI/VAT Number Register - 75T22NRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2594F75T0029GUI/VAT Number Register History - 75T22NRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2595F75T003GUI/VAT Number Segment - 75T27NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2596F75T0039GUI/VAT Number Segment History - 75T27NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2597F75T004GUI/VAT Transaction Header - 75T113THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2598F75T0049GUI/VAT Transaction Header History - 75T113THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2599F75T004PGUI/VAT Transaction Header POS - 75T109THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2600F75T004ZGUI/VAT Transaction Header - Work - 75T71ZHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2601F75T005GUI/VAT Transaction Detail - 75T56TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2602F75T0059GUI/VAT Transaction Detail History - 75T56TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2603F75T005PGUI/VAT Transaction Detail POS - 75T55TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2604F75T005TGUI/VAT Transaction Detail Temp - 75T57TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2605F75T005ZGUI/VAT Transaction Detail - Work - 75T52ZDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2606F75T006GUI/VAT Prefix - 75T7GPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2607F75T007GUI/VAT Media Declaration Flat File - 75T21MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2608F75T0079GUI/VAT Media Declaration Flat File History - 75T21MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2609F75T008GUI/VAT Tax Type Mapping - 75T13TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2610F75T009GUI/VAT Customer Constants - 75T25DVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2611F75T0091GUI/VAT Supplier Constants - 75T21SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2612F75T010GUI/VAT User / Declaration Site Mapping - 75T17UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2613F75T011GUI/VAT Document Type Format Code Setup - 75T8GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2614F75T012GUI/VAT GL Account Mapping - 75T15GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2615F75T013Declaration Site Tax Account Mapping-75T8EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2616F75T014GUI/VAT Number Segment (Batch) Setup - 75T14SBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2617F75T015GUI/VAT Number Segment Lock - 75T7SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2618F75T1113Taiwan Exchange Rate Update13TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2619F75T401GUI/VAT Declaration Report 401 - 75T83D1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2620F75T403GUI/VAT Declaration Report 403 - 75T124D3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2621F75T4031GUI/VAT Declaration Report 403-1 - 75T81A1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2622F75T4032GUI/VAT Declaration Report 403-2 - 75T33A2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2623F75T42WWork file with union of F4211 and F4211942SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP75Z: New Zealand
2624F75Z0001New Zealand Special Processing Parameters12Z1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2625F75Z0002New Zealand Ledger Detail30Z2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2626F75Z0003New Zealand Average Gross Earnings Master9Z3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2627F75Z0004New Zealand Average Gross Earnings Detail8Z4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2628F75Z0005New Zealand Employee Tax Overrides26ZDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2629F75Z0006Leave Taken A.G.E. Work File13Z6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2630F75Z0008New Zealand Special Rates15Z8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2631F75Z0009New Zealand Tax Detail Work File17TXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2632F75Z0010New Zealand Tax Detail Tag Table17TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76A: Argentina
2633F7607AWithholding Exempt Percentage - ARG - 04 - 04 - 76A10V4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2634F764008AAditionals Tax Areas - ARG - 04 - 76A68TQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2635F76A003A/P Tag File - CAI Storage - ARG - 04 - 76A8RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2636F76A005CAI - Invoice range for Preprinters - ARG - 03B9RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2637F76A010RG 3685 Purchase and Sales Information Workfile - 76A - 0018RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2638F76A0110UTE Members - 76A9U1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2639F76A0403Additional Profit Withholding11AWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2640F76A043A/P Tag Table - CAI Storage - ARG - 04 - 76A8RGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2641F76A0440Check details RG 1547 - ARG - 04 - 76A13CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2642F76A050Small Contributor Limits - ARG - 049SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2643F76A08Credit Invoice Payments - ARG - 04 - 76A27CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2644F76A09Invoice Total - ARG - 03B - 76A48TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2645F76A09PInvoice Total Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A48TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2646F76A20Credit Invoice Constants - ARG - 03B - 76A21ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2647F76A21Credit Invoice Header - F76A21 - ARG - 3B - 76A29IHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2648F76A21PCredit Invoice Header Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A29IHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2649F76A22Credit Invoice Detail - F76A22 - ARG - 03B - 76A23IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2650F76A22PCredit Invoice Detail Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A23IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2651F76A23Credit Invoice Withholdings - F76A23 - ARG - 03B - 76A17IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2652F76A23PCredit Invoice Withholdings Purge - ARG - 03B - 76A17IWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2653F76A24Credit Invoice Information - Accounts Payable - ARG - - 76A33IEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2654F76A25Credit Invoice Tax Area Relationship - ARG - 04 - 76A11IFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2655F76A26Credit Invoice Status Rules - ARG - 04 - 76A12IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2656F76A30TF76A30 Tag File Z1 - ARG - 04 - 76A19V7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2657F76A33Receipt Invoice - Audit Log ARG - 03B - 76A8X4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2658F76A391Adjustment Indexes - 76A9C1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2659F76A392Calculated costs header - 76A19C2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2660F76A393Calculated costs detail - 76A30C3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2661F76A394Adjustments - 76A26C4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2662F76A395AAI Document Type - Work in Progress Adjustment - 76A7AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2663F76A396Item Valuation Cost Master - 76A14CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2664F76A40Withholding Certificates Legal Number - 76A32WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2665F76A401UTE Members Type - ARG - 049UTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2666F76A405Small Contributors that Exceeded the Limit - ARG - 046SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2667F76A41CERG G/L - Lot Detail - ARG - 09 - 76A10LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2668F76A4111Item Ledger Tag File - ARG - 76A7ILUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2669F76A411HAP Header Tag File - ARG - 04 - 76A15B0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2670F76A411QF76A411P Tag File Purge - ARG - 04 - 76A21B1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2671F76A411RVoucher Localization Purge Header File - ARG - 04 - 76A15B4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2672F76A411TF760411A A/P Tag File - ARG - 04 - 76A21B1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2673F76A430Contract Service Withholding - Payments Done - ARG - 0411PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2674F76A48CERG A/P - Control Payments -ARG - 04 - 76A9PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2675F76A49CERG A/R - Control Receipts - ARG - 03B - 76A9CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2676F76A50Processed Documents in Legal Applications - ARG - 00 - 76A11A1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2677F76A55Withholding Certificates Legal Number History Files - 76A13HWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2678F76A60Z1Receipt Header Argentine Tag File Batch Input - ARG - - 76A22TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2679F76A7101Batch for Remittance - ARG - 03B - 76A16TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2680F76A715Prenumbered Invoice / Shipment Note Print - ARG - 42 - 76A8PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2681F76A8011Supplier Information RG 726 - ARG - 04 - 76A12PAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2682F76A8017A/P Payment Detail Aditional Tag Table RG 738 - ARG - - 76A16TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2683F76A8020Gross Income Exempt Percentage - ARG - 04 - 76A11EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2684F76A8021General Local Constants - ARG - 04 - 76A5LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2685F76A8050Perceptions Exempt Percentages - ARG - 03B - 76A16PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2686F76A8051Perceptions Exempt per Company - ARG - 03B - 76A20PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2687F76A8070Profit Withholding - Payments Done - RG 830 - ARG - 0 - 76A11K7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2688F76A8080Certificate Next Number RG 738/99- ARG - 04 - 76A7NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2689F76A8081Company Relation RG 738/99 - ARG - 04 - 76A6CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2690F76A8090V.A.T. Witholding Percentage Rg726 - ARG - 04 - 76A11VPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2691F76A81A/P Payment Control Group File - ARG - 04 - 76A29C5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2692F76A82A/P Payment Control Group File - ARG - 04 - 76A41C6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2693F76A8230Percentages by state / agreement Gross Income - ARG - - 76A16C1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2694F76A8231States members by Multilateral Agreement Gross Inc AR - 76A5C2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2695F76A8500Tag File F03B14 - ARG - 03B - 76A42TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2696F76A8510Tag File F76A60 - ARG - 03B - 76A30TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2697F76A85Z1Tag File F76A60 Batch Entry - ARG - 03B - 76A35BEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2698F76AUI44CERG A/P - Worktable - ARG - 04 - 76A13WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2699F76AUI46CERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A13WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2700F76AUI50VAT Perception Support RG 715 WF - ARG - 04 - 76A3WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76B: Brazil
2701F7600BNota Fiscal Next Number Control - BRA - 0914NIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2702F76011Address Book Brazilian Tag Table - 0425AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2703F76011PArchive Address Book Brazilian Tag Table - 0425PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2704F7601BNota Fiscal Header - BRA - 4280FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2705F7602BFiscal Book Next Number Control - Brazil - 0911NJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2706F7603B1A/R Additional Information - Brazil - 03B23CIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2707F7603B1PArchive A/R Additional Information - Brazil - 03B23BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2708F7606BBranch/Plant Fiscal Company X-Reference - Brazil - 096MIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2709F7608BICMS Tax Rates - 4016TBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2710F76101BNota Fiscal - Header (Fiscal Books) - 4258QXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2711F76111BNota Fiscal - Detail (Fiscal Books) - 4243QUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2712F76111BTConversion table for CFOP 5 digits - F76111B - 4242TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2713F7611BNota Fiscal Detail - BRA - 42105FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2714F76121BNota Fiscal Print Message Header - Brazil - 4211FZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2715F7612BNota Fiscal Print Message - BRA - 4212FYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2716F7615BTransaction Nature - Brazil - 42B14TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2717F7617BCode - ICMS IPI Tax Summa - 4015TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2718F761BAAS Fiscal file book - 0984FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2719F76411Item Master Regional Information - Brazil - 4112ITUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2720F76412Item Branch Regional Information - Brazil - 4115IJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2721F76421Sales Order Header Tag File - Brazil - 4211SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2722F76422Sales Order Detail Tag File - Brazil - 4217SJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2723F76422UIWork File for temporary F76422 Records - Brazil - 4217WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2724F76431Purchase Order Header Tag File - Brazil - 4310PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2725F76432Purchase Order Detail Tag File - Brazil - 4317PJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2726F764321Tag File F76432 P. O. Detail - BRA - 76B17TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2727F76B001Nota Fiscal Taxes Header - Brazil - 4224THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2728F76B0010Tag file F76B010 - Legal Company Constants - BRA - 76B10LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2729F76B003Purchase Use Tax Setup - Brazil - 4249PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2730F76B006IN86-Work Table for Business Unit - 0910BBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2731F76B007Nota Fiscal Legal Next Number - BRA - 76B8NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2732F76B0070FCI TXT File Process Header Blocks - BRA - 76B19HBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2733F76B0071FCI TXT File Process Detail Blocks - BRA - 76B15DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2734F76B008Nota Fiscal Legal Number Lenght - BRA - 76B7LEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2735F76B010Legal Company Constants - BR -009LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2736F76B010TECD Type - Tag File F76B010 - BRA - 006EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2737F76B011Nota Fiscal Taxes Detail - Brazil - 4229TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2738F76B0112NFe Access Authorized Person - BRA - 76B6AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2739F76B012Nota Fiscal Detail - Tributary Situations - BRA12TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2740F76B013Purchase Use Tax Setup - Tag File - BRA7TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2741F76B014Nota Fiscal Detail -Import - BRA - 76B11IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2742F76B015Legal Company - Subsidiaries - BR - 0011LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2743F76B016Import Declarations11IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2744F76B017Import Declarations - Additions10IAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2745F76B018Nota Fiscal Import Relationship - BRA - 76B11IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2746F76B019Nota Fiscal Header -Exports - BRA - 76B10EXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2747F76B01T1NFe Header Tag File - 76B10FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2748F76B01TENFe Header - 76B28FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2749F76B020Decentralized Accounting Bookkeeping - BR -007DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2750F76B021IPI Situation by Transaction Nature - BRA8XIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2751F76B022Import Declarations Legal Number - BRA - 007IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2752F76B025Signatories - BR - 007SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2753F76B026AB Brazil Reporting Information - 76B - 008BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2754F76B02TENFe Header History - 76B29FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2755F76B030NF Header PIS/COFINS Tag File - BRA - 76B18MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2756F76B031NF Detail PIS/COFINS Tag File - BRA - 76B21PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2757F76B032NF Type / Legal Model Type File - BRA - 76B15LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2758F76B033Import Declaration Tag File - BRA - 76B12IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2759F76B035Judicial Processes - BRA - 76B16JPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2760F76B036Fiscal Notes and Judicial Process Relationship - BRA - 76B16JRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2761F76B037Administrative Process - BRA - 76B13APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2762F76B038Fiscal Notes and Administrative Process Relat. - BRA - 76B14ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2763F76B039Sales Return Ship To - Fiscal Notes Tag File - BRA - 76B13SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2764F76B040ePIS COFINS Job Header - BRA - 76B26PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2765F76B0401Tax Code - 0422CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2766F76B0403Service Taxes Paid Externally - 0414STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2767F76B0410FCI by Item Supplier - BRA - 76B16FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2768F76B0411Voucher Additional Information Brazil - 0431VBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2769F76B045SCP Identification and Name - BRA - 007SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2770F76B04BCVoucher Additional Information - Brazil - 0410BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2771F76B050Address Book - SPED Project - WF - BRA - 76B15WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2772F76B051Item number - SPED Project - WF - BRA - 76B15WIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2773F76B0510Electronic Reporting Process Header - BR -16PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2774F76B0511Electronic Reporting Process Detail16PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2775F76B0512Electronic Reporting - Tag File17PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2776F76B0515Electronic Reporting Constant Setup23CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2777F76B052Unit of measure - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B15WUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2778F76B0520Address Book Brazilian Work File12ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2779F76B0521Item Master Brazilian Work File14IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2780F76B0522Transaction Nature Brazilian Work File14TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2781F76B0523Observation Fiscal Book - Brazilian Work File12OFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2782F76B0524Unit of Measure Brazilian Work File11ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2783F76B0526Chart of Account Brazilian Workfile.12AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2784F76B053Transaction Nature - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B16WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2785F76B0530Electronic Reporting Header Blocks - BR -14HBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2786F76B0531Electronic Reporting Detail Blocks - BR -13DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2787F76B054Messages Information - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B17WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2788F76B0540Brazil Electronic Reporting Block B Worktable22BWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2789F76B055Cost Center - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B15WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2790F76B056Account - SPED Fiscal Brazilian WF - BRA - 76B18WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2791F76B057Administrative Process - SPED Project - WF - BRA - 76B15WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2792F76B0570Brazil Elect Rpt Block E Work table - BRA - 0014WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2793F76B058Judicial Process- SPED Project - WF - BRA - 76B17WJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2794F76B0590Electronic Reporting - Chart of Accounts15CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2795F76B060ePIS COFINS NF Worktable - BRA - 76B30NWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2796F76B0715Ato Cotepe 09 Constant Setup - BR - 0018CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2797F76B0730Ato Cotepe Header Blocks Template - BR - 0014HBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2798F76B0731Ato Cotepe Detail Blocks Template - BR - 0014DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2799F76B0735Ato - Cotepe11 - Block E - Work File19WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2800F76B0740Ato Cotepe Process - BR - 0019PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2801F76B0741Ato Cotepe Process Header Blocks - BR - 0014PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2802F76B0742Ato Cotepe Process Detail Blocks - BR - 0015PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2803F76B0743Job Header Tag File - BRA - 76B11LVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2804F76B0765Item Change Track - BRA - 76B13CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2805F76B0770ICMS Period Balance by State and Company11ICUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2806F76B0771IPI Period Balance by Company9IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2807F76B0780COTEPE Rules Table Control11RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2808F76B0800Address Book - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2809F76B0801Item number - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2810F76B0802Unit of measure - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2811F76B0803UM Conversions - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile15FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2812F76B0804Asset number - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13ANUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2813F76B0805Transaction nature - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile14TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2814F76B0806Messages information - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile15MIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2815F76B0807Cost Center - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2816F76B0808State - SPED Fiscal Brazilian Workfile13STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2817F76B090NF-e Next Status Setup - BRA - 76B8NSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2818F76B0935Tag file F76B935 - SPED Book Type Definition - BRA - 76B13SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2819F76B10Account Ledger - IN68 - 0923ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2820F76B1001Tag File F7601B Nota Fiscal Header - BRA - 76B18THUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2821F76B101Address Book Additional Information - BR - 018BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2822F76B1010Tag File F7611B Nota Fiscal Detail - BRA - 76B21TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2823F76B102Verification ICMS / IPI - Statement - 4213QDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2824F76B1020NFe Access Authorized Person Setup by Nota Fiscal - BRA - 7610APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2825F76B106Services ISS Exempt - BR - 018SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2826F76B11Account Balances - IN68 - 0916ABUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2827F76B11TENFe Detail - 76B35FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2828F76B1201Brazilian Fixed Asset Additional Information - BRA - 76B12FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2829F76B127AGIA Valid DIPAM-B Code - 4212TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2830F76B127BGIA DIPAM-B Cross Reference - 4212TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2831F76B128AGIA Sub-Item Code - 4212TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2832F76B128BGIA Occurrences - 4215TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2833F76B129GIA Company Profile - 4213TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2834F76B12TENF-e Status Log - BRA - 76B30SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2835F76B12TZNF-e Status Log Z File - BRA - 76B21SZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2836F76B130Electronic GIA Header - 4215TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2837F76B131Electronic GIA Detail - 4215TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2838F76B132GIA City Code - 4212TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2839F76B140Address Book Inscription- BR -019AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2840F76B18IPI Taxes - 4015FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2841F76B19IBPT Tax information -76B19TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2842F76B20Account Payable and Receivable Table - IN68 - 03B19PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2843F76B200Table for BNOP Conversion (Fiscal Books only) - 429DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2844F76B210IR INSS Minimum Withholding Amount - BRA - 427MWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2845F76B220WH Calculation Method by CO, CUST - BR - 76B7DWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2846F76B22TENF-e Legal Numbers Unused/Cancelled - BRA - 76B16UNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2847F76B30Nota Fiscal Header/Table for Goods - IN68 - 4239MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2848F76B3010Work Table for Item/Part List - 3023IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2849F76B31Nota Fiscal Detail/Table for Goods - IN68 - 4245IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2850F76B40Nota Fiscal Header/Table for Services - IN68 - 4220MSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2851F76B400AIN86-Work Table for Storage Control - 4140SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2852F76B400BIN86-Work Table for Inventory Records - 4130IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2853F76B400FIN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature - 4226TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2854F76B400GIN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code - 4126ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2855F76B401DIRF WorkTable - BRA - 76B45DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2856F76B4012Voucher Tax Processed File - BR - 0414VPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2857F76B4013Voucher IRPJ Tax Processed File - BR - 049IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2858F76B4016Tax Accumulates by AN8 - BR - 0413AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2859F76B4017Tax Accumulates by AN8, Company - BR - 0412ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2860F76B405Service Fiscal Code - BR - 0410SFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2861F76B406Taxes Setup by City Code - BR - 048TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2862F76B407Services National Codes - BR - 046NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2863F76B408Service Type Code - BR - 047STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2864F76B409Taxes Setup by City and Service - BR - 0412CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2865F76B41Nota Fiscal Detail/Table for Services - IN68 - 4220ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2866F76B4100Withholding Data Conversion Status - BR - 045PSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2867F76B4101Tag file F76411 - Item Master - BRA - 76B15IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2868F76B4102Tag file F76412 - Item Branch - BRA - 76B18IBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2869F76B410CIN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Hea - 4236SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2870F76B410DIN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by - 4253CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2871F76B410EIN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier - 4143SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2872F76B410HINSS-Work Table for Services Third Party Inbound NF H - 4245SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2873F76B411APIS, COFINS and CSLL bellow minimum - BR - 0410WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2874F76B411CIN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Det - 4237SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2875F76B411DIN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by - 4254CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2876F76B411EIN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier - 4154SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2877F76B415Withholding by City and Service Additional Info - BR - 0414CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2878F76B4201Tag file F76421 - Sales Header - BRA - 76B15SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2879F76B421Withholding Concepts Setup - BR - 76B18TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2880F76B4210Tag file F76422 - Sales Order Detail - BRA - 76B18SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2881F76B422Minimum Amounts to Withhold -BR- 76B7TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2882F76B423Sales Order Withholding Concepts Tag File - BR - 76B21WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2883F76B424Service Nota Fiscal Accumulated Withholding-BRA-76B11SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2884F76B425Sales Return Ship To - Fiscal Note Numbers - BR16FNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2885F76B427Service Nota Fiscal Witholdings by Formula - BRA - 76B18SNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2886F76B428Service Nota Fiscal Witholdings by Service - BRA - 76B15SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2887F76B429Service Nota Fiscal Wh by Formula Installment - BRA - 76B22SNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2888F76B4311Tag file F764311 P.O. Header - BRA14PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2889F76B471Dynamic Formater Layouts - 03B7DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2890F76B472Dynamic Formater Layout Transaction & Line Types - 03B9DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2891F76B473Dynamic Formater Layouts Specification - 03B20DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2892F76B473TF04573 Brazilian Temp WH File - BR - 0437W3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2893F76B474Dynamic Formater Bank Attributes - 03B11BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2894F76B474IFile Upload For Bank Transaction Inbound Process - 03B17BIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2895F76B475Dynamic Formater Bank Layout by Payment Instument - 03B8BLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2896F76B476Dynamic Formater Bank Attributes Cross Reference - 03B10BXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2897F76B477Dynamic Formater GL Bank Account File Numbers - 03B10BGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2898F76B50Item Ledger Table - IN68 - 4228CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2899F76B51Inventory Records Table - IN68 - 4215RIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2900F76B524Cancelled NFes Lot Work File - BRA - 76B7CNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2901F76B561Selected NFe by Lot Work File - BRA - 76B9WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2902F76B60Products Table - IN68 - 3010PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2903F76B61Packing and Raw Material Table - IN68 - 3013IEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2904F76B62Fixed Assets Table - IN68 - 122BIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2905F76B63Information for Depreciation on Hold Table - IN68 - 129BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2906F76B64Balances/JE's w/ Currency Correction Table - IN68 - 1216BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2907F76B70Physical and Legal Person Table - IN68 - 4219FJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2908F76B705Purchase Order ISS Tax Information - BR - 0414ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2909F76B80Codes Table - IN68 - 428CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2910F76B8200IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets - 1231FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2911F76B835FCONT Account Ledger Operation - 76B12AOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2912F76B836FCONT Jobs Header - 76B18JHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2913F76B837FCONT Account Balances - 76B15FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2914F76B839FCONT Jobs Periodicity - 76B8JPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2915F76B845FCONT Jobs Accounts Balances - 76B14JBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2916F76B8601IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities - 0419FJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2917F76B8602IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers - 0429PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2918F76B901IN86- Work Table for Account Master - 0917BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2919F76B902IN86-Work Table for Account Balance - 0921BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2920F76B911IN86-Work Table for Journal Entries - 0926BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2921F76B920Referential Chart of Account - BR - 098RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2922F76B925Brazilian Account Information - BR - 096BAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2923F76B926Ref Accounts by Accounts - BR - 097RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2924F76B927Related Accounts - 76B - BRA7RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2925F76B930SPED Record Rules7RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2926F76B935SPED Book Type Definition11BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2927F76B936SPED Book Type Relation6BRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2928F76B937SPED Book Ledger Types6LTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2929F76B940SPED Jobs -BR - 0918SJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2930F76B941SPED Job Header Blocks - BR - 0910HBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2931F76B942SPED Job Detail Blocks-UBE - BR - 0912DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2932F76B943SPED Job Output Detail - BR - 0911ODUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2933F76B944SPED Job Batches - BR - 099SBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2934F76B945SPED Job Signatories - BR - 097SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2935F76B946SPED Job Related Books - BR - 096RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2936F76B947SPED Job Hash Codes - BR - 098SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2937F76B955SPED Job Accounts - BR - 0918GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2938F76BUI80COTEPE Rules Table Control Work File11CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76C: Colombia
2939F76C0003VAT Certificates Retention - COL - 76C17CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2940F76C0005Tax Areas Relationship Setup - CO - 76C7TXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2941F76C001General Parameters - COL - 0415PGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2942F76C0101A/B Tag File - COL - 76C19V0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2943F76C020Person Codes Setup - COL - 0011PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2944F76C031AA/R Customer ledger As Of - F76C031A - COL - 0479RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2945F76C034AA/R Check Detail file As Of - COL - 03B111RZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2946F76C0411A/P Tag File - COL - 76C23RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2947F76C0902Debits and Credits T/B by object account - COL - 76C17GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2948F76C0F00DIAN Magnetic Media Setup - COL - 0018STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2949F76C0F01DIAN Output Format Header - COL - 0013FHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2950F76C0F05DIAN MM Minor and Foreign Setup - COL - 0013DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2951F76C0F10DIAN Magnetic Media Format Setup - COL - 008FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2952F76C31T2Auto-Withholding Calculated - COL - 03B8AWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2953F76C4008Additionals Tax Areas - COL - 047TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2954F76C4011A/P Ledger Tag Table - COL - 0410VCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2955F76C4F01DIAN Formats File by Payment - COL - 0417FPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2956F76C4F02DIAN Formats File by Invoice - COL - 0421FIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2957F76C571DIAN File Type 1 - COL - 0413R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2958F76C575Work File Magnetic Media - COL - 0442Q1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2959F76C9415Workfile for Dialy Book - COL - 0923LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2960F76C9F01DIAN Setup Concept Code by Format and Account - 09 - COL15SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2961F76C9F02DIAN Formats by AccountID - COL - 0944DFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2962F76C9F11DIAN Formats File by Account Id - COL - 0921DFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2963F76CI01Activate Colombian Localizations - COL - 76C8ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2964F76CI1Tax Parameters - COL - 76C18PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2965F76CI2Economic Activity - COL - 76C12AEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2966F76CI3Tax Areas Tag File - COL - 76C26TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2967F76CT1Tributary Information - COL - 76C32TIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2968F76CT2Sales/Use/V.A.T. Tax File - COL - 76C37CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2969F76CUI01Account Master - Work File - COL - 76C15GMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2970F76CUI02Tax Detail - Work File - COL - 76C62TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2971F76CUI03Account Cat. Code - Work File - COL - 76C15GMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2972F76CUI04Tax Detail for Distribution - Work File - COL - 76C63TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76E: Ecuador
2973F76E0001Tax Person Code - ECU - 76E5TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2974F76E0002Additional Pair Tax - ECU - 76E8PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2975F76E0018Print Withholding Workfile - EC - 0410TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2976F76E4010Withholding Certificate Information - EC - 0412CEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76H: Chile
2977F76H001Legal Document Next Number - CHI - 03B - 76H14LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2978F76H002Legal Company Constants - CHI - 00 - 76H20COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2979F76H003Tax Area Type - CHI - 00 - 76H11TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2980F76H004Tax Area Non-Reimbursable - CHI - 00 - 76H6TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2981F76H005Legal Document Type - CHI - 00 - 76H9LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2982F76H006Legal Document Type Relationship - CHI - 00 - 76H7LRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2983F76H007Legal Document Type - Print Template Id - CHI - 00 - 76H7LIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2984F76H008Legal Company Constants SOP - CHI - 42 - 76H8CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2985F76H010Legal Company - CHI - 00 - 76H6LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2986F76H020Tax rate columns reports set up - CHI - 00 - 76H12NOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2987F76H101TAddress Book Tag File - CHI - 01 - 76H25AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2988F76H101ZEDI - A/B Tag File - CHI - 76H - 76H28AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2989F76H215NC/ND - Invoice Related - CHI - 42 - 76H9IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2990F76H218Taxes by Sales Order Line - CHI - 42 - 76H31TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2991F76H3B10Header Tag File F03B11 - CHI - 01 - 76H31RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2992F76H3B15NC/ND - Invoice Related - CHI - 03B - 76H15IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2993F76H3B1ZF76H3B10 EDI Tag File - CHI - 03B - 76H31ZTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2994F76H3B20Invoices not Printed - CHI - 03B - 76H18ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2995F76H3B30Print Template Definition for Legal Documents - CHI - - 76H12PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2996F76H3B31Legal Document Header (Print Info) - CHI - 03B - 76H64PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2997F76H3B39Legal Documents Print UBE & Versions - CHI - 03B - 76H12UVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2998F76H3B50Lot of Printing - Header - CHI - 03B - 76H22LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
2999F76H3B51Lot of Printing - Detail - CHI - 03B - 76H20LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3000F76H3B5ZF76H3B15 EDI Tag File - CHI - 03B - 76H17IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3001F76H401Documents Printed in A/P Legal Reports - CHI - 04 - 76H17DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3002F76H402Chilean A/P Doc Lines Print Mark - CHI - 04 - 76H17LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3003F76H6002Indirect Costs Selection EPS F1602 - CHI - 41 - 76H31I1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3004F76H6003Indirect Costs Selection EPS F1642 - CHI - 41 - 76H32I2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3005F76H6005Account ID / Cost Type Relationship - CHI - 41 - 76H10ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3006F76H6006Order Type / Type W.O. Allowed for Actual Cost - CHI - 76H7WOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3007F76H6008Manufactured Items - CHI - 41 - 76H14IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3008F76H6105Item Actual Cost File - CHI - 41 - 76H13ACUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3009F76H6112Actual Item ASOF File - CHI - 41 - 76H46ANUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3010F76H6201Replacement Cost Process Header - CHI - 4119RHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3011F76H6205Item Replacement Cost - CHI - 4119IRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3012F76H902TAccount Balances Tag File - CHI - 09 - 76H45ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3013F76HUI32Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H27WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3014F76HUI33Workfile for R76H3B40 - CHI - 42 - 76H21WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3015F76HUI61Cache F76H3B1Z EDI Tag File - CHI - 03B - 76H33ZTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76M: Mexico
3016F76M001Withholding Legal Concepts - MX - 76M6WLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3017F76M002Withholding Concepts - MX - 76M8WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3018F76M003Withholding Percentage - MX - 76M15WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3019F76M005Generic Constants - MX - 76M12GCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3020F76M006Address Book Withholding Information - MX - 76M11WAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3021F76M010Company Additional Info10LRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3022F76M0314Receipt Detail Tag File - Mexico24MAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3023F76M0414F0414 - Payment Detail Tag File - Mexico25RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3024F76M311AR Soft Rounding VAT - Mexico16MBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3025F76M411Soft Rounding VAT Calculation18RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3026F76M411TF0411 A/P Tag File - MEX - 04 TF15TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3027F76M413Manual Payment Header Additional Details - MEX - 0422MWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3028F76M413AWithholding Certificate Information - MEX - 0410WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3029F76M414A/P Matching Detail Withholding Information - MEX - 0415MWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3030F76M572A/P Header Withholding Summary Details - MEX - 0423WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3031F76M573PCG Detail Withholding Amounts - MEX - 0422WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3032F76M930AR VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M25APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3033F76M940AP VAT on Gain/loss - MEX - 76M24APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3034F76M990GL VAT on Gain/loss MEX - 76M31GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76P: Peru
3035F76P002Legal Company Constants - PER - 00 - 76P27COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3036F76P006Legal Document Type Relationship - PE - 00 - 76P7LRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3037F76P030Taxable non taxable reports set up - PER - 04 - 76P9TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3038F76P101TAddress Book Tag File - PER - 01 - 76P31APUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3039F76P101ZEDI - A/B Tag File - PER - 76P - 76P33AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3040F76P393ZCalculated Costs detail Z1 - PER - 41 - 76P12CZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3041F76P405IGV Withholding Percentage - PER - 04 - 76P16IGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3042F76P410SPOT Withholdings Percentage - PER - 04 - 76P16SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3043F76P411TPeru AP Tag File - PER - 04 - 76P36T4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3044F76P414TF0414 Tag File - PER - 04 - 76P28P4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3045F76P472TF04572 Tag File - PER - 04 - 76P13K2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3046F76P473TF04573 Tag File - PER - 04 - 76P31K3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3047F76P480SPOT Voucher Information - PER - 04 - 76P17SVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3048F76P501Default Assets Revaluation Accounts - PER - 12 - 76P13DAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3049F76P502Asset ledger set up - PER - 12 - 76P9ALUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3050F76P503Regional Constants by Asset Number - PER - 12 - 76P12RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3051F76PUI45Workfile VAT Purchasing Ledger - PER - 04 - 76P14WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP76V: Venezuela
3052F76V0311Exportation Number - VEN - 76V14TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3053F76V0401Relation Invoice/Retention Code - VEN - 76V11REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3054F76V1001A/B Additional Info. Tag File - VE - 0116WCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3055F76V101ZEDI A/B Additional Information - VE - 0120ZWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3056F76V3011Control Invoice Number for Sales Register - VEN - 03B14CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3057F76V305A/R Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 03B7ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3058F76V306A/R Tax Area / Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 03B6RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3059F76V4010Tributary Unit Setup - 04 - VE8ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3060F76V4011A/P Ledger Tag File - VEN - 0414TFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3061F76V4015Vouchers Related to Credit/Debit Notes - VEN - 0411CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3062F76V4020ISLR Withholdings Setup - VEN - 0415WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3063F76V4022ISLR Withholding Concept Relationship - 04 - VEN6WHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3064F76V4025IM Withholdings Setup - VEN - 0413WSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3065F76V4030VAT Withholdings Setup - VEN - 0412VWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3066F76V405A/P Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 047POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3067F76V406A/P Tax Area / Fiscal Operation Codification - VEN - 046PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3068F76V410Tributary Unit Setup - VEN - 048TUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3069F76V411ZVoucher Batch Upload Tag File - VEN - 0414BIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3070F76V415ZVoucher - Credit/Debit Note Batch Upload - VEN - 049BIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3071F76V4580Retention Parameters - VEN - 04 - 76V11RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3072F76V4581Withholding Historical File - VEN - 0430HRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3073F76V4583Withholdings I.S.L.R. Fee 2 - VEN - 0415TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3074F76VTARTTemporal Table for Withholdings - VEN -04 - 76V15TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP77: Payroll (Canadian)
3075F06176Unemployment Insurance History File20YSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3076F0713Tax History62YZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3077F0713SAVBackup Copy of F0713 For Tax Ledger Repost62YZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3078F77100Canadian Year-End Control - F7710035J0UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3079F77101Canadian Year-End Print12JAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3080F77110Canadian Year-End Sequential Number Setup13J9UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3081F77180Canadian Year-End Form Setup - F771805J1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3082F77190Special Handling Setup - F771907J2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3083F77200Canadian Employee Year-End Form Header - F7720065J5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3084F77200ACanadian Employee Year-End Form Header (Additional)18J5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3085F77210Canadian Employee Year-End Form Detail - F7221014J6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3086F77220Employee Special Handling Detail - F7722013J3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3087F77230Employee Pension Maintenance - F7723012J8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP79A: Greenhouse Gas Accounting
3088F79A02GHG Supplier17GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3089F79A03GHG Source26GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3090F79A039GHG Source Audit26GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3091F79A039TGHG Sources Audit Tag Table6ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3092F79A03TGHG Sources Tag Table6STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3093F79A04GHG Items21GFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3094F79A08GHG Assets18GSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3095F79A09GHG Energy Rates22ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3096F79A10GHG Rates26ERUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3097F79A11GHG Ledger46GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3098F79A11TGHG Ledger Text6GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3099F79A11T1GHG Ledger Target Tag Table9GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3100F79A11Z1GHG Ledger - Batch File76GLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3101F79A12GHG Ledger Audit47GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3102F79A21GHG Ledger Gas Trans16GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3103F79A22GHG Ledger Gas Trans Audit18GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3104F79A37GHG Unit of Measure Classification7UCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3105F79A38GHG Unit of Measure Classification Audit7UCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3106F79A39GHG Source UM Conversion8UMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3107F79A41GHG KPI13KPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3108F79A42GHG KPI Audit14KPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3109F79A43GHG KPI List Member8KLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3110F79A44GHG KPI List Member Audit9KLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3111F79A45GHG KPI Target12KTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3112F79A70GHG Hierarchy10OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3113F79A71GHG Organizations47GOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3114F79A72GHG Organization Member8OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3115F79A73GHG Organization Control11OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3116F79A74GHG Interest11OIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3117F79A75GHG Organization Name18GOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3118F79A76GHG Org to JDE BU Mapping9GBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3119F79A77GHG Company Constants9CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3120F79A78GHG Organization Target13OTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3121F79A80GHG Carbon Permit Management18CPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3122F79A81GHG Carbon Permit Management Scopes6CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3123F79ADCGHG Defined Codes7DCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3124F79ADVGHG Defined Codes Values9DVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3125F79AU11GHG Ledger Work Table50GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3126F79AU21GHG Ledger Gas Work File18GWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP81: DREAM Writer
3127F81A122Dream Writer Processing Option Interim File F59012 - F81A12219M4UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP81A: DREAMWriter Conversion Tool
3128F81A01DW Master Parameters Conversion Table19M1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3129F81A10DW Log File - OneWorld20MEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3130F81A11DW Master Interim Table34M3UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3131F81A11EMigration Aid PO Value Validation Error log16MEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3132F81A13DreamWriter Selections Interim Table15M5UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3133F81A14DreamWriter Selection Values Interim Table55M6UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3134F81A15DreamWriter Sequence Interim Table14M7UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP83: Management Reporting - FASTR
3135F83100Date Title21DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3136F83110Column Headings20CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3137F83110B52 Period Column Headings60CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3138F83UI001Balance Audit Work File - (Financial Reporting)29R1UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP87: PeopleSoft Internal
3139F1811Task Resource31TKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP89: Conversion Programs
3140F0086Conversion Audit File for Euro Conversion33AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3141F01111Contact Information24WNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3142F01111Z1Batch - Contact Information62CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3143F07186TPiece Rate History File15Y8UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3144F07352TPiece Rate Stub Detail Tag File16Y2UPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3145F0902AAccount Debit Balances27GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3146F31B35TOwner Master Tag Table6OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3147F3294Needed for upgrade from Xe and below21KZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3148F32941Needed for upgrade from Xe and below9SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3149F32942Needed for upgrade from Xe and below12SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3150F32943Needed for upgrade from Xe and below22KOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3151F32944Needed for upgrade from Xe and below10KTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3152F32945Needed for upgrade from Xe and below13SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3153F3294ZNeeded for upgrade from Xe and below18AZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3154F3296Needed for upgrade from Xe and below20KRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3155F40344ATemporay Preference Profile - Sales Commission27SAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3156F4072TEMPrice Adjustment Detail - Temp for Upgrade30ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3157F4101TOBSOLETE - Item Master Tag File23IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3158F42005ASales Commission File - Temporary45SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3159F4215TOBSOLETE - Shipment Header Tag File17XTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3160F42199AS.O. Detail Ledger File - temporary for upgrade6SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3161F43199ATemp F43199 for ERP 9.0 Upgrade184OLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3162F46011TOBSOLETE - Item Unit Of Measure Definition Tag File9IQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3163F46091TOBSOLETE - Container and Carton Codes Tag File5IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3164F4620TCarton Detail Information - Tag File9CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3165F470375TEDI ASN Packaging Detail Tag Table17AKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3166F49090Work Day Calendar (Used for Table Conversions ONLY)42CZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3167F49711OBSOLETE - Freight Rate Definition - Tag File19RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3168F750401AAddress Book - Withholding Tax Category-Japan5JJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3169F952330Context Cross-Reference Header Table for Integration8BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3170F952331Context Cross-Reference Detail Table for Integration18BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3171F952332Collaboration Configuration Table12BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3172F952334Metadata Table for Public Resource URL9PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3173F952337Related Information Publication List Detail Table14PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3174F98305VBatch Versions Web Versions19WVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP90CA: CRM Foundation
3175F90CA23AWizard Process Flow Settings13WPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP90CB: CRM Sales Force Automation
3176F90CB040Qualification Table11QLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3177F90CB042Qualification_Question Table31QQUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOP98: Technical Tools
3178F05WEBMMWeb Mail Merge Letter Header4WMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3179F05WMM01Web Mail Merge Data Structure Header6DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3180F05WMM02Web Mail Merge Data Structure Detail9DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3181F9201Data Field Specifications22FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPF30L: DFM Line Design
3182FF30L905Cell Master7CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPF31: Lean Transactions
3183FF31200Production Costs33PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3184FF31201Cross Reference11CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH79: Translation Tools
3185F00041User Defined Code Types Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3186F001651Generic Text Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3187F00831Menu Text Overrides Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3188F7901Language Master16LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3189F7902Delta Table Inclusion22DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3190F7910Translations Suggestions18TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3191F7920Resource Text Translation Work File18RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3192F79201Resource Text Translation Language Status26LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3193F79750Forms Design Aid Extracted Text13FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3194F797501Forms Design Aid Extracted Text Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3195F79751Forms Design Aid Extracted Spec26FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3196F79760Report Design Aid Extracted Text14RTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3197F797601Report Design Aid Extracted Spec Language Status23LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3198F79761Report Design Aid Extracted Spec24RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3199F831001FASTR Date/Title Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3200F831101FASTR Column Headings Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3201F90021Task Master Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3202F90051Variant Description Language Status26LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3203F90061Variant Detail Language Status26LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3204F90601Component Definition Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3205F90611Workspace Definition Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3206F90621Top Navigation Definition Language Status21LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3207F911001Favorites Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3208F92021Data Dictionary Row Description Language Status22LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3209F92031Data Dictionary Alpha Description Language Status23LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3210F983061Processing Option Text Language Status24LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3211F989501User Override Language Translation Table29LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH90: EnterpriseOne TOOLS
3212F0112Time Log Ledger File12PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3213F01131PPAT Message Control File9ZZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3214F01131TMessage Attachment Tag File9ZCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3215F01133PMailbox Properties8ZSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3216F01137Workflow Message Security7ZXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3217F9000Task Master43TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3218F90005SMTP Transformation Engine Rules & Regs11SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3219F9001Task Relationships27TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3220F9002Task Alternate Descriptions7TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3221F9005Variant Description11TVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3222F9006Variant Detail13TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3223F9010Environment Setup Answers10EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3224F9020Solution Explorer Qualifier Rules Header6CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3225F9021ActivEra Qualifier Actions Detail9RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3226F9022Solution Explorer Qualifier Rules Detail12CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3227F9023Qualifier Actions Header Table - F90237RBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3228F9025Qualifier Rule Relationship Definitions10CSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3229F9030Documentation Cross Reference9DIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3230F9050Rough Cut Answer Dependency10AXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3231F90701Interoperability Event Definition19EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3232F907011Interoperability Event Detail8DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3233F907011NInteroperability Event Detail - Net Change10DEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3234F907012Event Request Definition9RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3235F90701NInteroperability Event Definition - Net Change21EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3236F90702Interoperability Subscriber Enrollment15ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3237F907021Logical Subscriber Name10LSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3238F90703Event Link26ELUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3239F90704Event Protocol19EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3240F90705Event Activation Status Table8EAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3241F90706Event Subscriber Table8ESUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3242F90707Event Subscription Table8ENUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3243F907071Subscribed Events Table8SEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3244F907072Subscribed Environments Table7SNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3245F90710Event Transfer Table23ETUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3246F90711Event Transport Parameter Table7EPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3247F90712Event Transfer Failure Table24FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3248F90715Queue Assignment Table7QAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3249F90720Event Metrics Table8EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3250F90730Unique Sequence File - Next Available Unique Sequence12USUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3251F91014Task Word Search Table6TMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3252F98800Process Master18PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3253F98800NProcess Master - Net Change20PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3254F98800TProcess Master Supplemental Information37PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3255F98800TNProcess Master Supplemental Information - Net Change39PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3256F98810Task Master20AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3257F98810NTask Master - Net Change22AMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3258F98811Task Specifications17ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3259F98811NTask Specifications - Net Change19ATUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3260F98820Workflow Engine9WEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3261F98830Process Task Associations9ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3262F98830NProcess Task Associations - Net Change11ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3263F98840Organizational Structure Master12OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3264F98840NOrganizational Structure Master - Net Change15OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3265F98845Organizational Structure Rule10ORUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3266F98845NOrganizational Structure Rule - Net Change12ORUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3267F98850Argument Mapping12ARUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3268F98860Process Instance17PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3269F98861Workflow process instance data values10DVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3270F98865Task Instance32AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3271F98866Task Assignments26TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3272F98870Process Observer7POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3273F98880Customer Process Definition Header20CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3274F99HDRWorkflow Demonstration Sales Order Header4WHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH91: Design Tools
3275F00085ADaylight Savings Rules30DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3276F91100Favorites Relationships and Properties15FVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3277F91100DFavorites - Alternative Description8FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3278F91310Scheduled Job Parameters13SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3279F91320Job Schedule17JSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3280F91400Report Director Templates25DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3281F91410Report Director Templates Sequence Items10DSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3282F91420Report Director Templates Smart Field Activation10SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3283F91430Smart Field Template Criteria10SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3284F9801NEWEmployee Information - New Version13AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3285F98101Imaging Constants12IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3286F984052Table Conversion - History Log24SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3287F9865Form Information File24SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3288F98MOQUEMedia Object Queues14OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3289F98SLBFFSystem Function Filter File13SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH92: Interactive Engine/OL
3290F00165TMedia Object Conversion Table9GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3291F00941Environment Detail - One World10LMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3292F00942Object Path Master File14EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3293F00946Release Compatiblity Map6RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3294F00948Release/Data Source Map7RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3295F00960Machine/Group Identification8SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3296F9060Component Definition23CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3297F9060DComponent Definition - Alternate Description8CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3298F9061Workspace Definition19WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3299F9061DWorkspace Definition - Alternate Description8WDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3300F9062Top-Level Navigation Icon Definition25IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3301F9062DTop-Level Navigation Icon Definition - Alternate Description7IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3302F9063Secondary Navigation Definition18SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3303F9063DSecondary Navigation Definition - Alternate Description8SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3304F9064Portal Component - Workspace Relationship18PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3305F9065Component and Folder Relationships10FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3306F98210OMW Log Header35LHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3307F98211OMW Log Detail17LDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3308F98220OMW Project Master47PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3309F98220DOMW Project Descriptions7PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3310F98221OMW Project Users26PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3311F98222OMW Project Objects36POUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3312F98223OMW Allowed Actions17AAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3313F98224OMW Status Activity Rules23SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3314F98225OMW Transfer Activity Rules28TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3315F98230OMW System Settings23SSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3316F98231DOMW Transfer Activity Rule Director - Detail10TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3317F98231HOMW Transfer Activity Rule Director - Header17TRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3318F98250BPU Setup22BPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3319F98252Batch Promotion Utility Log Table21BLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3320F9829OMW Notification Subscriptions20OSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3321F98306Processing Option Text7PTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3322F9860Object Librarian Master Table37SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3323F9861Object Librarian - Status Detail17SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3324F986101Object Configuration Master18OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3325F9862Object Librarian - Function Detail18SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3326F9863Object Librarian- Object Relationships10SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3327F9882Checkout Log Table3CLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3328F98825Package Deployment Scheduling13UPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3329F9883OneWorld Network Locations Table22FNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3330F98950User Overrides Table24UOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH93: Data Base and Communications
3331F9300Database Property Values10DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3332F93011Transaction Based Pricing Control Table24TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3333F93012Transaction Based Pricing Detail Data Table25TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3334F9312Security History8SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3335F98611Data Source Master21OMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3336F98OWSECOne World Security23SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH94: Batch Engine
3337F986168OSA Interface Usage16OHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3338F986169OSA Interface Definition12ODUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH95: Object and Environment Tech
3339F0004User Defined Code Types13DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3340F0005User Defined Code Values11DRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3341F00165Media Objects storage7GDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3342F00166Media Object Categories81GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3343F00167Media Object Category Constant79GTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3344F0082Menu Master File11MNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3345F00821Menu Selections File23MZUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3346F0083Menu Text Override File7MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3347F0084Menu Path File7MPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3348F00921User Display Preferences26ULUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3349F00924User Install Packages13IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3350F00926Anonymous User Access Table30AUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3351F00927E1 Users PIM Information28SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3352F009271E1 Users PIM Template Information6SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3353F00928LDAP Server Configuration24LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3354F009281LDAP Server Attribute Values13LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3355F009282LDAP Server Attribute Mapping14LCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3356F00945Release Master10RMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3357F00950Security Workbench Table28FSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3358F91300Schedule Job Master61SJUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3359F91330Scheduled Job Override Printer Info18SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3360F91500Application Header for Tip of the Day9TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3361F91510Tip Details for Tip of the Day9TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3362F9200Data Item Master7FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3363F9210Data Field Specifications (OneWorld)22FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3364F9212Smart Field Criteria-Setup Rules15SFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3365F950411Third Party Userid Map14DUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3366F951000Business Service Property11SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3367F951010OMW Miscellaneous Configuration Table12MSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3368F95150Index Selection Table9ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3369F95151Index Selection Detail Table12IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3370F95155Index Selection Log Table13ILUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3371F95200Test Configurations Table for BSFN Test Harness6COUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3372F952000Business Service Cross Reference Table10ORUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3373F95201BSFN Test Harness Files Table5BTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3374F95202Test Cases Table for BSFN Test Harness7TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3375F95203Results Table for BSFN Test Harness7RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3376F952333User Cross-Reference Table for Integration16BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3377F95300Business Unit Security - Business Unit Definition15BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3378F953000Template Table10WTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3379F953001Template Mask Fields Table9MFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3380F95301Business Unit Security - Transaction Table List15BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3381F95302Business Unit Security - User/Role to BU Relationship15BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3382F95303Business Unit Security - BU to Table Group Relationships16BSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3383F95310Table Sharing - Table Group Definition14TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3384F95311Table Sharing - Table Group Detail16TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3385F95320Table Sharing - Set-ID Definition15TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3386F95321Table Sharing - Set-ID Detail18TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3387F95400Application Failure Recovery Header22AHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3388F954001Soft Coding Record Table11SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3389F954002Soft Coding Mask Fields11MFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3390F95401Application Failure Recovery Detail20ADUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3391F95410Application Failure Administration16TOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3392F95600XML Publisher Object Repository31FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3393F95610Fusion Reporting UBE Associations17FUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3394F95611Fusion Reporting Object Associations10FTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3395F95620XMLP Report Definitions31RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3396F95621XMLP Report Definition Objects18ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3397F95622XMLP Report Definition Languages17RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3398F95623XMLP Report Definition Output17RUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3399F95624XMLP Report Definition Delivery22RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3400F95625Report Definition Structure Information20RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3401F95626BI Report Definition - Additional Information11AIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3402F95627XMLP Report Definition Data Map18DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3403F95628XMLP Report Definition Printer Map18PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3404F95640Report Definition Submission Options14RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3405F95641Report Definition Server Mapping Table26RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3406F95642Embedded BI Publisher Server Group Configuration22FCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3407F95643Report Definition User Overridden File Name23ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3408F95644Report Definition Output Structure Information20RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3409F95645XMLP Server Load Configuration25SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3410F95646XMLP Override Report Definition Load Configuration24RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3411F95647XMLP Server Group Configuration24SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3412F95701Rounding Rules16RRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3413F95800Index Build Definition16IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3414F95800ASES Index Build Definition16IDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3415F95810Index Build Media Object Queue Definition13IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3416F95810ASES Index Build Media Object Queue Definition13IMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3417F95815Index Build Language Definition13ILUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3418F95815ASES Index Build Language Definition13ILUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3419F95820Text Search Properties15TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3420F95820ASES Text Search Properties22TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3421F95830Text Search Stop Words15TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3422F95840Text Search Synonyms16TYUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3423F95850Text Search Topic Files15TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3424F958973Web Feature Definition28TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3425F958974Runtime Feature Authorization27FAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3426F95921Role Relationships Table35RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3427F95922Permission List Relationships Table12PRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3428F9695100Change Table - Business Service Property14CCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3429F9800022Next Available Unique Key for User Defined objects10NUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3430F980011Cross - Reference Relationships10SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3431F980041Data Tags for Mail Merge13DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3432F980042Templates for Mail Merge15STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3433F980043Composite Template Definition12CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3434F980044Mail Merge Work Staging15MSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3435F980045Mail Merge Simple Template Header17STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3436F980046Composite Template Header15CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3437F980047Mail Merge Data Set Header13DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3438F98226Source Management Access Configuration17UAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3439F98227OMW Source Control Path Configuration20PCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3440F983052Versions List Tag Table17VTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3441F98601Object Librarian Extensions Table13OEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3442F98602Business Service Details14SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3443F98603Business Service Published Methods12SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3444F986112Database Object Template Information17TTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3445F986130Queue Control Status Master17QCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3446F986166Bar Code font support12BCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3447F986167New Default Printer Table23DPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3448F986180SSO Node Configuration Table15NCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3449F986181SSO Trusted Node Configuration Table12TNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3450F986182SSO Token Lifetime Configuration Table13TLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3451F988251Mobile Pkg Deployment Scheduling15SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3452F98827Package Deployment on Servers Information Detail22PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3453F988661Workflow Delegation Favorites15WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3454F988662Workflow Delegations22WFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3455F98950DUser Overrides Language Table21LOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3456F98OWNTUOneWorld NT Users13NTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3457F98OWPUOneWorld System Users14PUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH96: Deployment
3458F96400Sar grouping file for ESUs14SGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH96B: Package Build
3459F96021Software Package Build Header25BHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3460F9603Software Package Header18PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3461F96031PkgBld - Shared Spec Location10SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3462F96210Package Build Validation Tables20PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3463F96211Package Build Validation Detail16PBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3464F96215Software Package Build Header - History25HHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3465F9622Software Package Build Detail13BDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3466F96225Software Package Build Detail - History23HDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3467F9631Software Package Detail12PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3468F96511Server Detail per portnum and pathcode14SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3469F9652Deployment Group Header12DHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3470F9653Deployment Group Detail Definitions14DDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3471F9654Deployment Locations Definition15DLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3472F96600Deployment Feature19FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3473F96601Deployment Registry22FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3474F96602Deployment Shortcut29FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3475F96603Deployment Execute27FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3476F96604Deployment Third Party27FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3477F96605Deployment Initialization26FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3478F96606Deployment File Set24FDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3479F966071Deployment ODBC Data Source20FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3480F966072Deployment ODBC Data Source Attributes19FBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3481F96608Disc Client MSDE Databases10SKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3482F988259MDK Table for UBE Locking12DBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3483F98825EPackage Deploy on BSSV App Servers14UKUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3484F98826Package Deployment on Servers Information29UPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH96I: EnterpriseOne Installs
3485F99410OneWorld System Control File5OCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH96P: Product Packaging Tools
3486F9640CD Configuration Header File21CHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3487F964001Control Table groupings file for SU19CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3488F96401Update Type Mapping Table5URUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3489F96402Download Name Table8DWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3490F96404Software Update Status Mapping for User17URUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3491F96405Software Update Status Mapping for Group17GRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3492F96406Software Update Status Mapping for Search Type17STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3493F96407Software Update Display16SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3494F96408User Group Relationship Table16UGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3495F96409Software Update E-mail Notification19EMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3496F9640SESU Dependencies23EDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3497F9640XESU Dependency Exception Rules9EXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3498F9641CD Configuration Detail File19CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3499F96410SU Object Rules21SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3500F96411Resource Table11RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3501F96412Software Update File Extenstion Table15FEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3502F96413OMW - SU Dependency Tool18DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3503F9642Change Table Configuration Details15CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3504F9643CD Build Steps File16CBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3505F9644CD Director Control File17CFUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3506F9645OneWorld Master Repair File22UPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3507F96450Enhancement Control Table12ECUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3508F9646Procedure Header File16PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3509F9647Procedure Detail File23PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3510F9648Procedure Predecessor Table17PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3511F9885Install Package Header16IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH96U: Upgrade
3512F960004Change Table - User Defined Code Types12CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3513F960005Change Table - User Defined Codes11CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3514F964720Special Instructions Master Table15SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3515F964721Special Instructions Project And ESU Relation13SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3516F964722Special Instructions Item Availability14SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3517F964723Special Instructions Item History15SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3518F964724Special Instructions Superceding ESU Info13SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3519F964725Special Instructions UDC Description20SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3520F964726Special Instructions DD Glossary25SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3521F9649Language_OMW groupings header10LGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3522F96491Language_OMW groupings detail10LGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3523F96492Language_OMW grouping - Project Detail12PIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3524F9650Machine Master28MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3525F9651Machine Detail15MDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3526F9660Task Breaks16TBUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3527F9670Software Update Master Table16SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3528F9671Software Update Detail Table11SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3529F96710Impact Analysis Results28RAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3530F9672Software Update Pathcode Information17SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3531F96761Software Update Object Detail11SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3532F967611Software Update Language Table11SLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3533F969000Change Table - Task Master31CMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3534F969001Change Table - Task RelationShip18CRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3535F969002Change Table - Task Translation16CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3536F969005Change Table - Variant Header20CVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3537F969006Change Table - Variant Detail24CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3538F9691100Change Table - Favorites16FVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3539F9691400Change Table - Report Director Template Header27DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3540F9691410Change Table - Report Director Template Sequence12DTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3541F9691420Change Table - Smart Field Activity12SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3542F9691430Change Table - Smart Field Criteria12SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3543F9691500Change Table - Tips of the Day Header11TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3544F9691510Change Table - Tips of the Day Detail11TPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3545F9695600Change Table for XML Publisher Object Repository33FRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3546F9695620Change Table for XMLP Report Definitions34RDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3547F9695621Change Table for XMLP Report Definition Objects21ROUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3548F9695622Change Table for XMLP Report Definition Languages20RLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3549F9695623Change Table for XMLP Report Definition Output20RUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3550F9695624Change Table for XMLP Report Definition Delivery25RVUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3551F969861Object Change Table Definition8CTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3552F9698710Change Table - Tables10TAUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3553F9698712Change Table - Indexes11IXUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3554F9840Installation Plan Master Table16PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3555F98401Data Source Plan Detail Table9PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3556F98402Host Plan Detail Table8PHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3557F984021Location Plan Detail Table7LPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3558F984022Replication Plan Detail Table12RPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3559F98403Environment Plan Detail Table13PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3560F984031Language Plan by Environment15PLUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3561F98403TEnvironment Plan Detail Table Tag file13PEUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3562F98404Package Plan Detail Table8PPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3563F98405Table Conversion Scheduler23STUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3564F9840TInstallation Plan Master Table Tag File11PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3565F9841Simple Installation Planner17SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3566F98411Simple Installation Data Sources13SDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3567F98412Simple Plan Host Information10SHUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3568F9843Table Conversion - JDE Scheduler15JSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3569F9843TTC Schedule - Tag File16JSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3570F9848Content Update Revision10CUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3571F98481Content Update Revision Detail8CDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3572F986115Table and Data Source Sizing Table32TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3573F986116DB2 UDB Database Object Sizing Table44TDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3574F9886Install Package Detail8IPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3575F9889Deployment Location Master20MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3576F98891Deployment Location Path Code16MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3577F98892Package Deployment Scheduling32MTUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH97: Benchmarking/Performance
3578F9720AutoPilot Script Repository Table73TSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3579F972009AutoPilot Constants Table8TCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3580F9720511AutoPilot Script/Release Compatibility Table9RCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3581F972052AutoPilot Include Scripts Table8ISUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3582F972053AutoPilot Script Object Utilization Table8SOUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3583F97210AutoPilot Playback Results Header Table20SRUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3584F97211AutoPilot Message Master Table10MMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3585F97212AutoPilot Next Numbers Table8NNUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3586F97214AutoPilot Playback Results Detail Table11MGUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3587F97220Autopilot Results Summary18RSUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3588F97224Autopilot Test Script Executions26REUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3589F979860AutoPilot B732 F9860 Conversion Table14SIUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3590F979865AutoPilot B732 F9865 Conversion Table9SWUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH98: Internet
3591F986150Server Transfer Package Contents11SPUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3592F986151Server Package Transfer File11SCUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3593F986152Server Package Master6SMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
TOPH99: Product Version Control
3594F9900003Software Update Object Verification Work Table14SUUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3595FH99PPODProject Object Master Detail13PDUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60
3596FH99PPOMProject Object Master19PMUPMJDate - UpdatedDateGeneric Edit60