JD Edwards Enterprise One table definition reference


Implementation Guides | 920 VMs | Schema:
920 910 812
System  Table 

JDE Ref icon of database logic symbolJDE TABLESv3Made in Britain

SAPTables.Net - the webs number one SAP Tables Definition reference

920: Top 10 requests

1F4211SDSales Order Detail File
2F0101ABAddress Book Master
3F4101IMItem Master
4F0911GLAccount Ledger
5F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
6F4102IBItem Branch File
7F9671SDSoftware Update Detail Table
8F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
9F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
10F41021LIItem Location File

910: Top 10 requests

1F0011WICF0011W - WF - Batch To Detail
2F76AUI46WFCERG A/R -Work File - ARG - 03B - 76A
3F4211SDSales Order Detail File
4F4101IMItem Master
5F0101ABAddress Book Master
6F0911GLAccount Ledger
7F4102IBItem Branch File
8F03B11RPCustomer Ledger
9F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
10F4111ILItem Ledger File

812: Top 10 requests

1F0911GLAccount Ledger
2F4311PDPurchase Order Detail File
3F0101ABAddress Book Master
4F0411RPAccounts Payable Ledger
5F0006MCBusiness Unit Master
6F4211SDSales Order Detail File
7F42119SDSales Order History File
8F03012AICustomer Master by Line of Business
9F0902GBAccount Balances
10F4801WAWork Order Master File

185 COLUMNS | 1 INDEXES | Print definition?920 | 41 | F4115 TABLE

41: Inventory Management
1920F4115IH1851Item HistoryHistory Files41: Inventory ManagementBusiness Data
SQL:  selectupdate insert create

Use the column checkboxes to build your query. Header columns sets/unsets all columns. For Create statements, use Allow Null checkboxes and default values inputs to tailor query as required.

SELECT IHITM, IHMCU, IHCTRY, IHFY, IHFQ, IHLT, IHCMS, IHCMC, IHCYS, IHCYC, IHPYES, IHPYEC, IHSQ01, IHSQ02, IHSQ03, IHSQ04, IHSQ05, IHSQ06, IHSQ07, IHSQ08, IHSQ09, IHSQ10, IHSQ11, IHSQ12, IHSQ13, IHSQ14, IHDLIJ, IHLRCJ, IHLDAY, IHAS01, IHAS02, IHAS03, IHAS04, IHAS05, IHAS06, IHAS07, IHAS08, IHAS09, IHAS10, IHAS11, IHAS12, IHAS13, IHAS14, IHCI01, IHCI02, IHCI03, IHCI04, IHCI05, IHCI06, IHCI07, IHCI08, IHCI09, IHCI10, IHCI11, IHCI12, IHCI13, IHCI14, IHMA01, IHMA02, IHMA03, IHMA04, IHMA05, IHMA06, IHMA07, IHMA08, IHMA09, IHMA10, IHMA11, IHMA12, IHMA13, IHMA14, IHAV01, IHAV02, IHAV03, IHAV04, IHAV05, IHAV06, IHAV07, IHAV08, IHAV09, IHAV10, IHAV11, IHAV12, IHAV13, IHAV14, IHPQ01, IHPQ02, IHPQ03, IHPQ04, IHPQ05, IHPQ06, IHPQ07, IHPQ08, IHPQ09, IHPQ10, IHPQ11, IHPQ12, IHPQ13, IHPQ14, IHAE01, IHAE02, IHAE03, IHAE04, IHAE05, IHAE06, IHAE07, IHAE08, IHAE09, IHAE10, IHAE11, IHAE12, IHAE13, IHAE14, IHCW01, IHCW02, IHCW03, IHCW04, IHCW05, IHCW06, IHCW07, IHCW08, IHCW09, IHCW10, IHCW11, IHCW12, IHCW13, IHCW14, IHSM01, IHSM02, IHSM03, IHSM04, IHSM05, IHSM06, IHSM07, IHSM08, IHSM09, IHSM10, IHSM11, IHSM12, IHSM13, IHSM14, IHC101, IHC102, IHC103, IHC104, IHC105, IHC106, IHC107, IHC108, IHC109, IHC110, IHC111, IHC112, IHC113, IHC114, IHC201, IHC202, IHC203, IHC204, IHC205, IHC206, IHC207, IHC208, IHC209, IHC210, IHC211, IHC212, IHC213, IHC214, IHC301, IHC302, IHC303, IHC304, IHC305, IHC306, IHC307, IHC308, IHC309, IHC310, IHC311, IHC312, IHC313, IHC314, IHGMTD, IHINVV FROM F4115

TOP920 | 41 | F4115 COLUMNS

ColumnFieldDescriptionData TypeEdit TypeLengthDecimalsSQL Create Statement
1IHITMItem Number - ShortNumericGeneric Edit80 Allow NULL? 
2IHMCUBusiness UnitStringGeneric Edit120 Allow NULL? 
3IHCTRYCenturyNumericGeneric Edit20 Allow NULL? 
4IHFYFiscal YearNumericGeneric Edit20 Allow NULL? 
5IHFQFiscal Quarter (Obsolete)StringUDC (H09 FQ)40 Allow NULL? 
6IHLTLedger TypesStringUDC (09 LT)20 Allow NULL? 
7IHCMSAmount - Sales Dollars YTDNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
8IHCMCAmount - Cost of Goods Sold YTDNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
9IHCYSAmount - Sales YTDNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
10IHCYCAmount - Cost of Sales - Year to DateNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
11IHPYESAmount - Invoiced Prior YearNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
12IHPYECAmount - Cost of Goods Sold PYENumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
13IHSQ01Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
14IHSQ02Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
15IHSQ03Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
16IHSQ04Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
17IHSQ05Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
18IHSQ06Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
19IHSQ07Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
20IHSQ08Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
21IHSQ09Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
22IHSQ10Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
23IHSQ11Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
24IHSQ12Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
25IHSQ13Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
26IHSQ14Amount - Sales Quantity Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
27IHDLIJDate - Last Invoice (Julian)DateGeneric Edit60
28IHLRCJDate - Last Receipt (Julian)DateGeneric Edit60
29IHLDAYLeadtime (Days)NumericGeneric Edit30 Allow NULL? 
30IHAS01Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
31IHAS02Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
32IHAS03Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
33IHAS04Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
34IHAS05Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
35IHAS06Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
36IHAS07Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
37IHAS08Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
38IHAS09Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
39IHAS10Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
40IHAS11Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
41IHAS12Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
42IHAS13Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
43IHAS14Amount - Sales Amount Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
44IHCI01Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
45IHCI02Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
46IHCI03Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
47IHCI04Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
48IHCI05Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
49IHCI06Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
50IHCI07Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
51IHCI08Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
52IHCI09Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
53IHCI10Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
54IHCI11Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
55IHCI12Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
56IHCI13Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
57IHCI14Amount - Cost Amount Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
58IHMA01Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
59IHMA02Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
60IHMA03Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
61IHMA04Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
62IHMA05Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
63IHMA06Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
64IHMA07Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
65IHMA08Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
66IHMA09Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
67IHMA10Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
68IHMA11Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
69IHMA12Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
70IHMA13Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
71IHMA14Amount - Margin Amount Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
72IHAV01Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 01NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
73IHAV02Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 02NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
74IHAV03Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 03NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
75IHAV04Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 04NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
76IHAV05Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 05NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
77IHAV06Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 06NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
78IHAV07Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 07NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
79IHAV08Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 08NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
80IHAV09Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 09NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
81IHAV10Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 10NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
82IHAV11Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 11NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
83IHAV12Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 12NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
84IHAV13Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 13NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
85IHAV14Amount - Avg Inventory Value Prior Mo 14NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
86IHPQ01Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
87IHPQ02Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
88IHPQ03Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
89IHPQ04Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
90IHPQ05Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
91IHPQ06Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
92IHPQ07Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
93IHPQ08Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
94IHPQ09Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
95IHPQ10Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
96IHPQ11Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
97IHPQ12Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
98IHPQ13Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
99IHPQ14Qty on Hand-Primary units Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit150 Allow NULL? 
100IHAE01Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 01NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
101IHAE02Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 02NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
102IHAE03Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 03NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
103IHAE04Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 04NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
104IHAE05Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 05NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
105IHAE06Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 06NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
106IHAE07Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 07NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
107IHAE08Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 08NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
108IHAE09Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 09NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
109IHAE10Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 10NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
110IHAE11Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 11NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
111IHAE12Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 12NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
112IHAE13Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 13NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
113IHAE14Amount - Extended Price Prior Month 14NumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
114IHCW01Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 01NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
115IHCW02Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 02NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
116IHCW03Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 03NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
117IHCW04Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 04NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
118IHCW05Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 05NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
119IHCW06Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 06NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
120IHCW07Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 07NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
121IHCW08Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 08NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
122IHCW09Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 09NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
123IHCW10Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 10NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
124IHCW11Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 11NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
125IHCW12Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 12NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
126IHCW13Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 13NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
127IHCW14Amount - Unit Cost - Wtd Avg Prior 14NumericGeneric Edit154 Allow NULL? 
128IHSM01Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 01CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
129IHSM02Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 02CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
130IHSM03Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 03CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
131IHSM04Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 04CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
132IHSM05Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 05CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
133IHSM06Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 06CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
134IHSM07Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 07CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
135IHSM08Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 08CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
136IHSM09Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 09CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
137IHSM10Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 10CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
138IHSM11Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 11CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
139IHSM12Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 12CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
140IHSM13Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 13CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
141IHSM14Costing Method - Sales Prior Month 14CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
142IHC101ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 01CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
143IHC102ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 02CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
144IHC103ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 03CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
145IHC104ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 04CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
146IHC105ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 05CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
147IHC106ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 06CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
148IHC107ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 07CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
149IHC108ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 08CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
150IHC109ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 09CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
151IHC110ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 10CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
152IHC111ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 11CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
153IHC112ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 12CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
154IHC113ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 13CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
155IHC114ABC Code 1 - Sales - Inventory Prior 14CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
156IHC201ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 01CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
157IHC202ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 02CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
158IHC203ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 03CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
159IHC204ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 04CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
160IHC205ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 05CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
161IHC206ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 06CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
162IHC207ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 07CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
163IHC208ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 08CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
164IHC209ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 09CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
165IHC210ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 10CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
166IHC211ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 11CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
167IHC212ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 12CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
168IHC213ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 13CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
169IHC214ABC Code 2 - Margin - Inventory Prior 14CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
170IHC301ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 01CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
171IHC302ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 02CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
172IHC303ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 03CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
173IHC304ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 04CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
174IHC305ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 05CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
175IHC306ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 06CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
176IHC307ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 07CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
177IHC308ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 08CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
178IHC309ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 09CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
179IHC310ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 10CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
180IHC311ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 11CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
181IHC312ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 12CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
182IHC313ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 13CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
183IHC314ABC Code 3 - Investment - Inv Prior 14CharacterGeneric Edit10 Allow NULL? 
184IHGMTDAmount - Gross Margin YTDNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 
185IHINVVAmount - Average Inventory Value YTDNumericGeneric Edit152 Allow NULL? 

TOP920 | 41 | F4115 INDEXES

1Item Branch Fiscal Year (Primary/Unique)
1ITMItem Number - ShortAscending
2MCUBusiness UnitAscending
3FYFiscal YearAscending